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Mx F or NB Seeking a Mother and Daughter Pair

Corrupt Trainer

May 16, 2021
For this I'm looking for someone to play two characters, the mother and her daughter. My idea is for a longer term plot with the relationship starting out between the mother and MC and eventually growing to include her daughter as well. While I specify mother and daughter I'm more than open to discussing the involved genders. We can discuss ages so long as they stay within site rules but I was imagining the daughter being around 16-18 and her mother being in her 30s having had her when she was around her daughter's current age.

I have a few different ideas for going about that but would love to discuss the details. In all of the ideas, MC enters a relationship with the mom knowing about the daughter, and with the intent of eventually being with both.

Accomplice: For this, you would either seek me out specifically because you are looking for someone to be a willing participant in the corruption of your daughter, or you would discover my fantasies involving her in some way and become intrigued/want to make them a reality.

Coercion: The relationship here starts innocently enough. As far as you know I only have interest in you. Things seem pretty tame and vanilla, but over time I push and encourage you to try new things until eventually you've gone too far to turn back.. You're reluctant to involve your daughter but don't know how to say no.

Blackmail: I caught you doing something that would get you in A LOT of trouble. Embezzlement, cheating on your husband, or maybe you and your daughter being intimate already. Regardless of what it is, I now hang it over your head, forcing you to go along with my demands or risk having your entire life fall apart around you.

One other thing we can include is that while the daughter may be pure and innocent, never even having kissed a guy before, the mom is "happily" married. She can either be eagerly cheating on her husband, or forced to do so. Maybe the first time was a mistake. It doesn't matter as she can't say no to MC now.

I'm always eager to discuss this idea and plan things out. My schedule can be hectic at times so I can't always reply right away but do my best to at least mention if there will be a prolonged absence. My F-List is in my signature but I've also attached a simpler kink list for easy browsing. Also for this I will be sticking to DMs. I'm sorry but I don't do threads.

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