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ANON and the "Internet Hate Machine"


Sep 3, 2009
I frequently hear about some new douchebag kid on youtube torturing his cat, or some weeaboo preteen slut being flamed into early puberty. Some of these people gain a special kind of noteriety, and end up targets of ANON, 4Chan, IHM, and etc.

Child-Whore Jessie Slaugher
Kenny Glenn, Animal Abuser and Eternal Douchebag

The stories of the aftermath provide epic lulz, and while little psychopath Kenny deserves to be strung up and castrated with a fork, has the internet gone too far? If you bother to read the above stories, in both cases the home addresses and schools were found by people online and hilarity ensued. Hate mail, threats, hundreds of pizzas ordered, empty packages delivered by the thousands to the family home, and etc. No actual harm ever came to these disgusting little kids, or their families, but they were in a sense stalked and tortured and humiliated. Their pictures and names are all over the internet.

I have mixed feelings. I think it's hilarious to read about, but I also recognize how dangerous it is for this information to be put out on the internet. Anybody could have shown up at the door, or on the street.

At the same time, I have a deep seated hatred of kids playing around on the internet, and an even deeper hatred for their pathetic parents that allow this kind of behaviour. Kids are all neurologically impaired and stupid, some are just stupider than others. The internet can be a dangerous place, especially when you are acting like a tool. These kids got a swift kick in the ass with reality by the online public, where they should have been getting that kick in the ass and some damned guidance from their failing parents.

Speaking from experience, there's nothing on the internet that you didn't put there. If you don't want to play with the WHOLE internet, don't play with any of it.
The big problem comes from how things can be liked together with the internet. I found The House of Eros site while looking up DnD information. Studies have shown that children actually do see things very differently then adults. The normal concepts that most of us should have, are still developing in their minds. The biggest problem is the parents who don't really want to think about what's going on in their kids lives. It's just simpler for them to stick them down in front of a screen and tell them "Go play."
Children and teenagers have developing, constantly changing brains: their reasoning centers are nowhere near fully developed, which is why young people are so impulsive. I'd liken it to not having peripheral vision, not being able to see what's around corners - this is what parents are for, ultimately they are the only people that are in the position to offer any kind of guidance.
Anon is I subject I feel I can say a great deal about. This does not make it remarkable as I feel the same about a good 95% of the things that are spoken about around me. But I digress; this is about Anon, not my illustrious personage. Let's cut the bullshit down to some numbered points.

1) Anon is composed of a wide range of people from a wide range of backgrounds.
2) Anon does it for the lulz.
3) Anon has no hierarchical structure, so when a critical mass hits and they swarm on someone that person must have in some way an amusing reaction or generally be a complete douchebag.



These examples of the epic failure of modern parenthood are an endless source for lulz. The amount of information about these people weren't magically conjured by trolls. It was put there by the stupid children. They don't think about consequences when they post this information out on social networking sites at all. This is one reason why I only have fake accounts to FB and MySpace. If the parents don't care enough to teach their kids what to do (or not to do) on the internet, then Anon gets a free shot.

What I dislike is how white knight Anon has grown to become. Old school Anon was violent and mean. Kenny Glenn should have had someone kick his dick in. Jessie should have had her ears boxed. If these kids were made a better example of, maybe other kids will see how retarded it is to put your personal info out there on the internet.

My biggest complaint about the whole Jessie Slaughter thing is that even after being on mother fucking Opera, her dimwitted mother has yet to see the videos that caused the whole ordeal. She refuses to acknowledge that the exist and says things in the tune of 'they're just jealous'. Excuse me?! If I had hundreds of pizzas sent to my door, hundreds of phone calls, and empty packages coming to my door addressed to my child... I'd be demanding some answers at the end of a switch.

Besides, I get a huge kick out of these internet public humiliations. I just wait for the next one with baited breath. They are like Xmas gifts.
I love that quote, I shout it at my little sister all the time. It changed my life, for the better.

And I do agree - endless lulz.

Someone needs to unearth the kiddieporn sex videos Jessie made and force her mother to watch it while being trained by all of ANONs most unnattractive members. That'll learn her.
Anon does have the ability to produce copious amounts of lulz. It truly can be hilarious.
What gets better is when channers and goons unite. The end result is usually epic and surprisingly well-orchestrated (I mostly thank the goon side for that).

