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Meeting With the Boss (PreciousKitten x Lockdown)


There are no pacts between Lions & Men
Apr 29, 2020

“I understand sir. I promise I won’t let it happen again,” the vampire paced around his finely sculpted timber desk. His monitor flashed alert at another missed meeting he was unaware of while his laptop displayed an email from his father to call him immediately. “Yes sir. I understand,” Max confirmed before the other line disconnected.

His hand sunk at the weight of the turmoil his secretary had placed upon his shoulders. It honestly felt like a Herculean labor to keep up with her shenanigans. The vampire loosened his collar and scarlet tie to ease the edge off along with stripping himself of his blazer. He sat on his leather chair and it groaned with him while he pressed his weight into it. As if it too grew tiresome of these games. The man then pulled a cigar from his rear side drawer and lit it aflame with one of the candles on his desk.

He took in a few puffs before exhaling a sigh of relief. His hand massaged his temples in contemplation of what to do with his useless secretary. He half glanced at the family photo taken when they were kids. She just so happened to weasel her way into it before the photographer took the shot. Something her didn’t pay much attention to until now that she’s made such a nuisance of his office and work. He flicked the photo down with annoyance before glancing at the time. It was four fifty-nine. Just one minute away from clocking out.

Before she could click away to the elevator with those heels of hers. Max slammed his finger onto the intercom as if it’ll amplify his voice to the maximum. “IN. MY. OFFICE. NOW.” he ordered in a rather bone chilling sonorous tone before taking his finger off the button. He would catch her before she had the chance to leave. But he knew her rebellious nature was unrivaled and the chance of leaving anyways was high.

He flexed his hand into the air and yanked it back as if pulling imaginary strings. All the doors leading to the outside world closed shut. He then turned his hand and the locks fell into place with an eerie click.

Max then took another puff of his cigar to ease his nerves. The stack of complaints piling up on his desk would serve as the ammunition for the wrath she would endure among these chambers.

When he sensed her presence close to the double wood doors they would swing open inviting her in. Crimson eyes from the darkness stared at her with a single candle illuminating his face. The shadows twisting his features into a dark semblance she had never seen before, “Come in,” he welcomed but his tone was laced with venom and he looked like he could sink his teeth into her neck without remorse. That and the room was pitch black so it was less than welcoming.

With a snap of his finger the room illuminated with all of the candles sparking to life the hidden history behind this office. The chandeliers shimmered brightly while the torches on the Greek columns, which laid on the outside of the main office, helped support the spots the chandeliers reach couldn’t touch. Books from days of yore lined against the outer office and behind the columns. While the main office had two leather couches with a single coffee table at the footsteps of his secretary. Max’s desk stood a few steps above the main office with the desk sitting in front of tinted windows so dark it didn’t allow anything to be seen from the outside world.

There was a strange scent in the air as it infected her nostrils. As if foreign but native in some contradictory manner. After she had entered his office with heels clicking along the finely sculpted black marble floors the giant wooden doors closed with another eerie click following behind them.

A set of champagne in a bucket of ice and two glasses was set on the table along with a metal and marble Chess set with the king missing. The metal pieces shimmered when the fire place came to life and brought forth a forgotten warmth into the room. “Pour us a glass,” he simply asked while his free hand was playing with the Chess king as it flipped through his fingers as if it were a pencil.

Max took another puff of his cigar before he left it idly floating beside his person as if it were his familiar. He rose to his seat and gained his full stature while reaching for the paper of complaints. He cleared his throat before flipping through a few and sitting along the front of his desk and taking center stage, “Unprofessional etiquette with clients. Lack of respect to superiors. Constantly tardy beyond the ten minute grace period,” his crimson eyes then glared at his secretary, “and just has an overall bitchy attitude,” he growled that last one with venom.

The vampire slammed the papers onto his desk, “Those were but a small list of complaints I’ve been receiving from our fellow employees, but that last part was what I personally had to say about you,” he callously revealed while beginning to roll up his sleeves.

