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Slice of Life Worlds


Jun 16, 2024
Hello - excited to have you drop in and browse around so I'll jump right into things!

Main points first:
  • Slice of life is king.
    • Over the years I've come to realize I prefer exaggerated realism over hyper realism slice of life stories. To me RP is meant to be fun, its the open wide world of possibilities and I enjoy the stories that allow the freedom of realism that could happen, not just the stories that are likely to happen. Here are some quick examples: excessive amount of money, impressive sexual stamina, secret societies, mass influential power, etc. Because playing a bad boy x shy girl at college is fun, but playing a billionaire's bad boy son x FBI Director's shy daughter at a private academy is far more enticing.
    • There are some that argue that this means I'm actually into fantasy, but I disagree. Hence saying exaggerated reality.
    • I will do fantasy. But I'm picky and I gotta love the idea of it from concept all the way up through building. It's a hassle. I don't want to be a hassle for you. It honestly might just be easier to let me seek out fantasy when I want it. But if you read through all of this and think we could be great partners and you wanna shoot an idea my way - all the power to you.
    • Fandoms are out for one simple reason. There is not a fandom I could ever know well enough to actually play inside.
  • Complex, multi faceted, layered lives.
    • I wanna know our characters intimately. I want to know their friends, their parents, siblings, pets, triumphs, failures, heartbreaks, mood swings. I want to know their thoughts and feelings. I want it all. I'm not sure slice of life is the right setting title because I want the world. I'm always bummed to see talk of world building almost exclusively reserved for fantasy because I always feel like there's so much that can be built for every story. But yes, I am aware that slice of life grounds us in the human world of reality but I still wanna build out what the characters "world" is.
    • Plot. Plot. Plot. Even if it's vague, even if it's just a general idea of living. I hate to lose the thread of storytelling under smut.
      • Do not get me wrong, smut too. Always smut. But balanced.
      • Drama. Action. Romance. Angst. Highs. Lows. All of it. PLOT.
    • I love side characters. I love being able to step out of a sole focus of two characters into their lives with others. See the craving for the "world" above.
      • Yes, this means each of us will have to play multiple characters. No, I do not expect these characters to become as in-depth, vital, or constant as the main ones, but if you're completely against multiple characters I may not be the partner for you.
      • With every partner I like to discuss the "ownership" of side characters. More often than I not, I find it easiest to build a general character outline together and then we can both use the character as we see fit/need to.
  • For the gods.
    • Here's the things about god modding - no one likes to have it done to them. But! I have learned over time I'm more relaxed than most in this category and there are few exceptions where I will willing to turn over the reins. I know, I know - hear me out.
      • Is it a simple god mod where you're assuming my character is following yours from one place to the next or following along in a conversation in a group setting? For the love of all things holy, please god mod my character in these situations to keep the story moving.
      • Do you have a very specific idea in mind that requires a specific reaction/mood/response from my character so yours can have a follow up to move us along in the right direction of the plot? God mod it. I mostly see/use this one in memories or flashbacks. As long as it isn't widely out of character or a massive action.
