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Dr. Smith's Office.


Sep 24, 2018
Who: Dr. Emmet Smith
When: June 26nd 2046, early afternoon.
Relevant: @LeaT (Megan)

Emmet took off his goggles and mask and wiped some sweat from his forehead after he placed the tray of compounds within the synthezier and aut0-capsulator and watched the machine spin up and start production on his latest batch of medicines. With all the manual labor involved in setting up a colony that led to scrapes and cuts, and the as yet largely unknown pool of bacteria, and virus' present on this virgin world, things like anti-biotics were in constant demand, and they had quickly been pushed into critical levels of reserves and so Emmet had been tasked with creating more.

Of course that didn't mean he had given up on his side projects, and a portion of the pills being made were his latest batch of experimental drugs. This was an interesting batch, and not one that he felt he could test on himself, so finding a guinea pig or two would be necessary.

Checking his log book, he realized that Megan O'Donnel was due for a check up and counseling session in 20 minutes. Not everyone came to these sessions, but the redheaded matriach was a regular for him. That would work perfectly. Settling back in his chair, he prepared his notes and other supplies for the meeting.
Who: Megan O'Donnell
Relevant: @Colonel_Liam as Dr. Smith
Time: June 26nd 2046, early afternoon.

Megan was still topless, holding Tag's dirty shirt as she started to leave the Shag Shack for her latest humiliation from her breeding partner. She paused before her hand touched the crude latch that held the door closed. She took a deep breath, then covered her bare breasts and her face blushed. She recalled how she had arrived, naked from the waist up and how uncharacteristic that was of her. As much as she hated to, she uncrumpled Tag's dirty shirt and slipped it over her head. His scent surrounded her as her head passed through and she inhaled deeply. She felt a mixture of arousal and revulsion as her face emerged from the neck hole and she tugged the garment down over her breasts and let it fall well below her waist. She was still braless and even with the shirt she felt indecent as she left the relative privacy of the shack and headed towards her appointment with Dr. Smith.

Her logical mind screamed at her from within, 'what the hell was she doing' it demanded as she walked with a stunned look on her face. She had been so resolute in her duty to the colony, but Tag was clearly not cooperating. So why in the hell did she keep going back to him? She should report him, get him banished, but what would that do to the colony? The whole problem was lack of genetic diversity, what would banishing a young virile, sexy... 'Fuck I got to stop thinking like this' she screamed at herself mentally as she headed into the Robinson's Jupiter to find Dr. Smith. Hoping she didn't run into Tag, but in a way wishing she would.

Megan put on her best 'I'm fine face' before pushing the button to request entry into his private quarters/office/lab set out for him on the upper deck of the Robinson's Jupiter. She was so confused and knew she was on the verge of some kind of breakdown if something didn't change. Despite her best effort, she practically through herself into the Doctor's arms and began to weep. She was a physical and emotional wreck, ready to grab onto any hope like a drowning woman clutching at a life ring.
Who: Dr. Emmet Smith
When: June 26nd 2046, early afternoon.
Relevant: @LeaT (Megan)

Emmet heard the alarm that someone was requesting access to his chambers. Opening the door he saw Megan standing there, doing her best to look nonchalant but to him she was an open book. He could tell that she was upset, to put it lightly, but the way she almost threw herself at him did take him by surprise.

Like the spider to the fly, he embraced her as well, gently stroking her hair and back. "There there.... It's all right. How can I help?" he asked, smiling to himself as ran through the possibilities Megan's emotional distress offered him. In this state she ought to be much more suggestible and he happily considered just what sort of 'solutions' he might be able to offer, once he knew more.

He waited for Megan to calm down enough to sit down in a nearby chair, while he offered her a tissue.
Who: Megan O'Donnell
Relevant: @Colonel_Liam as Dr. Smith
Time: June 26nd 2046, early afternoon.

It was cathartic to just let it all out. She had to be strong for her family and she couldn't show weakness to Tag. She didn't think of submission as weakness, especially if she was doing her duty to the greater good. But Dr. Smith was someone she could simply trust and let out all her fears and demons. She had always trusted authority figures like doctors, but the remnants of the original colony had no clear authorities. Sure they had reached consensus on the breeding program and a few rules, but it was all very informal. She was so glad to have a real doctor to talk to, they wouldn't let someone who wasn't trustworthy be a doctor.

