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Fx F or NB Abuse, Torment, Masochism? - NSFW

The Evil Queen

Vile and Sadistic
Jan 22, 2023
Greetings, I'm going to start by saying that I am looking for something that will be off-putting to most people. I am willing to compromise to an extent, but ultimately I have a NEED for a really f*cked up roleplay. I used to write some really hot but disgusting stuff back in the day and I've watered down too much. To be clear, I am looking to play a dominant character against a submissive character. All that said, I'll get to the part you want to read đź’‹.

I am not interested in any characters being younger than 20, I'm hesitant to even mention them in world building but as long as nothing sexual happens anywhere close to minors we're fine. You'd think this goes without saying, but I've gotten replies out of the blue that put me off this site for weeks...

Almost everything is on the table, but I do have some kinks to present to let you know what I'm looking for. Naturally, this list is not an all or nothing, but if you aren't interested in half of it then unfortunately it's doubtful we'd be able to mix.

Age combinations: I adore playing younger characters in dominant positions over older ones. Beyond that, I keep ages within ten years of each other if I'm playing an older character.

Anal: enemas, fingering, insertions, fisting.

Breast: groping, squeezing, rope bondage, milking, dry milking, pumping, piercings, clamps.

Vaginal: fingering, insertions, fisting, clamping, piercings, chastity.

Futa: sounding, milking, squeezing, caging, orgasm exhaustion.

Feet: please?

Misc: torture, surgical/magical modification, experimentation, magic in general, I'm open to bad ends.

I do have some ideas for plots, but I love brainstorming a roleplay beforehand to get us both invested. If one of these plots screams out to you and you're immediately on board, I am willing to fast track the brainstorming part though.

The Irregular use of Magic:
Simply put, I'm interested in exploring the twisted power fantasy that would exist if a wizard actually lived in a world of "muggles" as the Harry Potter series calls them. I'm open to actually setting the plot in the potterverse, but it isn't by any means necessary. I have a decent understanding of the series though, and even if we don't use it I do plan to use it's magic system for roleplay. If we do use the potterverse, I am also open to having your character also be a wizard if that is something you want, especially if you want to play an abused "mudblood"

Self explanatory, through whatever means we decide, your character is taken and kept by an evil sociopath. Maybe it's on a vacation, maybe it's random chance, or maybe it's delicious revenge. Either way, this plot lends itself to bad ends, but there are other ways it can end. With this plot I like discussing the details with my partner since there are so many ways to go with this.

Hypnosis or Mind Control:
An obsession of mine, seriously, I will prioritize anyone interested in this.

Willing participant:
While my thread might seem to be a noncon centered one, I do have a taste for f*cked up stories where the "victim" wants to be there, for whatever reason. Especially if they end up as the antagonist's accomplice. I'd love to set up a roleplay with this dynamic, with a masochistic character helping a villain do worse things to others. In this particular situation, I am willing to play the "extra" character and is my one exception to my preference to not play submissive characters, since I am also playing the dominant character.

I do have more ideas, but my fingers are tired, check back later and I might have updated this thread.

That's all for now, hope to hear from you if you read this far đź’‹.
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