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Fx M or F To anser the add...(Breaking Writers block)


Mar 20, 2017
Cassandra Write is a well known novelist and has been struggling creativity for a while. She add an idea for a spark of inspiration by putting in an add on an disclosed website for adults in here area~

'Hello, My name is Cassandra Write. I am 42 years old and have been seeking inspiration for a new novel I am working on. You see, Im trying to write a story about relationship complications but I find it difficult since its been so long since I have spent quality time with a partner. To round things out I would to observe or even attend Two people or a threesome in person. I live in a rather quiet home with nearly no company and I will personally pay all accommodations for your travel here. Pay for your time spent will be communicated before arriving.
Now for some conditions. Having sex with me or other company is a must. After all this is for research. I am looking for both A male and female companion for this endeavor. You must be at least 20 years or older to accompany me. You will have the opportunity to stay in my home for a three day sex vacation. For more information please contact my email below-'

Cassandra posted a link to her email and a photo of herself below the add she created. In this photo Cassandra looked middle age but really well put together. She has long dark hair, dark brown eyes and light skin. She has a DD chest and a fit but curvy figure. And Most importantly, she looked to have a lot of money.

(I don't plan on this being a long run but I am looking for something to do between things. I can be vary active so I will be no short of replies. Just PM me if interested and we can talk about it.)
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