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Mx Female Temporarily Looking ~ Story Driven, Some Smut. (closing on the 7/7th)


Jan 4, 2013
For all my ideas: Closed - Chaoticly Closed

It's been a while since I've gotten to do any writing, and I'm on vacation this upcoming week, so I figured I'd try and see if I can get a story going? Yes? Perhaps?

I'm looking for a dommy mommy more than anything else. A take charge lady who knows what she wants and takes it, but is still affectionate and loving, not bossy or rude.

If women want me to take a dominate role i'm going to be way more picky. some cliche anime style stuff probably. Magical Fighting Woman or something like that falling to tentacles or something, I dunno, but there'd be more smut.

More than anything I'm looking for something with high fantasy or supertech sci-fi, no boring mundane real life stuff. I want ADVENTURE!
I'm not exactly looking for short term, if someone wants to start something up I'll stick around, but if I get no takers before I go back to work I'm just closing down. Is what it is.
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