As her sobbing finally subsided, she related her latest encounter with Tag and how he used her and as bad as that was, that she couldn't say no to him. Even if he was ignoring the spirit of the breeding program, he had staked his claim upon her and for some reason she wouldn't defy or even challenge him. She feared what it might do to the colony if she refused or had him banished, if she could even do that. The words just came spilling out of her.

"I'm worse than an animal doctor." She said, trying to dry her tears with the offered tissue. "I just don't know what to do, I want to do the right thing but I don't even know what that is." She said, the desperation in her voice growing, threatening to renew her tears but she fought it back.
Who: Dr. Emmet Smith
When: June 26nd 2046, early afternoon.
Relevant: @LeaT (Megan)

He listened as Megan vomited her emotions out, the poor woman was obviously suffering. Clearly it was his duty to help her. He stood and went to his desk, pouring her a glass of water. With her able to clearly see, he selected a small pill and dropped it in, before mixing it with a clean glass stirring rod. Offering it to her, he explained. "Drink this, it's a tonic for the nerves, it will help you calm down while we address some of these issues. Like most of Dr. Smith's words since he had joined the expedition, it was a half truth, the chemicals he had mixed in would certainly help calm Megan, but would also affect her concious memory for the next few hours while bring her subconcious to the fore, allowing him to make suggestions to alter her personality and behaviors going forward.

As he waited for Megan to finish her drink and the drugs to take an effect he started to pry into her mind. "So tell me, if things were ideal... do you want Tag to breed you because it's your duty to have more children for the colony? Would another man do? Or is it more than that? Do you want Tag's child specifically for some reason?"
Who: Megan O'Donnell
Relevant: @Colonel_Liam as Dr. Smith
Time: June 26nd 2046, early afternoon.

She was grateful for the doctor's pharmaceutical help, giving him a wane smile as she watched him drop the pill into her water. He was such a blessing for the colony, with so few of them here it was amazing someone with his talent was one of them. She took the water and tried to calm herself, drinking it down in several eager gulps then set the empty glass down. If nothing else, the placebo affect made her feel calmer.

She managed a small laugh at his question. "I'd hardly call that ideal..." But then paused to try to think about it. The subtle changes in her perceptions and mental state were barely noticeable at least at first. It felt more like clarity, something she craved even as her perceptions seemed to blur at the edges. "I hate him.' She said, repeating her overall feeling even if that didn't explain why she kept going back to him, at least not fully. "It's duty?" She said trying to say it firmly like a mantra that was keeping her on focus, but it came out as a question. "I've thought of taking another lover to breed me, it would be some time before anyone would know." It was a rationalization but she was bright enough to know she would be discovered eventually. "But he doesn't even try..." She got to the crux of her problem. "He has to try, I need him to try." It was getting harder and harder not to blurt out the truth of her obsession with Tag. It was so shameful to her that she hid it deep in her subconscious. "I should go." She said without conviction as she felt the doctor probing closer to her secret.
Who: Dr. Emmet Smith
When: June 26nd 2046, early afternoon.
Relevant: @LeaT (Megan)

He listened as Megan began to explain her thoughts, like it was a real therapy session, as his drug spread through her nervous system. When he noted that her inhibitions were dropping to acceptable levels, he used the trigger phrase he had been implanting in his 'patients' mind during their previous sessions. Grabbing her wrist, he stopped her from leaving before saying."Remember Megan, everything you tell me here is in total confidence." watching as Megan's eyes went glassy. In this state, Megan would remember a long venting session, but not what she or he had said, her subconcious absorbing his commands and suggestions, altering her actions and choices in the future. She settled back in her seat and he began.

"First off, take off that filthy t-shirt. It smells and bothers the people around you. How could you be so disrespectful to others, making them look and smell such a gross rag, when you could just show off those tits of yours? A wanton woman like you ought to be glad of the excuse to show her body off." he said, as his caring facade slipped away, a harsh, cruel tone entering his voice.