“You see, as the boss. It’s my job to make sure everything is running smoothly. You, have not only managed to upset our coworkers but HR has been up my ass to do something about it. But today, you fucked up. And I mean you fucked up BAD. I missed a million dollar deal I’ve been trying to land for the past nine months because you wouldn’t notify me even when I asked you to,” he huffed in utter indignation.

“My parents named me Maximus Victor Leonard,” he teetered off course by just finishing the roll up of both sleeves, “Which stands for the greatest brave hearted victor. Do you know what that means?” he inquired without really looking for an answer, “It means they expect me to do great things and do what no one has been able to do in courageous fashion!” he spoke proudly as if honored to be assigned the name. “So as the boss of this fine company it’s also my job to straighten out insubordinate workers the best and most courteous way no one’s ever done before,” he disclosed.

“So you have two choices right now,” he held two fingers in front of him.

“Pain. Or. Pleasure.”
It did not take much effort to find the amber eyed female who usually sat perched outside of the office of the CEO's own son and heir, in fact, her presence there was what usually brought many of the male clients in absolute droves. Stark white locks were pulled into a rather intricate looking French braid to at least attempt to keep herself a bit professional. Though the notion of having to conform to such business attire standards regularly pissed her off. Celeste allowed her gaze to flit up and look at the overhead clock, noticing that it was roughly two minutes until it was time to clock out and already positively itching to get out of here.

She outwardly scoffed at the sound of the intercom going off at exactly one minute until quitting time, merely rolling her gaze and continuing to walk off at least until invisible tethers began to forcibly pull all of the doors surrounding her shut and even going so far as to lock them on the spot. Her stance stiffened, but out of annoyance and not exactly fear as would be the usual custom. Most of that was because the woman had seen this song and dance before, quite often used as a scare tactic for workers who toed the line. 'Well, apparently I have done something to piss Max off again.'

The notion of being forced to go to his office after work hours caused every fiber of her being to scream, wanting to revolt even before knowing the crime she had 'committed' as an offense. Celeste felt the way her body tried to tense up as she casually walked through the door, heels the only instrument making any form of noise as clacking along the pristine flooring and only stopping when she managed to see a dancing flame of a cigar wafting across the desk. Throat emitting a soft growling sound at the request to pour two glasses of champagne, knowing that technically she was meant to be off the clock and no longer at his beck and call.

Celeste went about the action of uncorking the champagne bottle, making sure to avoid getting any of the initial burst of it on her clothing but holding little regard for the puddle it made on the marble flooring. By the time all was said and done, two modest glasses were about half full of the bubbly golden liquid and one being carried in each of her hands though she merely sat down across from Max holding both of them. She even made sure to catch his gaze and take a sip of one, that ever-defiant glare in her eyes prominent and noticeable.

"You said to pour 'us' a glass, not once did you mention that I would have to hand it over too." Instead, the feline took another drink of her glass, practically draining around half of the contents of it in under two modest gulps. Celeste crossed one leg over the other, the action only drawing attention to how short the formal black pencil skirt was along the curvature of her ass and fuller hips. No one ever doubted the reason the cat woman still held down a job at this company, that very reason stemmed from Max's own father who was practically smitten with her. It did not help the two were rather close growing up, and in more ways than one she held a kind of place within the family so cutting ties with her and throwing her out was a difficult task to achieve.

Facial features took on a snarky attitude from the start, barely even listening to the formal list of complaints that Max readily rattled off to her as if it was meant to actually mean something. Honestly, he did not spark any type of real fear inside of Celeste and that in turn had created a monster that was just now being dealt with. Perhaps if his father attempted to quell the spoiled and pretentious attitude she presented at a younger age, the vampire before her would not be left to deal with his father's own mistake.

Amber optics were narrowed at the mention of that damn deal, the one thing that was a thorn in her side for almost the past year and caused multiple late nights spent with Max all but forcing her to try and take on multiple new tasks onto her workload to be a 'team player.' She casually sat the now empty glass on the desk in front of him, even going so far as to actively stand up and lean over the desk so that the button-down shirt she wore for work could barely contain the breasts inside. Celeste actively chose to stare Max down, one of the reasons that the two fought often enough was the similar natures they held and a stubborn streak a mile wide.

