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Dr. Smith's Office.


Sep 24, 2018
Who: Dr. Emmet Smith
When: June 26nd 2046, early afternoon.
Relevant: @LeaT (Megan)

Emmet took off his goggles and mask and wiped some sweat from his forehead after he placed the tray of compounds within the synthezier and aut0-capsulator and watched the machine spin up and start production on his latest batch of medicines. With all the manual labor involved in setting up a colony that led to scrapes and cuts, and the as yet largely unknown pool of bacteria, and virus' present on this virgin world, things like anti-biotics were in constant demand, and they had quickly been pushed into critical levels of reserves and so Emmet had been tasked with creating more.

Of course that didn't mean he had given up on his side projects, and a portion of the pills being made were his latest batch of experimental drugs. This was an interesting batch, and not one that he felt he could test on himself, so finding a guinea pig or two would be necessary.

Checking his log book, he realized that Megan O'Donnel was due for a check up and counseling session in 20 minutes. Not everyone came to these sessions, but the redheaded matriach was a regular for him. That would work perfectly. Settling back in his chair, he prepared his notes and other supplies for the meeting.
Who: Megan O'Donnell
Relevant: @Colonel_Liam as Dr. Smith
Time: June 26nd 2046, early afternoon.

Megan was still topless, holding Tag's dirty shirt as she started to leave the Shag Shack for her latest humiliation from her breeding partner. She paused before her hand touched the crude latch that held the door closed. She took a deep breath, then covered her bare breasts and her face blushed. She recalled how she had arrived, naked from the waist up and how uncharacteristic that was of her. As much as she hated to, she uncrumpled Tag's dirty shirt and slipped it over her head. His scent surrounded her as her head passed through and she inhaled deeply. She felt a mixture of arousal and revulsion as her face emerged from the neck hole and she tugged the garment down over her breasts and let it fall well below her waist. She was still braless and even with the shirt she felt indecent as she left the relative privacy of the shack and headed towards her appointment with Dr. Smith.

Her logical mind screamed at her from within, 'what the hell was she doing' it demanded as she walked with a stunned look on her face. She had been so resolute in her duty to the colony, but Tag was clearly not cooperating. So why in the hell did she keep going back to him? She should report him, get him banished, but what would that do to the colony? The whole problem was lack of genetic diversity, what would banishing a young virile, sexy... 'Fuck I got to stop thinking like this' she screamed at herself mentally as she headed into the Robinson's Jupiter to find Dr. Smith. Hoping she didn't run into Tag, but in a way wishing she would.

Megan put on her best 'I'm fine face' before pushing the button to request entry into his private quarters/office/lab set out for him on the upper deck of the Robinson's Jupiter. She was so confused and knew she was on the verge of some kind of breakdown if something didn't change. Despite her best effort, she practically through herself into the Doctor's arms and began to weep. She was a physical and emotional wreck, ready to grab onto any hope like a drowning woman clutching at a life ring.
Who: Dr. Emmet Smith
When: June 26nd 2046, early afternoon.
Relevant: @LeaT (Megan)

Emmet heard the alarm that someone was requesting access to his chambers. Opening the door he saw Megan standing there, doing her best to look nonchalant but to him she was an open book. He could tell that she was upset, to put it lightly, but the way she almost threw herself at him did take him by surprise.

Like the spider to the fly, he embraced her as well, gently stroking her hair and back. "There there.... It's all right. How can I help?" he asked, smiling to himself as ran through the possibilities Megan's emotional distress offered him. In this state she ought to be much more suggestible and he happily considered just what sort of 'solutions' he might be able to offer, once he knew more.

He waited for Megan to calm down enough to sit down in a nearby chair, while he offered her a tissue.
Who: Megan O'Donnell
Relevant: @Colonel_Liam as Dr. Smith
Time: June 26nd 2046, early afternoon.

It was cathartic to just let it all out. She had to be strong for her family and she couldn't show weakness to Tag. She didn't think of submission as weakness, especially if she was doing her duty to the greater good. But Dr. Smith was someone she could simply trust and let out all her fears and demons. She had always trusted authority figures like doctors, but the remnants of the original colony had no clear authorities. Sure they had reached consensus on the breeding program and a few rules, but it was all very informal. She was so glad to have a real doctor to talk to, they wouldn't let someone who wasn't trustworthy be a doctor.

As her sobbing finally subsided, she related her latest encounter with Tag and how he used her and as bad as that was, that she couldn't say no to him. Even if he was ignoring the spirit of the breeding program, he had staked his claim upon her and for some reason she wouldn't defy or even challenge him. She feared what it might do to the colony if she refused or had him banished, if she could even do that. The words just came spilling out of her.

"I'm worse than an animal doctor." She said, trying to dry her tears with the offered tissue. "I just don't know what to do, I want to do the right thing but I don't even know what that is." She said, the desperation in her voice growing, threatening to renew her tears but she fought it back.
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