He waited for her to lose the shirt, before he continued. "It must be exciting, having a handsome young man giving you so much attention when there are younger women needing to be bred. Or a woman of a similar age like Maitland are so much more glamorous and wear more exciting clothes and lingerie. What do you think Tag see's in you that makes him want to tease you so much, rather than just breed you and be done with you?"
Who: Megan O'Donnell
Relevant: @Colonel_Liam as Dr. Smith
Time: June 26nd 2046, early afternoon.

"What? Oh of course." She said as the doctor gripped her wrists but then made what seemed an obvious statement given her ongoing confession and musing. But as the last word left his lips her eyes lost focus for a moment and she seemed to melt back into her chair. The dazed look on her face lasted only a moment, soon her eyes were refocused, looking questioningly at him as it awaiting an order. She didn't need to wait long. She was already taking the shirt off even as he was explaining why, she blushed in shame as he chastised her for being disrespectful, something she always tried to avoid. She tossed the shirt about as far away from them as she could, then both hands went to her side before each cupped a full breast.

Megan wasn't as proud of her tits (a word she rarely used but with the doctor's description it was in her mind) as the doctor's words suggested she should. With five kids, they had seen much use and were nowhere near as firm as they once were. But they over filled her hands as she seemed to present them to the doctor for his approval. As he called her wanton, she squeezed her tit flesh as if demonstrating her need for sexual contact.

She continued to knead her tits as the doctor explained the true reason for her frustration with Tag. Or at least what she would soon understand as the reason. "Yes, it is. It does excite me." Fingers pinched her hardened nipples, twisting them enough to make her face grimace at the pain. As if she was physically molesting herself in place of Tag. "Yes, I envy Maitland her confidence and boldness with men." He was finding a rich vein of her inadequacy. "He wants me to be his whore and he knows I like it." She said, reaching the crux of the matter under the doctor's drugs and influence. "He is the only one that sees me for what I really am, what I really want to be." She said without emotion but lifted one breast to her lips and sucked and tongued the nipple.
Who: Dr. Emmet Smith
When: June 26nd 2046, early afternoon.
Relevant: @LeaT (Megan)

Emmet waited for Megan's subconcious to truly take hold, watching as began to play with her heavy breasts while describing her lustful desires. Though her body may not have been as sharp and firm as someone like Maitland or Maureen, there was something exciting about watching a woman who maintained an air of wholesome family values and motherhood, debasing herself willingly when her inhibitions were stripped away.

Emmet pulled out his hard cock, his member reasonably sized, perhaps on the happy side of average. "Don't hog all the fun to yourself. Put those udders to work." he said, snapping his fingers, and pointing to his cock. He waited for Megan to come over and begin mashing her breasts around his erection before he continued the 'therapy' session.

"So you envy other women the attraction and attention men give them, and Tag fills that need for you. The question then my dear, is do you want to be A whore and get that sort of attention and treatment from many men, your husband, the other young men, even your sons? Or does it go deeper, more specific, do you want all of Tag's attention alone? I notice he's been following your daughter around... does that make you jealous? Do you want to be A whore, or do you want to be Tag's slut?" he enquired, a note of actual curiosity in his voice, as he pondered how he would respond to either scenario, what medications he might prescribe, and how he might twist it all to his advantage.
Who: Megan O'Donnell
Relevant: @Colonel_Liam as Dr. Smith
Time: June 26nd 2046, early afternoon.

It was clear Megan was heavily influenced by Dr. Smith's potion as she barely reacted when he pulled out his fully engorged cock. Despite his crude and rather slang filled words, she knew exactly what he meant. She stopped what she was doing and walked over to him. She nestled his hard cock into the soft flesh of her motherly udders and with a hand on each she jostled them so that they bounced and rippled around his throbbing erection.

