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Mx Female Mr. Fairlight's Emporium (Male Roleplayer Looking for F)

Xenos Fairlight

Jul 1, 2022
East Coast USA

Before we can get started, I want to tell you about myself.​

Let me introduce myself. The name is Xenos Fairlight. The reason for Xenos is like xenomorph from Aliens or Xenos from Xenosaga, Xenogears, and Xenoblade. You may call me Xenos or Mr. Fairlight. I am a 40 year old man who lives in the state of Alabama. Sweet home Alabama. I know that I have been roleplaying for many years (over 20+) both in normal at first before I started dabbling into the world of esctasy! I was a bit uncomfortable doing erotic roleplaying but over the wears I have grown to enjoy writing into the world of smut and eroticness! When it comes to writing, I like to take my time in writing a response to appease to my partner in a good quality fashion. I am more for Quality over Quantity. I'm looking for a submissive Female who is somewhat experienced (or not), eager to please, and who enjoys romance as well as hot, sensually detailed sex. In regards to roleplay, my main writing focus is beautiful depictions of Feminine and Masculine bodies, all the wonderful contrasts, the softness meeting hardness, the sights, scents, sounds, shapes, and motions of sex. However, I love romance, and exploring the emotions and beauty of sub/dom relationships.

Outside of my writing, I am a bit of a nerd. of that because I love to talk about video games, anime, tv shows, etc… I played all sort of games but my favorites would be the RPGs, either Action or Turn-based.
Now with that out of the way, I would like to establish some ground rules.

1. I write in 3rd person. That is it. I personally do not like the use of 1st person because it gives me self-insertion vibes. I am here playing as my characters and not as myself.

2. I write a minimum of 3 paragraphs (300-500 words). I have no max because that can easily vary depending on the scene. However, very rarely will I write less than three paragraphs, even through the dialogue scenes. With that being said, I don't accept one-liners. I'm sorry but I love to provide some details that help move the story along.

3. I am a literate writer, meaning that I love to write detailed stories with smut or not! With that being said, I REALLY love a good plot that goes along with the smut. I like to take my time to put my thoughts into words. However, I am only human and I tend to make mistakes on my writing, so I am currently improving myself in giving my partner a good detail smut! Also, I've always proofread my reply before posting while doing some tweaking. I like to discuss our plot in OOC, to plan and fine-tune the story together with my partner.

4. I am a slow writer to be honest, so I can reply two or more a week, and in some days I should be able to post several. As for the plots I am down with most of them, like romance, dark, taboo, depravity, etc… Don't be afraid to speak up and tell me your idea! I am sure that it could intrigue me However, please try to avoid 'hey, would you like to RP?' messages. I want a little more than that and there is a chance that I will completely ignore you..

5. For Faceclaims, I will mostly use either real-life or anime pictures but that depends on my partner's taste.

6. While I do enjoy a good smutty scene, there must be quite a bit of plot and character development to go with it. However, there are times where we can have a plot with heavy smutty scenes that can get our creative juices flowing. My favorite genres are Fantasy and Modern Realism.

7. I am fine with both PMs or Thread. I am not looking to play over other platforms, Discord, or emails.

8. While I prefer the long-term RPs, I am fine with short-term ones as well. Please note that with the short term, I dont mean to short posts but limited scenes of the story.

9. When it comes to story/smut, I want them both. They are both important to me. I am not sure how to specify the percentage since it depends a lot on the nature and flow of the story. I want the combination of story and smut to feel natural. In the smut department my posts will be detailed with descriptions, so definitely NSFW. I am not looking for those fade to black scenes.

10. It doesn't really matter to me when it comes to settings. My preferred setting would be either realism modern or fantasy. I love the tale of magic and steel that comes along with mythical creatures. To be perfectly honest, I really do love fantastical settings.

First, here is the link of the F-List. It's old because I haven't updated it, but the table below will show you most of my kinks!

