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Mx Female BBWs, Shortstacks, PAWGS, Oh my! (NSFW Links!)


Aug 7, 2018
Hello there BMR! LordMaul with another itch i'm looking to scratch, perhaps you may even share the same itch? If so I hope you might be interested in what I'm looking for! I've always been drawn to more Thicc women. Women that some would see as a more traditional look. Women many regard as having a more curvy appearance. As a skinny young man, I've always been gravitating towards women like this. There is nothing more beautiful to me than a thick woman. The way her appearance can be so alluring. With big breasts that seem so big they could smother you, an ass so fat that would be as hypnotic as well as tempting to pound with a rock hard cock, or a chubby belly that fittingly compliments such well endowed assets. Many seem to look such women over, when they can be as more fun just as any woman. I wonder if you might indulge my particular craving towards these these women and perhaps share my interests as well. Now with that neat little intro lets write some hot, fun smut with these chubby beauties!


The Wench: It's a dark and stormy day in a mystical fantasy world. Along the road sits a lonely tavern that normally seem full to the brim with patrons. Orcs, Elves, Men. Creatures of all type, come one and all. However, this day brings in no customers, not even the monsters would come out to visit. The tavern is quiet and lonely, save for a lonely wench left to look after the place. It seemed to be a dreary and dull day with no customers, and no business. That is until a mysterious stranger visits, he is drenched in rain covered in wet cloaks and rags. The Wench seemed happy to get a customer, offering ale and food to the mysterious stranger, while at the same time her eyes linger upon him. Stealing glances at his form. He is a tempting sight for the lowly wench. The tension builds until the wench begins to offer this man special services well into the night. However, these services are a more intimate kind that no one else is offered. How will this night fair for the mysterious adventurer and this lowly tavern wench? Perhaps she will earn more of her fill in gold and then some.

The Big Girl Stripper: She had always wanted to fit in, but she couldn't seem to fit in anywhere. No one wanted to interact with her, socialize or sit with her at Lunch. She had gotten through High School with no problem, and starting a new life as an adult. but she had always been seeking to do more. To be more accepted, to be desired by boys unlike her friends, or even the stuck up popular crowd. She just couldn't find a way in. An idea occurs to her, as she thinks of ways to make her life more exciting. To gain more confidence, she spends more time with her teachers, even trying to have a conversation with the Jocks. Finally she sees a want ad for a job, thinking they were looking for models only to find that it's a strip club ad. She never danced before, wouldn't think she could do it. She gains the courage to answer the ad. Finding out that her body could be used to further herself, and tempt other men be it ones she knew, or older ones that would take a liking to her body. Each night on stage leads to her confidence growing and growing, and a new cock to fill her every night.

Chubby Moms Midlife Crisis : She had once been happy, once been desired by every man. Now the years had passed with a Husband and a Family. Life seemed to be so picture perfect, until it wasn't. As her kids started to grow, and her Husband began to touch her less and less with time. She felt more and more frustrated. Moms have needs after all, and sometimes they need a cock to clean out their holes to. She fantasizes about something more exciting to add to her life. She starts thinking of having her desires filled, her holes stuffed and filled completely. She starts sneaking out, going into bars, clubs. Dressing more provocatively instead of motherly. Even going home with a new guy every now and then. Some could imagine this as a midlife crisis, but she doesn't see it that way. She sees it to be young and wild again, or to even get a taste of that. Just how far with this new phase go? Will it be just a phase, or would this be her new life.

In Space No One Can Hear You Breed: In deep space there sits a space station cut off from the rest of civilization. Two members are on board, a young man and his older superior. Both maintain a tense, yet decent relationship both operating the station. They spend weeks, if not months. But as time passes, contact with Earth comes sparsely, the supply ship arrives every once in a while. Conversation is had to pass the time, with one day the subject of Sex is brought up. What turns out to be a fun, steamy conversation between two workers devolves into a passionate encounter. Both caving into carnal needs long buried. It spirals into a night of lusty passion between two explorers on the far edge of space. After that night it changes into something more intimate between the two crew members manning the station. As time passes all professionalism stops, the two left alone to their own devices turn the station into a lust-filled sex den with only one thing on each of their minds. The need to touch one another, to breed...

Comic Con Fun: There is no place like Comic Con where fans gather, nerds one and all. Men and Women flock to the gathering just to show off the best cosplay, competing in various competitions. For one woman though, she might seem to wear the wrong sized cosplay. Her ass is spilling out of her costume, her tits and her belly threaten to rip it in half. All the while every horny, nerdy man is watching. Hungry eyes glued to the curves of her body. At first she would find it uncomfortable, but strangely seem to like the newfound attention that no one else would show her. She soon finds guys walking up to her, asking for pictures, stealing gropes of her ass and tits while wearing a smile on their faces. It isn't before long where she is invited by multiple men back at the Hotel for some drinks. What could go wrong?

The Landlady: He seemed to enjoy his apartment, his easy going life. All he had to do was go to work, and come home. He lived a fairly simple life, albeit a lonely one. Just as he thought his troubles were nonexistent. He finds himself out of a job, and unable to support himself. Worst off was the rent was past due. He had dreaded this meeting, as he had hoped to get paid before being fired. That didn't stop the knock on the door. Of course he knew the landlady, a kind yet firm woman with a more curvy figure. He wondered if there is another way he can gain some borrowed time. She arrives, but with some luck and some charm he might be able to talk his way out. Could they work out a deal? Could he still remain a good tenant? It seems that with a little luck the man might be able to stay, for the right price.


Rough Sex
Dirty Talk
Revealing Outfits
Public Sex
Sneaky Sex

Hard Violence

If there are stories you'd also like to suggest do let me know! :)
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