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Mx Female Ein's Image-Based Prompts! [NSFW images inside]


Feb 7, 2023
Hey there! You can call me ein and I'm here with a more image-centric search thread based on all the nsfw I've just found over the years!
  • I'd be playing a dominant male/female in these plots against other female characters.
  • My smut-to-plot ratios will usually be between 60/40 to 70/30.
  • My limits are scat, gore, vore, any kind of waterworks or toiletplay (if its a bodily fluid that belongs in the bathroom I'm not about it). Feel free to ask if you're unsure about some things you want to see in the RP yourself.
  • Most of my plots will be heavy on dub/noncon themes along with corruption and blackmail.
  • This all being said, if you want to shoot your shot with a plot you haven't luck finding someone for, feel free to hit me up.
  • Looking for around 1-3 paragraphs for any give post but quality over quantity as always.
  • If you have questions don't be afraid to ask!
  • If you're interested, please reach out~

Plots (More to come)

Lost to the arena - Once upon a time you were a brave fight, but you fell prey to a shifty group of mercs who sold you off to a faraway land where slaves battle for the entertainment of others. The winner claims the loser however they'd like and your first opponent is a Minotaur and the arena's current reigning champion.

Demonic Dissertation Debacle - You thought that doing your final paper to graduate from the Academy of Arcana would be simple and groundbreaking. People always summoned demons, but what happened in the Infernal plane really? So you work up a planar door spell to go and be the first to report on life in Hell. As it turns out, it's not a great place and those with power take what they want and you just teleported in on pair of demon taking advantage of a worn-out succubus. Are you immediately in over your head, or was this right where you wanted to be?

Maid to please - You've finally landed one of the premiere jobs in your cozy oceanside town, a maid serving in the Duke's Palace. Usually, this is a well-paying job with benefits like relatively lavish living arrangements, but you've been assigned to the Duke's son, an arrogant man who has gone through more than a few maids and now has his eyes on you.

Submit to the better sex demon - You're a succubus who has only ever fed on mortals who wither away long before you get yours. While you're well-fed, your body aches for a real relief. As it so happens, an Incubus has moved in on your turf and aims to give you what your body needs, for a price.

Breaking Containment - This is pretty straightforward monster-fucking. It was supposed to be a simple smash and grab, but when the local evil biocorporation is unable to stop you, they grow desperate and release their newest experiment to track you down and take you.

Just an Orc Gangbang - You're an elf in the wrong place at the wrong time, now you're in a cart on your way back to an orc warcamp. Nothing good awaits you there.
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