Anal Sex (Giving)Age DifferencesBreedingfootstuff
Anal VirginityHandjobsAnal Trainingvore
Dirty TalkingPhysical RestraintsOrgasm Control / Denialbathroom stuff
Light/Medium BondagePlot TwistsMultiple OrgasmsHyper-Proportions
Rimming (Giving)Potions / InjectionsPleasure Control / DenialFurry
Sex ToysSexual ExhaustionRisk of Pregnancy
Sexy/Slutty ClothingSexual Frustration
Vaginal SexSloppy Seconds
Vaginal VirginityGangbang
Titfucking & HotdoggingSmall Breasts
Rough SexUnderwear Bulges
Risky SexUniforms
Kissing & Making Out
Romance (Light & Dark)
Taboo Relationships

Demon x Human
Human x Succubus
Captor(s) x Princess
Knight x Princess
Knight x Queen
Samurai x Princess (Hime)
Princess x Monster
Queen x Monster
Queen x Knight
Anything Harem-based in the Fantastical Setting

Teacher x Student
Husband x Wife's Friend
Daddy x Son's Girlfriend
Boss x Employee's Wife
Best Friend x Sex Addict
Photographer x Model
Patient x Therapist
Housewife x Home Fitness Trainer
Housewife x Thug
Daughter x Thug
Maid x Employer
Gym Coach x Head Cheerleader
Cheerleader x Big Nerd
Housewife x Black Handyman
Anything Harem-Based in the Modern Setting
Plot Bunnies!

Genre: Fantasy

Tone: Dub-con

Duration: Short-Term or Long-Term

Synopsis: After a long and protracted war, a horde of orc's has bowled over the last remaining bastion of safety on the continent. Under this new Orcish rule, non-orcs are considered second class citizens. Many are kept as slaves and the few that are free are always subject to the whims of their new overlords. Whether they were a princess, a noble, or just a farm girl, YC been selected to be a slave and a highly valued one based on her physical qualities. YC been in the slave market of the Orcish capital for some time now, as few Orcs can afford the asking price for her. Eventually, however, the Orcish emperor has taken an interest in and has bought her due to rumors of her value reaching even his court. She heard stories of how Orcs treat women, she have seen it firsthand at the market, but how will the Emperor himself treat her?

Genre: Fantasy

Tone: Non-Con

Duration: Short-term or Long-Term

Synopsis: A war rages in a distant land. Humans have allied with orcs, beasts, and other monstrous beings to seize territory after territory. The elven race has largely remained neutral in the conflict since its beginning, a choice that eventually returns to haunt them as the greedy conquerors turn their sights on the precious knowledge of magic that is kept quite close to the royal bloodlines so that they can expand their conquest even further. However, Elves are known to be quite powerful in the magical arts. It would be foolish to attempt an assault on their homeland even with the overwhelming forces. So, the warmongering species decide to capture an elven maiden of royalty and use her as a bargaining tool instead. If the Elves want her returned alive they must divulge information about hidden archaic magic. The longer they hesitate the more lewd and humiliating acts she is subjected to by her captors. Female Elves of status have magical deterrents protecting their chastity but the much more depraved races have plenty of other means to make use of an adorable prisoner while her comrades debate the consequences of their demands.

Genre: Slice of life

Tone: MMF, Dub-Con, Possible Blackmail, Photography & Videography

Duration: Short-term or Long-term

Girlfriend/Daughter x Photographer & Assistant

I have two different ideas for this one. First, your character is looking to surprise her boyfriend with a sexy photoshoot. She arranges a photographer and meets him at a studio, hotel room, or his apartment. While she's a little nervous, the photographer and his assistant seem professional and put her at ease. However, they both take a liking to her and decide to see how much fun they can have. They start out professional enough, taking some sexy pictures in different outfits. But then they push her a little, telling her how much her boyfriend would love some sexy pics of her in lingerie and eventually nude. Then once they've got her naked, they really begin to have some fun. Maybe she's really naive, and they convince her that if it's for the photo shoot, it's not cheating. Or perhaps they blackmail her with the nude photos or have been giving her drinks and take advantage of her being tipsy.

The second idea is similar, except your character is the rebellious daughter of a wealthy family. The family have arranged for individual portraits. When your character arrives for her photoshoot, my characters can tell how much she hates it, and they prey on her rebellious nature. First, they tell her how much her father would hate it if she didn't look prim and proper, helping to put her at ease as they laugh and joke. But then they use that to get her into sexier outfits or tell her how she would be a perfect lingerie model, but her father would never let her. Eventually, they get her naked and fucking on camera, either through this subtle manipulation or with a little blackmail as well.