"Yes, it comes so easy to them, but for me, everyone sees me as this faithful mother. The roll binds me like shackles." She says her voice slightly irregular from the enthusiastic bouncing of her tits which were remarkably well suited to the task Dr. Smith had given her. She didn't seem to recognize that his drug had quite effectively removed her shackles of conformity at least for the moment. "Yes, I want to be a whore, Tag just sees me the way I want ALL men to see me." She states in a matter of fact tone as if having given it great thought despite the rest of her body being focused on pleasuring her doctor's cock. She paused a moment to tilt her head down and spit on his cock head to add to the lubrication of his precum as if she were a porn star.

"Yes my husband too." She paused as if thinking, tits still bouncing. "Maxwell, I think already sees me that way but hasn't the courage to defy his father." She was being totally honest with the doctor, something she would have never done no matter how much she trusted him without the drug. "Martin, oh I don't think he could ever see me that way, I would have to show him."

As he mentioned Tag again her lip curled on one side as if she were giving a feral growl but any sound was drowned out by the wet sloppy sound of her tits working his cock towards climax. "Fuck Tag, my daughter is too good for him but she must do her duty too. I wish she could enjoy it without the fetters of convention that bind me." She confessed, though the question of jealousy was perhaps still unsettled in Megan's mind, even in the depths of her subconscious. He would likely have to have them both in therapy to get to her true feelings.
Who: Dr. Emmet Smith
When: June 26nd 2046, early afternoon.
Relevant: @LeaT (Megan)

The doctor leaned back in his seat, letting Megan take the lead in her uninhibited state. When her defenses were down, she really was quiet an eager and skilled slut. If he had ever bothered to analyze himself, he would have noted the twisted desire in himself to play the role of doctor while being sexually serviced by his clients as a very deep need of his, but he hadn't, and this was Megan's time after all.

His first bit of advice might have been a positive suggestion if one removed the context, "You're not a one dimensional being Megan. You have facets. Yes, you're a caring mother, but you're more than that aren't you? Don't think of them as shackles, the roles you play help to define your charms. It's too late to totally reinvent yourself. You'd make a fool of yourself trying to ape Maitland, who has spent her life cultivating a feeling of glamour and high style. No, you should simply refine what you already have."

He gestured to her. "We've all seen you in those dumpy flannel button ups, but what's to stop you from tying them off and emphasizing your tits for the world to see? Perhaps a few pairs of jeans or trousers can be sacrificed to make shorts that show off your wide hips and thighs?"

He paused to let those suggestions take root, and prompt new idea in Megan's mind as nuerons fired and made new connections. "As for your family, your sons are grown, but they still need their mother and the comforts only a mother can offer. Your husband is your partner in all this, tell him your needs, convince him your way of thinking is best particularly when you work together and not apart. He's a family oriented man, he can come around."

"And of course I would be MORE than happy to mediate on any ...conflicts you and Tiffany, or any of your family might be experiencing. You TRUST me to have everyone's best interests at hear after all." he told her as his hips started to buck, Megan's tits working him closer and closer to an orgasm.
Who: Megan O'Donnell
Relevant: @Colonel_Liam as Dr. Smith
Time: June 26nd 2046, early afternoon.

In her state, Megan was as physically lustful as any woman in the colony, but parts of her mind were still as lucid as ever, though perhaps more focused on her particular emotional and sexual problems. This part saw her as being totally subservient to the needs of the colony and its members. If Dr. Smith needed a tit fuck, then he would receive one with her very best effort. It allowed her to be almost conversational as she wantonly performed any sex act her partner could articulate.

It was not at all apparent to her that this state made her a nearly open book to the good doctor. It wasn't just an ability to make suggestions, to nudge her subconscious to do things she might otherwise do. It was that he could so openly read her deeper desires and insecurities and tailor his suggestions to simply exaggerate her most base emotions and instincts. It was unlikely he could turn her into a homicidal maniac, she had not such tendencies. But when it came to kink, she was a seemingly bottomless well of suppressed desire and curiosity. It was fertile soil indeed for someone with the doctor's skill and interests.

A change of wardrobe would be easy enough. "Yes, certainly." She agreed then suggested. "Short skirts would be quite easy to make." She was already applying her own creativity to the doctor's ideas. She had perhaps the most stereotypical breeders body in the whole colony, why shouldn't she show it off?

