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Fx Any Sex and Sorcery


Jun 30, 2024
Well, only one of them is mandatory

Welcome! Feel free to peruse my Request Thread and if the fancy takes you message me, I currently have a couple of spots for RP's.

Lets get the important things covered first:
Response Rate - I'm talking one to three responses a week, depending on how life is going. Slow is okay, so is fast, but I won't be responding to multiple posts a day. I think this is the biggest conflict I've had with other writers in the past - so manage your expectations accordingly. Planning messages can sometimes be more frequent, especially if I'm not at work.
People - I'll write with people of any gender writing as any gender, who I won't write with are people overly concerned with other writers 'real life' gender. Because a) it's whatever someone wants it to be, and b) that's just weird mate.

What I'm Looking For:
Fun, laid back smut, with fun laid back people. There's a whole world of options, ideas and kinks out there for us to explore! Don't take the following ideas as exclusive, I've no intention of just sticking to these few ideas out of the millions available.

Fantasy - From generic to more specific, monsters, non humans, magic and so on. I love fantasy aesthetics and lets be honest it allows us to include a lot of the more fantastical kinks just by virtue of not being mired in reality.
Modern Fantasy - Want modern touchstones but getting rid of that pesky reality? I'm also game for that. This is the closest I tend to come to 'slice of life' or mundane settings, usually by swapping out the girl in a 'girl next door' idea for a goblin or something.
Science Fiction - Robots and Aliens, that's what it's all about!
Supernatural Horror - Tentacles and weird beasts? Yes please? Can also act as an overlay to Modern settings.
Historical and Fandoms - Not usually my thing because either I know too much about them to enjoy a laid back RP, am expected to know too much about them to enjoy a laid back RP, or get too into research to enjoy a laid back RP (try me though, you never know).
Modern - Not my favourite, but sometimes you can only get the filth done in a bog standard 'real' setting, more of a 'maybe' than others on this list.

(These are just some favourites or considerations)
Cheating/Adultery - Cheating is bad, but also fun to write about.
Magic - Despite my name this isn't a thing I want included in every single RP, I just enjoy it, whether as background, detail or a facilitator of plot/kinks.
None Humans - I could spend an age listing all the kinds of none humans I'd either enjoy writing as or against. The more uncommon the better.
Light/Dark - I prefer lighter themes but darker ones do appeal from time to time, but usually only in a slightly campy fantasy setting.
Identity - Gender, sexuality or otherwise I'm always happy to explore these things (but if doing so is self exploration for you, please consider letting me know so I can be extra considerate!)
Disability - Rather than fetishising, I'd just love to include some disabled characters some time.
Worldbuilding - Shhhh, don't tell anyone but sometimes worldbuilding is more fun than smut.

(The headliners, not an exclusive list)
Clothing - Details of it, sexy clothing, cum on it, damage to it, uniforms, costumes, sex in it and so on. I'm sure you get the jist.
Anal - Frankly anything to do with it.
Femboys/Tomboys - Or any other none stereotypical presentation of gender.
Monsters/None Humans - Yes it's a theme and a kink.
Transformation - Nice or nasty, quite often via magic.
Messy -
Usually due to bodily fluids, but there are other options, like slime.
Incest - What can I say, taboo is fun.
Breeding/Pregnancy - The swollen belly being the big draw.

(Just a few ideas that are floating in my head at the moment, not exclusive and I'm open to being approached with your ideas or riffs on these)
The Dragon Layer - Someone's been hired to rid a village of a troublesome beast nearby, but once they meet the would be vanquisher and the monster think they can come to some kind of arrangement...
The Apprentice - A wizards apprentice's adventures in a fantasy world, we can agree before hand whether the world is campy and fun or dark and full of terrors.
CYOA/Random Generation - I like the idea of randomly generating characters (like in some tabletop RPG) and stretching our creative muscles coming up with a story and characterisation for them, I've seen a few 'CYOA' things floating around that whilst not randomly generating characters create them mechanically.

(From time to time I like to use Celebs in an RP, either as themselves or as face claims, the following is a non-exhaustive list)
Nicola Roberts (or any of Girls Aloud), Lana Del Rey, Christina Hendricks, Maisie Williams, Anya Taylor Joy, Dua Lipa, Charli XcX
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