      • Are you trying to reveal/build up a major surprise or plot twist? You got it - god mod. One of my biggest RPing regrets to date is messing up what would have been one of the greatest plot twists that I would have severely loved the shock of reading without knowledge of it because I refused any and all god modding.
      • All of this is being said with the understanding that I will not god mod anyone unless we speak about it before. Either as a conversation on the front end about some flexibility like the above or in the moment of a response where I would like permission. This also only really works when the partners are open to hearing/seeing the words "I don't actually like that...can you remove it/can you retype it".
  • Long term besties.
    • I love following characters throughout their lives. There is just something about being able to start with a younger character (within site regulations) and follow them through their life that just does it for me - it's my jam! I also love this concept in the fact that it almost lets you built multiple roles into one story. Sure, we may start out as a forced guardian x charge between two life long family friends within a secret society, but we may go to college as rivals fighting for society leadership, just to become a boss x assistant when one of our families becomes disgraced. Honestly, time makes anything possible.
    • You are welcome and encouraged to pass me up for one shots or short term things - they're not for me and I want everyone to find what they're looking for without wasting a bunch of time or effort!
  • Point of view.
    • I will always prefer first person. But I will do third. But just to point out - typing I, is always faster than a name or she/he/they/them - just saying.
  • Discord please.
    • I strongly prefer using Discord. Its organization ability and access make it top tier for usage. I also used chat based format RPing for years so it's what I enjoy most. If we stay on sight, I'm only interested in PM's.
  • Timing, length, and grammar.
    • I'm very lucky to have a super flexible life. On Discord, most of the time you can probably expect multiple responses in a day, On site, you can generally expect 1 or 2 responses a day.
    • I am not super picky on length. As long as it's quality, keeps the story going and is enjoyable, I'm good and golden with it.
    • Dude, the English language is hard. RPing is meant to be fun. I am here for fun. So as long as you're trying, I can understand what's going on, and there aren't a crap ton or excessively frequent issues, you're not going to hear a peep from me about typos or imperfect grammar.
  • OOC and pictures
    • Yea...about the story or just chit chat. Open for it all.
    • I'm open for faceclaims, but please no celebrities or drawn characters.
      • Also I love to extend the use of pictures. Specific outfits, yes. House, yacht, car, - yes please. This doesn't need to get overwhelming but sometimes it's fun to add in a visual piece.
Ok! I'm sure I missed things above but I'll find them as time goes on! Let's move onto the fun stuff!
Power imbalance
  • I just love a general sense of power imbalance between the main characters. And not in a negative or working to balance it kind of way. This concept can happen in a variety of ways but here's a short list of the ones I really like:
    • Dominant men x submissive women. This is preference for most of my roles.
      • Casual to moderate patriarchal standards. You can ask about this one - it's nuanced.
    • Popular x not/shy/nerd
    • Open relationship x faithful
      • Favoritism to main character, casual use of others
    • Money
    • Positions of power
    • Age (older male/younger female)
    • Experienced x inexperienced
Lovemaking all the way to hard kinks (including but not limited to Dub con, CNC, BDSM)
  • Using sex as both a reward and as punishment.
  • Whether it's because we're doing something we shouldn't be doing because of who are our characters are to each other or because of where we are or the taboo nature of what we're doing, putting our characters in risky situations is always fun.
Pregnancy/risk of pregnancy

