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Mx Female Sindicate Search & RP Partner Recruitment [ M x F - can play M or F role ]


Jun 28, 2024
United States
Thank you for coming! While you're here, please take a look around! :)

‣  I have approximately 19* years of RP experience.
‣  Online pretty frequently. Weekends are the best writing days for me, but Thursdays, Fridays and some evenings during the rest of the week are a possibility too.
‣  I operate out of the Central Time Zone but am willing to coordinate with people from other regions.
‣  Give respect, get respect. This mostly relates to being approached. You'll get back only as much as you put in. Don't waste my time and I won't waste yours.
‣  Leave your sense of entitlement at the door.
‣  I like to think of myself as a reasonably down to earth person and those are the kind of people I like to collaborate with.
‣  I don't mind forging friendships outside of RP but I understand if that's not everyone's cup of tea. Please be mindful of healthy boundaries and acceptable social etiquette.
‣ I can role-play here via PMs or thread or off-site on Discord or F-Chat. Let me know what works best for you!
‣ I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ROLE-PLAY. If I don't respond to your initial message, there's probably a reason. I'm not obligated to explain myself.
‣  I also have an F-List profile located here for specific turn-ons, turn-offs and some original characters I've made! I am not limited to portraying the characters listed there, though!​


⮞ It's possibly the most important rule of interacting with others and though it seems like common sense, sometimes figuring out what is and isn't polite is difficult.
⮞ Use your best judgment to avoid any conflicts or misunderstandings.


⮞ Let's face it, no one's perfect.
⮞ But take extra care to proofread your posts or the initial message to a character you're interested in.


⮞ This is something that a lot of writers struggle with. Everyone also has different preferences and expectations when it comes to post length.
⮞ The length of a post can be influenced by many things, such as the type of scene, the time that the write has to reply, and the device they're replying on. It also depends on their personal style.
⮞ If a writer uses long, flowery descriptions and likes to make their posts more dramatic and poetic, they will naturally be longer.
⮞ However if they prefer to get to the point and use concise descriptions it will be shorter. Both are perfectly correct.
⮞ If your partner's posts are much shorter or longer than yours, look at the content rather than the length. If the post is well written, there's no reason to complain.
⮞How many words or paragraphs there are has nothing to do with the quality of the writer. Be sure to discuss this in advance if you're unsure.

Ideas? Still working on that...Currently open to suggestions at the moment!
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