"Hmm, and what if I choose neither?" Celeste countered readily, still holding his crimson gaze in a locked battle of sheer will alone. In that moment, the female was doing things that anyone else in that company would have easily deemed to be suicidal. As the pair continued to vent off anger, the top button of her blouse chose that time in particular to come undone and reveal deliciously dark tanned skin underneath that appeared silky to the touch.

"The way I see it is I should not have to sit here and hold your hand through this, if it was such a big and important meeting - maybe you should have taken more care to put it on your own personal calendar instead of blaming me for your own incompetence. But no, as soon as something goes wrong it is automatically something to do with me. As for the bitchy attitude you described Max - this has been how I've acted since we were younger, what the fuck makes you think that I would change for you?!" Her words were loud and echoed off the nearby walls and reverberated back to them in kind.

"Face it, because of how much your father adores me - I am indispensable and a permanent pain in your ass." Celeste countered with a smirk gracing her lips, only then did she actually set down the second glass of champagne before standing back to her full height. An air of confidence surrounded her, it almost felt like she had won without even having to try.
Celeste dared to tread dangerous waters as she came face to face with her vampire boss. She was so close her intoxicating perfume even flooded his nostrils. It was making him sick. Her cleavage fought tooth and nail for his attention as the pretty ladies have enchanted many men with their allure to ease any sort of punishment or trouble she might've been in the past. But he instead held a steady gaze to rival her amber irises would be found with his fiery crimson orbs because of her audacity to step up to him. A stun locked match between two apex predators within their own domains was nothing new for the two. It had been this way for a long time now. Except, Max had lost the last fuck to give tonight.

His secretary's lips perked from amusement at winning another dispute as she mistook his silence as resignation. Another stroke to her ego that not even the toughest man in the office could tame this little kitty. Max took a deep puff of his cigar before slowly exhaling. Allowing her the time to revel in his "defeat". The smoke expelled from his nostrils at the same time crimson orbs locked eyes with hers as if she had just awoken a slumbering dragon.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to like that?" he spoke in a slow and calm manner as he inquired with a stern gaze. Words wouldn't escape her lips in time to answer though. A sudden chilling hand had found it's way onto her throat before fashioning a tight choke making it difficult to breath.

Celeste stood at eye level with him at her full stature combined with her heels. That is until he stopped slouching over his desk in his seated position. The man rose from his lax post and surged onto his feet and regained his full stature along with his full chest practically at her eye level. He easily pushed her backward until her back slammed against the bookshelf wall behind her. Max then finally released her from the shackles of his iron clad grip.

She wouldn't find any breathing room however as he pinned her against the wall of books with his body and arms blockading any form of escape. A frightening cold glare cursed her to oblivion at even thinking she could get away with her brattiness today, "Wipe that shit eating grin off your face Celeste. You're my god damn secretary because my time is too valuable to handle certain administrative tasks. You think because my father likes you it excuses you from doing your own fucking job?" he cursed at her defiant nature and delusion of grander to make a well-off wage and think she didn't need to work for it.

Max leaned into her ear and whispered in a husky fashion, "You're bleeding money away with your inadequate performance. I'm going to have to punish this little disobedient kitten," he cooed before playfully nipping her earlobe. Then a sudden surge of electricity shocked her when he decided to nibble her nape with his fangs. A playful side which hadn't been seen since their younger years let alone in the office space as if he meant to get payback from her bleeding the company dry by actually feeding upon her red juicy nectar.

He teased her enough until it was obvious that he actually wasn't going to drink her blood. Faint pricks along her tanned skin looked as if she was harassed by a mosquito. The vampire then held onto her chin and forced her gaze to meet his, "Tonight you'll get a punishment equal to the severity of your actions. You won't change? Fine. But you will be a dutiful secretary when you step into my office and you will pay dearly for your transgressions," he divulged in today's meeting agenda.

Her boss's gaze finally severed ties with her amber eyes and gave in to looking at her voluptuous figure. "You're always parading your assets to get off the hook," an adventurous finger began to toy with the top-most button of her blouse as if easing it to come right off. "I never really cared to look nor has your attire ever wavered my decision making," his knee pressed in between her legs forcing them to remain apart.

