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NBx Female The wolf in the girl's changing room (aliens and NSFW)


Control My Mind
May 14, 2019
Eastern Canada
She's not transgender. What she is, is a near human alien. So near-human that she passes for human by most metrics. She looks, talks, and acts like a young woman, the same as all the other girls. The differences are increased strength and speed, sharper teeth, faster regeneration, longer life span, higher intelligence. Oh, and a massive 13 inch retractable cock which can disappear into a normal looking clit, or come out at any length between 4 and 13 inches depending on the job it's needed for. The other kind of sinister thing about her is that even though she looks like a 17-18 year old human girl she's actually a lot older than that. She will look young like this for hundreds of years so there's no telling how many generations of girls in how many countries she's teased and toyed with.

Girls love to go to the bathroom together. They love to giggle together in the changing room after a long sweaty game of dodge ball or floor hockey. They like to help each other shower and comfort reach other when sad. And this alien will be able to do that too, because her cock can hide in it's clit form. While hidden it will look like she has a normal clit and pussy, and in fact it's a fully functional one. If licked or teased it will cause her pleasure the same as a human.

But this girl went to this school and took this phys ed class for one reason. She wants to have sex with every girl in the class. After all, she protects this planet from asteroids and other alien invasions so why shouldn't she be allowed to have some fun?

She does bond with the humans sometimes. She does build real friendships with them. She cares about them. But her horny impulses are her main driving factor. She wants to breed them all.
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