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Mx Male BG3 - MxM - Astarion/Raphael


Feb 6, 2013
* I primarily crave to play as Astarion against Raphael, but am open to playing him against other male canon characters.
* I can write on-site or maybe in Discord, if we click!
* I am open to very AU ideas OR sticking to the game plot strictly! Let me know your preference~!
* I AM VERY OPEN WHEN IT COMES TO KINKS. I have tried pretty much everything under the sun. Let's discuss it!
* Literacy. Please be willing and able to write whatever you need to move the scene along, be it 2 or more paragraphs. I write 3-6 paragraphs.
- I understand that post length depends on the scene, and also, quality beats quantity!
* Proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc is expected. Mistakes happen, but it becomes obvious when someone isn't even trying.

I kept this brief, but if the pairing interests you, let's discuss a plot!​
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