Max's eyes once again found her Amber orbs. This time Max had a mischievous smirk on his lips, "Go ahead and hike up your skirt, kitten. I'll show you what a real pain in the ass feels like," he exhorted with the cute nickname from their childhood now perverted into a carnal tone before he closed the distance and shut up any of her defiant or witty remarks she could muster by tasting the flavor of her full lips.

His heart began to beat faster. She tasted like a shot of taboo debauchery brewing for a century before being uncorked from the mason jar. A flavor he had long since forgotten after the mundane buzzkill office life was. For once he pressed the "fuck it" button and didn't give a damn in the slightest. His fiery passion to shut her the hell up with his lips overpowered the logic behind it.

The vampire tugged on her lower lip as he tore away from their kiss before he could get buzzed from the adrenaline of it all, "Don't keep me waiting," he barked with a firm tone and even firmer crimson gaze.
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"What the hell do you-" Whatever was meant to come after that sufficiently silenced by both the muscular hand wrapped around her delicate throat and the wind being knocked clear out of both lungs at the impact her back made with the bookshelf. Some of the books even managed to rustle and fall among the commotion, being thrown down and making an absolute cluttered mess with a few pages coming out. Celeste was now able to feel the first bit of fear during the encounter thus far, mostly because despite how much she usually pushed Max's buttons the vampire was always so damn careful not to react in a physical manner.

Throat muscles contracted violently when his hand was removed, allowing precious oxygen to flood back in and leave the Nekomata to devolve into a coughing spasm all the while Max looked quite pleased with himself. That cold glance which all but pinned her body on the spot and froze the blood inside of her very veins, amber eyes were wild as the black slits within were gradually taking over as if to properly indicate the emotions welling up within. She wanted to stutter something out, anything at this point that would at least push back some of the emotions long since supposedly dead and gone.

Celeste lost that last sliver of control at the feel of familiar fangs grazing against the side of her neck, not putting enough pressure to puncture or make a lasting mark - just enough to whisper a warning. Fuck, of course Max would end up remembering the soft spot that the female had for both his dominant nature and those damn fangs of his! Her own fangs subconsciously pricking the pliant flesh of her lower lip, mildly aware of the copper tang that now assaulted her taste buds. As if on cue, both of her legs were threatening to actively give out until his knee was planted in-between voluptuous thighs to keep them wrenched apart.

'God, not again! We have already done this particular song and dance before, and it never ends that well.' Celeste was trying to come out of the drunken stupor the vampire had put her in, now feeling as though she took in at least two to three glasses of that same champagne from before and it only amplified the heat that rolled off deep caramel skin in waves. Time slowly ticked away on the clock that was mounted along the wall, each subtle second that went by feeling like an eternity.

"Fuck off-" Celeste had once more tried to get him to back off, but instead that backfired and a pair of lips she was intimately familiar with came crashing down onto her own. By this point, the female could not even speak let alone think coherently. He always somehow managed to do this to her, even though the blond had on numerous occasions told herself that playing with the vampire was much like toying with a lit match. Pretty and intoxicating to look at but given enough time she managed to always get burned.

By now, her lips were becoming bruised and sensitive from the ferocity in which he attacked them. Whatever fight she might have had left inside of her body was sufficiently tamed at least for the moment, now being pushed to the side in favor of a different kind of frustration that assaulted her brain with a blinding white flash of light. "Son of a bitch, you always do this!" She ended up crying out, but the tone was weak and not even remotely as forceful as it was meant to be.

Clawed fingers somehow went down to toy along the hemline of her skirt, not even actively choosing to disobey simply because with the position that Max had her in now - resistance just led to not being able to even walk the next day. An audible hiss coming out as she hiked up the charcoal black fabric, now he was able to see the lacey black thong that honestly covered little to nothing of her luscious backside once her body was forced to turn around and face away from his. Honestly, it was better this way because Celeste did not want to actively look at the man in the moment.

"...Yes sir." The words tasted bitter and laid heavily on her tongue long after they were uttered out to meet his ears, the picture that his fiery secretary had once painted being diluted by the submissive posture her body took out of instinct and even the ears on her head were flattened to match.
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