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Doctor Who Roleplay


Jun 7, 2022
All characters are 18+
Tags: Literate,longterm, descriptive roleplayer
Pairings: oc x cc (all types of pairings welcome)
This may be a slightly random request but I can't help my niche fandoms! I've recently fallen back in love with Doctor Who (that final was meh but we move) honestly mostly the more modern series'

I am looking for long term descriptive oc x cannon roleplayers! I'm not replacing or removing any current roleplayers just feel the more the merrier.

11th Doctor will be taken I am open to multiple pairings or poly relationships within reason.

I'm uk based so British timezone I also do work full time but I'm pretty active when I can be! Please DM me if interested šŸ„ŗšŸ„¹

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