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Mx Female My Girlfriend’s Ass Gets A Lot Of Attention


Jun 27, 2024
This is a modern, very smutty, casual, boyfriend/girlfriend roleplay, where you’ll play as my girlfriend with a ginormous ass! Here’s who you’ll play as:

Your Character

She’ll get a lot of attention for it, from family to friends. It’ll spark all sorts of different relationships and twists and turns!

About Me
Hey, I’m Mike! 25 year old Male from USA. EST time over here.

On a typical day, I like to write multiple times a day and love to just send responses back and forth depending on if we get into our story or not for sure. Though, I understand some days might not be as frequent or at all since life happens. For any reason, I like to just let my partner know!

I tend to write a good paragraph or two at least with every post, sometimes more.

I can play multiple characters as well.

I love a good bit of senseless casual smut in the roleplay as well ;)

I'm Male, so I like to play male characters mostly.

I like making original characters.

My kinks are rough sex, spanking, spitting, hair pulling, vulgar name calling, being dominant, big asses, long/hot/raunchy doggystyle sessions, casual cheating, casual sex, degradation, heavy ageplay, some story and drama doesn’t hurt too, etc. those are just some and open to more!

My limits are rape and feet. That’s pretty much it.

What I’m looking for
A slice of life, bf/gf scenario/story.

Someone 18+

Someone willing to play female

Long or short term is fine with me.

Roleplay Starter
You and I have been dating for a while. You were known for having one of the fattest asses back in high school, and it carried over to your college years now as well. It wasn't any surprise as it was your most prominent trait your whole life. After high school, you moved into my house, living in my bedroom with me. The household consisted of my dad, mom, Johnny (younger brother), you, and me now. It was great, though you've caught the attention of almost all the guys in my family. From my dad to my cousins and uncles. They would stare pretty hard, but that's as far as it goes really. Also, you've been used to guys staring a lot now. Today, you were wearing a white tank top and grey sweatpants, which was tight around your butt from how big it was. It was still pretty early in the morning, around 8 am. You woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. You laid there on your belly on the couch, watching tv alone as you didn't want to wake me. I normally liked sleeping in. Just then, you hear footsteps coming down the stairs behind you, slowly. Johnny appears into the room, tiredly, rubbing his eyes a bit. "…Morning." He says, softly, then yawns.

*If interested, send me a private DM with what you would like me to call you, your age, timezone (I'm EST, USA), and anything else you think is important.*
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