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Mx Female The weekend I caught you staring at your friend’s boobs…

May 21, 2012
Below is a starter I quickly wrote for a scene revolving around boob envy. It's not entirely set in stone, so if reading it gives you ideas of a similar nature or if you want to change certain aspects, please say! I'm sure we can work something that we both enjoy!


It was late afternoon of a summer's day, the air was still warm but far lighter and fresher than it had been before and we were sat around the outdoor table of the lake house, all three of us relaxing

We'd been friends for a few years now, having met early on in high school and had taken advantage of someone's friend's dad or uncle or somebody owning a lake house that was somehow completely empty for a weekend. Having driven up earlier in the day, we were basking in the potential of a free weekend, strengthening our friendship that had been weakened by us all going to different colleges. But it seems as though that wasn't the only thing we were thinking about.

Or rather, it wasn't the only thing you were thinking about. Because for something like the fourth time this afternoon, I caught your eyes hovering over Sophie's cleavage. The first couple of times I'd chalked it up to my somewhat perverted imagination or just a weird coincidence of your line of sight. But this time I was certain of it. She'd turned to look out at the lake, taking her eyes off you when you took your chance to rather sheepishly cop another glance. Not that I could blame you of course. She had great tits from what I could tell and it was warm, so she was wearing a lower cut top - nothing slutty or inappropriate you understand - that showed off her impressive, at-least-D-cup cleavage.

Nothing had ever happened between any of us, least of all you and Sophie who were, to the best of my knowledge, both pretty damn straight. Which is what made it all the hotter to me, so when Sophie got up to grab us all more drinks from the kitchen, I took my chance to lean in towards you.

"Hey" I whispered, smiling sweetly at you. "Wanna explain to me why you keep glancing at Sophie's tits?"


Thank you for reading my starter! I am imagining a group of 3 very platonic friends at a lake house for a weekend when I suddenly realise that you're taking in our friend's cleavage at every opportunity. That said, as I mentioned at the top, if you want to change names, appearances - maybe it's her ass you keep noticing? - or the setting, please let me know, I'm happy to adapt!

I'd really like to play out the boob envy and shy embarrassment angle, where you're embarrassed at being caught and would rather not admit to it at first until I push you further. Where I push you from there is up for discussion!

But if you see it going slightly differently please let me know.

Kinks (not all are applicable) - corruption, coercion, orientation play, boob / ass envy, ffm, coerced bi female, oral sex, cumshots, facials, reluctance and more...
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