One of these days I will get around to making a more comprehensive list. For now, just ask!

This is it, the ideas.
These are broad - this is intentional! I really enjoy the collaborative building process so I tend to skew on the side of a general idea, open widely to the influence and direction between the partners rather than a strict idea specific characters must fit into.

Our worlds are doused in excess privilege, money, and opportunities. We both attend one of the world's elite private academies. A sprawling, pristine campus tucked away from the world's prying eyes with private room dorms, olympic athletic coaches, Ivy League professors, an endless list of resources, and rare parental influence. With all this freedom and the world at our finger tips, what can happen?
  • This is one of those roles where it's fun to see what people can get up to when we remove the mundane of every day life. There are so many character options here so I won't even try to list any out but the main thing here is that this generally high school aged characters to start.

This idea can happen in any structured, hierarchal power based concept - preferably a taboo one.
MC was assigned to YC as a charge. Guardians become the guiding hand for their charges. They teach them about life, about the rules, about how to be successful. Being a Guardian to any Charge is a highly sought after honor but every Guardian wants to be assigned a high ranking Charge.

From this, we would collaborate on what the power structure is, if our characters like each other, if your characters is excited for his assignment, etc.

But if you need /want a little more on this one, here's a more detailed concept from my idea:
There's a secret society that runs the worlds from the shadows. It's been the drinvg force for centuries, for as long as there as has been power to be held. The soctiey is lead by the heads of a handful of powerful families from each continent, the Kings. The Kings fit in the fabric of society (CEO's, doctors, lawyers, politicians, etc.), their underbelly power and influence going unknown the majority of the world.
Our fathers are 2 of the 6 Kings for North America and we've grown up together all our lives. In fact, we've grown up close to all 4 of the families that represent the Unites States in power. Our fathers having decided to raise us together to breed us into friends, to strengthen their hold on their positions as Kings. Raising their first born sons to one day rule, while raising their siblings to one day become their Court members. And it worked, our families are a tight knit group, with a lot of the Kings kids being best friends. Including YC, and the other oldest son of each of the kings. The four of you are thick as thieves, chosen brothers.
YC has been steadily learning the ways and rules of the society, shadowing your father to one day take his place, working up the ranks of power, and is excited to have finally been accepted as a Guardian. The first of the Kings children. You and the other oldest sons are all expecting your assignment to be one of the younger brothers of the Kings, or maybe even a son from one of the trusted Court or Knight families, any of those options would be preferred. Power guiding power and all. But no one was expecting your assignment to be me. My father's only daughter. The youngest child of the four kings, a mistake my parents were not planning.
To YC this assignment is a slap in face, most importantly because MC remains the only uninitiated society member amongst the children of the Kings, having rank only because of who my father is with no standing of power individually.

I have a decent amount of building for the society beyond this but I won't add it here because I'm very open to collaborate and adjust as we build. If you're interested, I'd be happy to share when you reach out.

Have you ever wanted to deep dive into character's psyche when things go horribly wrong? Same.
We grew up in a good, safe, and tight knit place. Our parents are best friends, YC is best friends with my brother(s), our families took vacations together, we were constantly at each other houses, we grew up together. And eventually our crushes on each other drew us into dating, and we fell in love. It was picture perfect.
Our characters had that all-American relationship. The athletic jock with the cheerleader girlfriend, both smart, funny, popular. And we were madly in love (think of the Hollywood young love perfection, that's it, that's what we're talking about) and had everything going for us. But we're teenagers and being perfect is impossible. And one night it all goes horribly wrong.
When too many drinks, a fight, and a horrible decision leave us wrapped around a light pole in YC's car our world collapses. MC is left in a coma for months while YC is left to navigate the aftermath of the humiliating fight, the damage to his body, and the fallout of the accident.

By the time MC wakes up, so many wheels are already in motion. She's being charged with attempted murder, YC's family has a private case for fraud, theft and emotional duress waiting in the wings and the community she grew up has turned against her. She's now alone, left to her own defensives to try and navigate this world after she destroyed her previous one.

This idea has a lot of options for where to start. It can literally be right when she wakes up and we work our way all the way through the court cases and such or we could start after the court cases and work through the aftermath of all the consequences there, or we could jump forward years.

Couple things about this role:
  • You must be willing and able to play YC through both the lens of someone who is angry at MC and someone who is struggling against the emotions of still loving them and seeing them struggle. A bully romance if you will. On the flip side I will be playing MC through the lens of still loving your character/missing them and being angry at them for letting their consequences get so severe.
  • I would prefer a heavy handed imbalance between the characters. YC is still popular, well off, favored by community and our parents, etc. while mine is cut off from her parents funds, excommunicated by friends and siblings, isolated, etc.
    • BUT I do want angst from both our characters. This will not be a one sided trauma story. Though YC will seemingly have "come out on top" through the majority of it.
  • This role will absolutely require the use of side characters heavily.
  • This will be a slow burn between our characters. I'm not looking to rush this idea right back to "happily ever after".
  • There will still be sex included. Both between our characters and YC with others.

I realize this isn't many, that's intentional too. I just want to highlight the ones I'm most interested in currently. These will shift over time. I'm also open to all sorts of 'basic' roles so if there's something you're craving, feel free to shoot me a message.

Speaking of sending me a message - please do! But please have some context or detail in it. I'm bound to just skip over messages that are along the lines of "Hey, I think we'd be good partners. What are you into?" or "I like your idea about Rampant Opportunity."
If you're messaging about one of my ideas, tell me what you like about it, tell me what you want to know about it, share some of your ideas! If you're messaging about a different idea, send me a broad scope of it, the characters or dynamic you're seeking, some basic plot ideas for it.

And to wrap it up - I hope we all find that one unicorn partner that just gets us so perfectly so we can finally play out all those stories filling up our heads!
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