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Enemies to lovers role (interest check)

Drunk poet

Oct 5, 2018
So this post is designed to be just an interest check and separate to my main thread which can be found Here. Also for moderators if I still have any interest checks open, feel free to close them.

So essentially what I'm looking for, as the title suggests is a good old fashioned enemies to lovers plot - think something along the lines of Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler in the ugly truth, only a steamier version of it that we come up with.

MC is everything YC hates, perhaps a bit of a misogynist, a playboy or maybe born into privilege with a silver spoon in his mouth. There's something about him that rubs you up the wrong way, although, much though you hate to admit you find him quite aesthetically pleasing, perhaps even a little sexy despite hating his character.

MC could either not acknowledge YC exists or even have a similar grudge against YC, finding her a bit stuck up or stuffy, maybe even a little confrontational or simply hatshing his buzz a little, but again begrudgingly admitting he wouldn't kick her out of bed if she relaxed a little.

I want to then throw our characters into a situation where they have to work together to make the most of what is thrown at them, I.e. they are advised by their PR managers to pretend to be a couple to boost their celebrity rating, they are snowed in together on a work retreat and have to survive until the storms have passed or they end up stranded together for a prolonged period of time. Either way, I'm thinking our view of each other changes during the time together and one by one the reasons for them not to explore their unconfessed urges fall away until all that is left is their lust for one another, but can they make it last?

If you're interested, please feel free to reach out to me, I also have room for one or two plots from my main thread but will be prioritising this one mainly.
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