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Fx Male Improved thread, Sill not so special title


Aug 16, 2023
Only looking for 1-3 partners currently.

Please don't message me and ask to RP if you aren't going to listen to my ideas and only shove yours in my face. While I'm open to talking about plots, I want my input to be listened to as well.

I personally try to give anywhere from 1-3 paragraphs depending on what I have to work with. If you only consistently do one liners, I will unfortunately grow bored.

I do not currently have any face claims for my characters, but I can describe them to you. (I probably won't play any characters you ask me to unless they are a side character as I have my own characters)

I do not play dom, but I wont play a full on wimpy sub either.

I am not into group scenes, and will only do 1x1 RPS. I can be convinced to have 2 males to my 1 female, but only one person playing both males.

For some ideas, my characters will usually be open to ideas to try, even if the need to be given the idea by their "partner" or "friend" in the RP.

I'm open to quite a few different ideas~
Blue is Male, Purple is Female

werewolves- (full shifting, not antro like)
Werewolf X Human
Werewolf X Werewolf

elves (a few possible plots)
Elf x Human
Human X Elf
Both Elves

Centaur X Human
Centaur X Centaur

Dragon x Human
Both Dragons
and other creatures (If you have any let me know)

prince x princess
x guard
x servant
or other ideas

Open to attempting a slice of life, various open ideas~
friends to lovers
New meets
City boy x Country girl
Open to your ideas as well

Animals (craving plots with animals) (different possible ideas for this, just message as to what your wanting and we can discuss) (not "rabbit-girl or fox-girl type of animals)
Animal x Human (Also open to Animal x Animal)
I am open to playing the animal as well IF we have 2 stories going for them

I absolutely love slow burns/romance, so I would happily take those over plots that jump to smut.

Open to other ideas if you have any.

Fandoms (I use OCs, but won't argue to you using canon)
Pokemon (different ideas possible) (trainer x trainer) Pokemon x trainer
Avatar the last Airbender (OCs only)
MLP (OCs only)
I'm open to other Fandom ideas if you have any not listed.

Antro/furry (you would need to convince me)

My biggest NO's with RPs are
Abuse (mental/physical)
Heavy BDSM
Incest (step/adopted I can do, but not directly related)
My character cheating (just can't and won't do it)
Being controlled (if that's what you're into, I won't be a good partner for you)
Nothing too crazy.

Anything else can be discussed. I am open to other plots as well if you want to ask about them.
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