Genre: Modern or Fantasy

Tone: Dub-con or Non-con

Duration: Short-Term or Long-Term

When two unknown strangers are squashed together on a crowded train, what can possibly happen? Just two strangers who don't know one another squished together as their eyes meet. It is simple to begin with, right? First, it starts with a subtle caress across her thigh. Then, his hand accidently brushed across her breast almost. Suddenly, the touching becomes more bold and then what? It's incredibly hot to do it on the subway but it is incredibly risky because there are people that might be watching. Or, they can get off and do it in the restroom or some alcove? They can try to meet again the next day. Who are the strangers and where do they live? Is it just a quick hot smutty sex or does it lead to a long-term relationship with these two complete strangers. Lots and lots of options.

Or, Just when they thought taking the subway to get to one place to another. Well? They thought wrong. It's a fairly realistic modern day scenario best lends itself to the train molester situation; I have no objection to fantastical or magical characters being involved. If you wish, the situation could be adjusted from a modern day train to perhaps a ferry crossing or a stagecoach, depending on the genre setting preferred. If you want, it can happen on the day to day basis. Meaning light touching in the beginning and slowly escalating from there. If you're also interested, we can then expand: maybe he drags her into the nearest bathroom to continue their fondling/fucking. Maybe he even takes her home to continue on.

Genre: Modern

Tone: Non-con, Dub-con, Slutty/Sexy Clothes, Domination

Duration: Short-Term or Long-Term

I see this working in either a work or school setting. When MC first saw YC he wasted no time approaching her and asking her out. At least that is what he thought he was doing when he walked up behind her, slapped her ass, and told her she had an ass that he would want to ride all night long Yet due to his general disrespect and leering eyes YC knew he only wanted her for her body and she flatly rejected him. YC wanted to have a fresh start and not to worry about the stigma of a bad reputation...again. A while back she had decided to do a small porno (webcam show), just for some money to get her to the end of the month, It was fun and she made all the money she needed and was able to quit that lifestyle and start fresh. Weeks passed and she began to forget all about MC, however MC did not forget about her.

MC has been through a rough patch since the divorce. They settle the divorce straight down the middle, and he lives One night while he was checking out a random porn site he thought he saw a familiar face. It took him a few seconds to realize who it was, and just a few more seconds to figure out a plan for what to do with this information. When YC got to her desk that next day there was an envelope inside of the drawer that read, 'come see me, we have something to talk about.' Inside the envelope was a picture of the video, one that clearly showed her face and her doing something no one would dare suspect she would even dream of attempting.

YC has become a webcam model. Perhaps you needed the money and know men find you attractive, so it has started with stripping and perhaps some light touching of yourself. You like the money, but swear you won't go further. Until I come along, I start to offer you more and more money to do things like share your private email address with me, and to perform acts online you never thought you would.

I become more mysterious and more demanding. Dropping hints that I know details of your life, and that I am dangerous, but always offering money and paying up. But I get very pushy and demanding, and the acts I want you to perform on the webcam are more and more kinky and perhaps even humiliating.

We could play it out from there. Perhaps we meet in person, perhaps you try to caught off contact...or maybe you are intrigued by the danger and money so purposefully keep it going.

I'd love to explore this with someone.

I'm really into explore Dominant/submissive dynamics. Not just the sexual scenes, although those are fun. But the characters and elements behind this exploration of taking and giving up control. And am open to any plot that explore those elements.

Genre: Modern

Tone: Non-con, Dub-con, Slutty/Sexy Clothes, Domination

Duration: Short-Term or Long-Term

Her life wasn't always like this.

She carried the mail and his boss's coffee. She always delivering them straight to his desk first thing every morning like a good little secretary. She felt the eyes of the other office girls watching her as she pass by as if they were judging her. She started to become uncomfortable because of the mixture of enjoy and contempt. As such she kept her eyes forward to make sure that she doesn't spill the boss's coffee.

She reached to his office and opened the door, stepping inside. Her boss, Mr. Lazarus was seated at his desk across from the door, facing her. The desk is wooden, but lacks the backboard that would typically cover the middle of the desk, allowing visitors to see his legs. In the old days, that would be a sign that it was purchased on the cheap, something for low ranking office drones. Here, it meant a man wanted to be able to show off to visitors what he could get kneeling down there. Usually, it's her, and she is grateful that the door to his office is solid wood rather than the increasingly common glass, which would expose her even more. She is not sure how much longer his desire for professional privacy will outweigh his desire to show off though.

