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Fx Any Kynseira's Pandemonium ( Femdom (Futadom ?) - Dark Theme) Not for the faint of heart ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚


Jun 27, 2024
Part I - Introduction .
( Who am I? / Me as a roleplayer )

Hey! I'm Kynseira or Kns. I'm a woman in my twenties and I live in France (GMT +1) , My hobbies are writing and reading, abusing the ps5 , music , and being a spaghetti carbonara slut.

I've always needed a way to express my creativity and that's why I've been roleplaying for almost 6 years now. I'm a very versatile writer with a keen sense of what's excessive or not in a sentence, a description or a scene. And even though my replies can be much longer or less (preference for like 1 - 5 paragraphs) , I always aim to do my best and impress, I always try to be proud of myself after each reply and I'd rather never eat spaghetti carbonara again in my life (worse than death) than send my first draft to a partner.

Yes, I'm a cis female straight as fuck IRL, but my sexuality doesn't affect my experience in a roleplay, I'm here to be what I'm not, so no matter the gender, or the sexuality I'm in. All the characters I play are OC that I create only for our plot.

Apart from all that, I'm a very friendly person and I love talking in OOC, but it's not necessarily necessary if you're not comfortable with it. At the end of the day we're here to write a story right :)

Part II - Exceptation
(What should you expect / What am I looking for in a partner?)
Despite my heart of gold, I'm unfortunately not a romantic, what interests me in smut is mainly writing stories about sex used as a weapon and mainly for power contrast. In my stories being submissive/dominant isn't a choice, it says a lot about who holds the power between the two characters, what's thrilling when you're dominant is that dopamine boost from realizing that you're in control and that the submissive has no right to tell you to stop. And being submissive is more about secret pleasures and moral dilemmas. Pure depravity.

I'm only writing as a domme at the moment. Maybe the desire to be more submissive will come back, maybe not, but for the moment I'm only looking for submissive writers.

So - what am I looking for in a partner? Ideally someone like myself;

  • Loves to create basic characters with minimal backstory and then develop them deeper in story.
  • Is versatile! Massive multi para mini-story posts when needed? Down for it. Small, sharp, effective posts? No problem. All and everything in between? Absolutely.
  • Equally doesn’t plot too much and just lets it flow.
  • Is creative , enthusiastic and know what they want and what they don't want
  • Is patient.
Theme I like to dive in

Modern , Fantasy and SuperHeroes / Villain ( Sci-fi is meh... Can work but yeah..)
Toxic , Abusive relationship/Romance ( Corruption , Manipulation.. Abuse etc etc)

Part III - Desires xoxo
(Kink and Limits)

yeah , none of my kinks are mandatory, but if you realize that too many of my kinks represent limits for you, then we probably won't form a good fit.

• Non/Dub-Consent

Being worshipped ( Ass , Breast , Feet , Armpits etc etc)
• Violence ( From a few slap to straight beating... Let's talk about it.)

• Degradation/humiliation
• Gaslighting/manipulation/Corruption
• Kissing
• Dry-Humping
• Psychological and physical abuse

• Raceplay ( I often write black characters... *wink* )
• Contrast ( Age-Gaps , Size-Gaps , Social Class)
• Face-Licking
• Risky Sex
• Sweat / musk
• Step-Incest

And a looot more. ( Vore , Hyper , Giantess etc.. ask lol.)
You guessed it. I don't have many limits, I'm someone who's more put off by my partner's behavior than by certain kinks: passive writers, impatient writers, rudeness and things like that completely turn me off to writing with someone. So as long as you're a good human being, you'll be fine. I have some limits too.

Bdsm relationship: I like some light BDSM, however I prefer to avoid that the relationship of our characters or that the plot is too bdsm focus.
• Godmodding : I will not tolerate my partner doing things with my character without my permission - I move my pawns, you move yours.
• Magic mind control : Or hypnosis, it's way too boring. And has no narrative potential for me.

Part IV - Acknowledgement.
This post was my attempt to be brief while talking in detail about what interests me and I hope it will be enough, of course I'll update my profile with a bunch of other stuff, but for now it'll stay like this.

If you're interested, I invite you to send a message and put some effort into it, I often tend to ignore messages without effort or messages that prove to me that you hadn't read my post.

See you soon!
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[ Update 0.001 ]
Added " Theme I like to dive in " On " Part II - Exceptation "
Some slight modifications to make the post cleaner...
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