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Fx Any Mind Control Device


Control My Mind
May 14, 2019
Eastern Canada
Its a nano chip that gets lodged into the brain stem with a chip gun which will scan the brain step and beep beep beep when the allignment is perfect. Since the chip gun looks like a normal pistol, it's very easy to use it with threats to get the victim turn around and willingly be chipped without them even knowing that's what going to happen. Once chipped they will obey commands from the person programmed into the chip. They also won't be able to self harm, suicide, or harm or kill the person who's commands they have to follow. They will fall asleep and remain in a coma-like state if they travel too far away from the person commanding them.

With that said, the person who is chipped will still have their person personality, preferences, code of ethics, and habits. They are still a human with free will for the most part. But when commanded to do something by the one programmed into the chip, they will obey even if they verbally say no or scream. They will comply immediately. Humorously quickly in some cases. They'll often verbally disagree while literally doing the task.

Lots of plots, settings, and stories can come of this idea. Just throwing it out there. Please have an idea in mind if you pm me.
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