Aside from his desk, the major pieces of furniture are a pair of chairs for guests in front of his desk, and her stool off to the side. The stool is so short that it's impossible to sit on without hiking your knees up almost to her shoulders and spreading herlegs. Of course, this gives him a perfect view between her legs, which he enjoys. He doesn't hesitate to talk to her crotch when dictating or giving orders, and if she is standing he usually talks to her tits. The only time he looks right in the eye is when he's unhappy with her.

For all that, she desperately hope that she's allowed to sit down, because even the stool is better than continuing to stand in the towering heels he ordered her to wear as his first change to your dress code. A secretary like her isn't allowed to use the elevators and after rushing to get here on time, her feet are killing her.

She approached the desk, coffee and files in hand, and he gestures her to come around to his side to serve the coffee, rather than just bending over the desk to serve the coffee before crawling under the desk for his morning blow job. As instructed, she circled around the desk and stand at his left hand, very close to the desk and facing towards the door, and a bit to the side; perfect groping distance. His eyes stay on his work but one hand reaches out to cup her ass, kneading it. Eventually, after looking through his mail he deigns to speak to her. His hand, meanwhile, has worked its way inside your skirt and is playing with the edge of your panties.

"I see are the results of your quarterly physical have arrived. This will be a good time to go over them because they'll be a big part of your performance review," he says. Two of his fingers are now thrusting between her legs, gliding back and forth across your panties.

He smirks. "Why don't you be a good girl and read it out loud for me so I can a make sure I'm filling out your performance review correctly."

"We'll start simple. What are your measurements?"

(This is a RP setting for either a short-term or long-term. It has domination, humiliation, spankings, blowjobs, etc… We can make adjustments if needed.)

Genre: Modern

Tone: Dub-con/Non-con

Duration: Short-Term or Long-Term

The idea is a female character is at a tropical location, where she is enticed to enter a game show which will be televised, and where she can win prizes. She signs release papers that she is told are normal legal papers for a TV game show appearance. The filming for the show is done on a private nearby island. The first round is pretty much as she expected, and there is a chance for her to win a vacation package. But after some losses, the stakes increase, and when she loses some of the challenges and questions, she loses some freedoms.

Basically at this point, she becomes a captive, and the game show is webcast to paying customers, with a small audience at the show in person. Instead of rooting for the contestants though, the audience will be hoping for the player to lose, and cheer loudly in anticipation. You will see why below.

There would be challenges for her to do physical things, sink a golf putt, for example, and if she doesn't meet the goals, she looses and is subjected to the next level of required punishment. We could brainstorm the various stages, but some ideas I have are, first being secluded in their rooms 24/7, required to be topless, bottomless, hands bound in the hours around the show, having to be subject to the show host's kinks and selected audience members while bound, with different levels levels of activities. We could also include "punishments" such as orgasm denial, and or other kinks on your list. Finally when an orgasm is scheduled for her, it is advertised in advance ("See her first orgasm after 3 weeks of being brought to the edge!") to get a large audience, and several cameras are used for different views so the viewers can view her most intimate moments as she releases. The televised sex acts would also be advertised and bring in great revenues. Basically we get to include any kinks we want to agree to that would be included in the show. There is a wide degree of things we could include here. Obviously since many would be against her will, BDSM kinks would work well here.

We can play a version where we play with his latest fascination and potential NPC ladies moving around. Or if you are up for it in playing more of his world, the hedonistic decadent one you are definitely welcome to offer. That version is more likely to be lewder and more twisted.

Genre: Modern, Slice of Life

Tone: Dub-con

Duration: Short-Term or Long-Term

Through some way that we should discuss together, a young girl comes into contact with a powerful and influential older man. This older man exploits her curiosity and innocence to charm her and convince her to experiment with BDSM. Initially this is quite innocent and comes with great perks. He takes her out to expensive restaurants, shows her the better part of town, buys her all of sorts of nice things and all he expects in return is discipline and slight obedience. Being called Owner, Master or Sir at all times, doing as he commands, wearing a certain necklace in his presence as a show of commitment, basic obedience and discipline training, that sort of thing.

Eventually he begins to lead her into the sexual side of her servitude and even there it initially seems fine. He focuses on pleasuring her and making sure she enjoys herself and gets her increasingly eager for more. And that's where he gradually makes her servitude increasingly depraved and pushes her over more and more of her limits.

How far down the rabbit hole she goes and what her life will eventually look like is something we ought to discuss beforehand, but I imagine she will eventually walk away from home and live with him.

