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The quiet thrum of a starting engine quickly followed by the same mechanical beast revving to life in a split second. This was where Marise found herself in the midst of a well thought out escape plan, not that she was in imminent danger - on the contrary, she was doing this to gain even a small taste of freedom without someone else hot on her heels. Her plan was relatively simple despite being detailed out to the letter, requiring all of the pieces to fall perfectly into place to avoid arousing suspicion and alerting the three men currently inside of the hideout and likely oblivious to the young woman's disappearance. Light green optics flitting back and forth among the darkness that the forest provided, the only light being from the scattered trees around the area and so close to the hideout there were very few present to give her away. To go out alone as the afternoon gave way to evening was risky, especially due to the trek across the desert to get to the preferred cliff she tended to visit as a means of procuring much needed space.

'Just an hour or two, and I will be back before they are too upset with me..' Getting away with the venture was simply out of the question entirely, the males would soon sense the missing presence and after that the act of slipping back unnoticed went up in flames. Marise even decided to take the bike of the one who was most likely to go out and fetch her, having learned that this was a tactic before the made sure her adventure was not interrupted - the lecture and anger would be saved until the female returned back safe and sound. It was a tad bit difficult to maneuver such a huge machine, but due to prior training and lessons it was simple enough to grasp the concept of leaning into a turn to avoid disrupting the momentum at higher speeds. That, and she had yet to be provided with one of her own and usually was designated to one of three aptly named bitch seats when they would go anywhere.

She took to putting the bike into proper gear and sped off with a shower of dirt spraying behind her, freshly tilled and telling of the recent disturbance as the figure of both her and the sleek machine roared off into the distance. It was times like this the silver haired female was glad that her rather long hair was usually kept in a tight braiding along the left side while the right merely hung down to the right. Marise made sure to keep the right side behind her so that the wind would not end up flipping it back up and into her view, among the vast shades of sand and rocks that littered across the desert landscape the dark dot that she presented was rather easy to spot from far off. The trip to the cliff in question took roughly fifteen minutes at best, allowing her to set up the kickstand and lean back onto the bike and openly stare up at the scant amount of stars attempting to peak through the orange hued sunset.

It was quite peaceful and relaxing to get the chance to remain there among the oncoming stars and velvet sky that creeped up onto the oncoming horizon, time like this allowed her to think and reflect on the way her life had changed over the past year since being discovered inside of that laboratory. Marise usually remained quite tight lipped on what took place inside of those walls, mostly because after hearing some of the horror stories from the other three it made her upbringing look picturesque. Being raised like a normal girl all of those years while they were put through all manners of hell and physical torture - it was unthinkable and caused a feeling of guilt to well up within her breast. Not like any of them liked to speak about it, either. Most of the time they remained tight lipped or avoided the topic in general as if wishing to bury it altogether.

When the sun had all but settled in the sky, that was when she showed back up at the hideout and steeled herself for the reception that she was certain to receive upon arrival. Hands were gentle as she smoothed out any wrinkles that tried to form on her leather bodysuit, carefully parking the machine and swinging off of it to plant both boot clad feet onto the ground below. No sooner than the engine was turned off she swore up and down she heard footsteps, not even given a moments respite before receiving her lecture, no doubt.​
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