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Fx Male First request thread!!!

Sayuri Sanada

Jun 28, 2024
Let's bring our characters to life! Let us build their world, make situations for them to overcome, let us chat and create together! I have a few ideas and I soooo wanna hear your ideas! I love action, drama, slice-of-life, romance, sci-fi to name a few. I think I do better in slow burn/long-term RP's where I can develop my character and learn your style as well as the ins and outs of your character. I can normally reply a few times a day, but if I will be absent for more than 3 days I will let you know! I also prefer the intimacy of private chat! šŸ˜‰

I love equal collaboration when working on a story with my partner.

Currently, I've been entertaining a Blind Samurai storyline this is what I have so far. Also, I am up for any ideas or changing it to make it better suited for us both.

In a small estate deep in the forest, Ichiro (or a name of your choice!), a once-noble Samurai, lives alone. Nori, a runaway from the enemy clan, stumbled upon his home while trying to escape her past during a heavy snowstorm. Upon entering his place, Nori realized someone was living there and panicked. However, she soon discovered he was blind and a samurai from the enemy clan of her fathers. Knowing that she would be in danger if she presented herself, Nori decided to secretly live amongst him until the storm died down. Despite being blind, the samurai was aware of Nori's presence. he was a samurai of the enemy clan of her fathers! Nori knew if she presented herself, he'd kill Nori. So Nori stayed until the storm died down, secretly living amongst him. Nori knew it wasn't ethical, but Nori had no choice. Despite being blind, he knew Nori was there.
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