Genre: Modern

Tone: Non-con/Dub-con

Duration: Short-Term or Long-Term

The landlord owns and runs the apartment complex out on Barrington Rd. These apartments are clean and taken care for by the maids themselves, plus the prices are negotiable. College students, single parents, and people from miles around are living in these apartments. YC lives in that apartment. The apartment complex has the dark secret, a deep dark secret, that there are hidden cameras inside these apartments for Harold's amusement. There's one in the living room, bedroom, kitchen, and even the bathroom. After all, the landlord is a downright pervert. It's the first of the month and the landlord is personally collecting the rent for the month. He goes to the last tenant (which your character lives) to collect. When he realizes that she doesn't have this month rent, the landlord is willing to 'negotiate' with the tenant. A deal for letting her stay, but she has to perform some duties for him. His sexual needs, of course. Meaning that she will be the landlord's slave for sexual uses.

Genre: Modern, Slice of Life

Tone: Dub-con

Duration: Short-Term or Long-Term

MC's son is a good kid. He thought that he has raised him right or at least as well as he could without his mother. He tried really hard not to rub off on him, being a lecherous old pervert isn't a good quality for a role model. However, it is who he is. The sad part is MC done a too good of a job raising his son to be a gentleman. His son went on three dates, and each one just wanted to tell him that she pretty and wanted to have a really good time, somewhere private. MC's son is a handsome man but he just doesn't have that initiative. Part of him believes that it is MC's fault, he brings home some pretty girls, but in the few weeks, they're gone. Until this last she's a keeper(which is YC). Even if she isn't exactly faithful, MC hate to admit it but he thinks she's staying with my son at this point just to have access to me, to become closer to MC. MC had to admit that she's a gorgeous, but maybe, just maybe he might get away with a little flirt or two. Pretty soon, the flirting escalating and soon he's fucking her. She thinks that if she breaks his heart, which she will, that he'll stop fucking her, which he...might.

MC feel guilty, really he does, but there is a good lesson. Always ALWAYS take initiative son! If she's coming on to him, then you do it right and she won't wander off. The first time she came to MC's door, about 3 months since they started dating, he turned her down easy, the 2nd time 4 nights later, it was a little harder, the 3rd time...well...he thinks that they almost woke him up. She's an animal, a real freak and i think she actually really does love my son, but she isn't getting what she needs from him, MC thinks that he should be proud that a 46 year old can still catch the eye of a 20 something. It's a regular thing now, she's over at MC's house more than she's at her own, his son doesn't even think anything of it, he's really happy his girlfriend and his dad get along.. He just doesn't know how well... (Father/Son's Girlfriend Pairing. MC is the father, and I am willing to discuss the details and hash them out.)

Genre: Modern, Slice of Life

Tone: Tags: Interracial, Multiple Characters/Scenes, Thug Speak, Rough Sex, Cheating, Teens(18+), Highschool

Duration: Short-Term or Long-Term

So, for starters, I was imagining a group of girls making a little 'pact.' One of them is a well known slut, one is a typical 'good girl', one is a hard-working athlete, etc. Just ideas, since their personalities are of course up to you. Either way, the end result is the same. One day, when these friends are hanging out, they've been talking about how unsatisfied they are with life, and one of them comes up with a deal. That all of them just let loose for one school year. That they just go wild, hook up with any guy that tries it with them. To really 'live a little' before they all go off to college and settle down, focusing on their future and whatnot. Even though a couple of them have boyfriends, they agree, wanting to experience life (maybe because the slut seems to have such a good time)

From there, we explore their lives as they start to experience more and more sex, and more and more perverted natures of people. The popular bitch letting a few nerds blow all over her face. The typical good girl sucking off a teacher to get her A- into an A. The cute Asian letting the football team each have a go in her. Whatever we decide, with the ante only being upped as time goes on.

Naturally, they're trying to keep it a secret from their families and their boyfriends, so they have to sneak around. Maybe one of the girls has a brother or two who finds out? Maybe one or two of the girls gets in a little too deep with some of the 'bad boys' and soon finds themselves in the middle of a gang bang with actual gang-members. And when they try to leave, the gang decides to tell them that they're bitches of the gang now. Different fun scenarios to keep the tension high, all the while indulging the girls into more and more lustful situations, until they're not too sure they want to return to their old lives!
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