When it came to her family. Megan was less articulate in accepting the doctor's ideas. He would need to tread carefully there and maybe include the family in a session if he were to make more obvious headway. Though it was possible certain ideas would take seed when scattered within her fertile mind while in this state.

She noticed his approach to climax. "Are you going to waste your seed on marking me like Tag does doctor, or will you put it where the colony needs it?" She said, looking at him as if it were the most routine of questions.
Who: Dr. Emmet Smith
When: June 26nd 2046, early afternoon.
Relevant: @LeaT (Megan)

The good doctor knew he was reaching a point where Megan’s psyche would need a rest before much more suggestion would take hold. Her mind would need some time to adjust to the new realities that had begun to formulate within her.

Still decided to make two last pushes, one now, and one after he had cum. “Yes, that’s very responsible of you Megan, wanting to be inseminated. It’s your duty after all. It’s a shame so many others don’t see it way you do. Of course I want to breed you, but it would be good practice for you to beg me, like I’m one of the men you want to treat you as more of a slut. Show me how you will convince them going forward.
Who: Megan O'Donnell
Relevant: @Colonel_Liam as Dr. Smith
Time: June 26nd 2046, early afternoon.

Megan slowly nodded her head as Dr. Smith agreed it was her duty to be inseminated, suddenly hopeful that a man might actually try to plant his seed in her womb. She stopped jiggling her tits, pressing them tight around his throbbing cock. She was almost afraid to move, like his penis was a bomb ready to explode at the slightest additional excitation. He wanted her to beg? Normally she would have bitten his head off, figuratively of course, but somehow it seemed the right thing to do. She was almost apologetic that she hadn't thought of it, like a lack of good manners.

"Of course doctor." She said, carefully releasing her tits and leaning back. She encircled his engorged cock with one hand, near the base, as if to keep him from cumming too soon. She had a strong grip but was careful to not make it painful.

She looked up at him, her eyes still red from crying and clearly showed her desperation. "Please doctor, fill me with your potent seed. I know I don't deserve it, but I need it. I'll do anything you want, just fill my worthless cunt with your precious seed." Still holding his cock firmly she leaned in and kissed the head before parting her lips and sucking on his cock head. She then ran her tongue up and down his length. Looking up one more time she pleaded. "Please give it to me, I'll be so good to you, I'll do anything." She begged then began to remove her jeans with her free hand.
Who: Dr. Emmet Smith
When: June 26nd 2046, early afternoon.
Relevant: @LeaT (Megan)

He smiled at the nearly broken woman, there were times it was more fun to push and mold a less than willing subject, but right now he was enjoying Megan and how desperate she was, and how that made her so much more pliant to his methods. He gripped her hair in one hand. "That's it Megan. You're a slut, and this is how a slut begs." he told her, his voice cruel, but his face almost a beatific smile.

He dragged her back to the couch she had been sitting on when she came in, and bent her over the arm. Pulling her jeans and panties part way down her legs, he looked at her wide, motherly hips. Evidence of Tag's treatment was still visible. "Next time, clean yourself up before coming here." he told her.

He went over to his little lab and produced a pill. Waving it in front of her face he told her, "This pill will help you resist Tag and his like. You will become aroused from any sexual stimulation, oral, heavy petting, anal. But while under it's effects, you will ONLY be able to cum from having a load of cum pushed into your womb." he told her. The pill would have effects of that nature via the chemicals it released, but reinforcing it's effectiveness in the patients mind helped to amplify the effect.

Once he had forced the pill down Megan's throat, he went back behind her, and without much ceremony shoved his cock within her neglected pussy. He was fast, only thinking of his own pleasure and he came quickly, shooting a load of cum into her. Under normal circumstances Megan would likely not have felt much in the way of pleasure, if she felt any at all. But the feeling of his semen hitting her cervix almost sent her into convulsions.

He didn't let her recover, using her mouth to clean off his cock before he zipped himself back up. "Good girl. Come back in 2 weeks for another dose if you need it, or sooner if you, or your family, need more therapy. Now get dressed and go. I have work to do." he told her. The suggestive state of the first pill would be wearing off in the next few minutes.
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