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Fx Any The Borgias-inspired Plot (Historical/Drama/Intrigue/Religious Themes)


~Fluffery and Violence~
May 19, 2024
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· 𝕾𝖊𝖝 · 𝕸𝖚𝖗𝖉𝖊𝖗 · 𝕻𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗 · 𝕬𝖒𝖊𝖓 ·
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Rome, in the 15th century.
The eternal city, home to ancient ruins, the tomb of Saint Peter and the Vatican, seat of the Pope and center of the christian world. And as such home to many a plot, intrigue and debauchery.

I recently got into watching The Borgias, which has inspired a bit of a craving for a historical plot, set in renaissance Italy and specifically in Rome. Fancy dresses, church-politics, intrigue, art and all that jazz.

While I'm looking for a historical setting and a little bit of accuracy would certainly be nice, I'm not too terribly a stickler for historical accuracy and more than fine with taking a few creative liberties for the sake of the plot.
Aside from that general setting and two character-ideas below, I don't have much of a plot prepared here, so I'm open for suggestions!

  • I'm a sub-leaning switch, mostly playing female characters
  • I aim for a post-length of 500-1000+ words and about one post per week(more or less)
  • I'm kind of a visual person (as apparent by this over-designed thread) and tend to use photographic faceclaims. Fancy formatting is optional, but always welcome!
  • For more information about my writing, kinks, etc. I'd lazily point towards my other request-thread

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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓼𝓪𝓷

Alessandra Pisani was born as the daughter of a famed courtesan. Her mother had, through her charme, wit and beauty, won the heart of many a rich and powerful man, allowing her to retire to humble estate near Rome to raise her daughter. Alessandra recieved an education rivaling that of many nobles in the countryside, but her position as the daughter of a courtesan and an unknown father, their livelyhood always depending on the discreet gratitude of her mother's benefactors was always a precarious one. When her mother fell ill and finally died, she saw her modest wealth swiftly melting away...
And not unlike her mother many years before, the young woman found herself on the road to Rome, armed with nothing than her beauty and charme to try her luck. But unlike her mother, she also started with a decent education and a few halfway decent dresses...And a vague hope to get the support of one of her mother's former lovers (who might or might not be her father) and his family...
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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖞

Sister Agnes wasn't always destined to become a nun. born as Cecilia di Avona to a wealthy family of venetian merchants, she was destined to be married in a prefereably profitable way. But fate had other plans. While accompanying her father on a journey down the Adriatic Coast, her ship was caught in a terrible storm. And there, holding onto the mast for dear life, Cecilia swore, that if she made it safely to the port, she would dedicate her life to Christ. And, despite the protestations of her father, she stuck to her word and joined a local convent.
Once there though, she quickly found out that matters of the faith came only second after gossip, affairs, corruption and petty squabbling over offices and worldly possessions. As befit the daughter of a venetian merchant, the freshly renamed Sister Agnes showed a talent for any kind of administrative work, book keeping and the uncanny ability to rub two coins together to produce a third...and an even more uncanny ability to make sure that coin disappeared in the accounts again. So she spend her days taking care of the convents modest wealth, confessing her usual sins and slowly dying of boredom and spiritual disappointment....Until she drew the attention of a cardinal, who saw her talents and offered her a rare position in offer she gladly took.
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