But for the most part, what Trygon said is pure fact.
The way I see it, the little monsters got what was coming to them. Not enough parents teach their kids about accountability, aka, you do something stupid, you pay for it. On top of that, a lot of them are just pretty damn irresponsible and let their kids frolic around on the internet like its the safest and happiest place on earth, which we all know is a horrible, horrible lie. While part of me wants to throw the whole damn book at the parents, the kids are just as much to blame for doing stuff thats just so incredibly stupid. I'd like to bury the lot of them up to their necks and tee off with their skulls for being to dense.
The way I see things is that for Anon/btards, they mostly keep their true hatreds on 4chan, in the rare instances where they do find someone to just annihilate, it's usually for a good reason. Jessie slaughter and Kenny Glenn brought about their own flames when they decided to be stupid and post their stuff. Jessi was a little whore who thought she was hardcore and dissed just about everyone in her vids. Kenny was just an all and all douchebag that hurt animals. They deserved their attacks. Also look at who else Anon has gone after: Scientology, a dangerous new "religion" that has killed people in the past and is taking money from innocent people. Anon hasn't gone after anyone who didn't deserve what was coming to them, if anything, I'd say Anon is more like the cyberpolice, or at least some kind of organization that warns of the dangers of the internet.
Ryu_Momochi said:
Also look at who else Anon has gone after: Scientology, a dangerous new "religion" that has killed people in the past and is taking money from innocent people.

Shouldn't they go after just about every other religion, too, then?

Don't be a fag and that shit won't happen to you.

Side-note: you really think Anon gets that information simply by it being posted online? I can guarantee you one person in EVERY city connected to the Internet uses 4-Chan. I can guarantee you at LEAST one person you actually personally KNOW uses 4Chan. If you became a target for 4Chan I guarantee you at least one of those people would give up the information they had. Just think about it: co-workers, other students, former friends, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if police officers actually used the system to call up peoples' information once a name was found.
Usually I don't pay attention to the things Anon do, because most of it's on 4chan, and when something does actually come to my attention, I don't care all that much. Most of the idiots they flame have done something to deserve it. But when it does come to sending things to peoples addresses, then I have a problem. Needless to say, I have no such issue when it comes to Kenny Fucktard Glenn. He and his brother deserve to have their lives destroyed, because they were actually causing harm to a living being other than themselves. Their parents, while I do feel slightly sorry for them, obviously should have only had one or the other: kids or cats. The fact that they were completely oblivious to their sons abusing their cats leads me to believe that they aren't the most responsible parents in the world... Though really the same could be said about the idiots that spawned Jessi Slaughter...
I do not agree with the term "Internet Hate Machine" when we are talking about 4chan or however you want to personify Anon. As much as I disagree with all forms of prejudice (Although, like everyone else I'm guilty of it) I do agree with the idea of freedom of speech and I think 4chan is a fantastic medium for this.

For every one example of Anon's brutality (Such as the Jessie Slaughter example) there are several others which shine a different light on the community. Of course you've got the most obvious ones which usually involve Anonymous taking action against those abusing animals but then you have projects such as Operation Avenge Assange which is a retaliation and an ongoing offensive against those who are involved in trying to extradite Julian Assange to the United States or those who are supporting action against him. I have found in most cases that these more honourable 'Operations' tend to out-number those that could be percieved as malicious.
Well, that brings up the question, is morality a set of scales? If the Aztecs cured cancer, would it equalize the human sacrifice? If Idi Amin was responsible for the discovery of plentiful free energy for the world, would it cancel out his, you know, murdering and eating people? I'm trying hard to avoid Godwin's Law, here.

Because they've got these "honorable" projects, does that balance of forgive the ones that authentically earn them the label "Internet Hate Machine"? I don't know the answer to that.
I really don't care. If you get trolled by these people, you get trolled. Maybe if people didn't act like complete dumbfucks, they wouldn't be trolled. You want to abuse animals and film it for the internet? Well, sucks for you. You are going to get your ass handed to you. Those guys should have been dragged out back by their testicles and lit on fire. They got off lucky.

I don't know much about Jessie Slaughter, I personally don't care about her, Boxxy, or whatever. I do know, however, that the college I am transferring to contains one of the worst and disgusting people I have ever read about and Encyclopedia Dramatica has posted enough to allow me to know about this in advance and ignore the dumb bastard as we may run in a similar circle eventually (he's a flaming homo, I'm just a homo, he might show up at a gay meeting or something and I can just punch him in the face while screaming "YIFF THAT YOU HEMORRHOID INFESTED FURRY FUCKER!" instead of being polite and congenial to him) and thus prepares me with what to expect.

Now, to be fair, I've been rping smut since I was fourteen. That is over ten years now. I have yet to get on ED. I have yet to be trolled. Why is that? BECAUSE I DON'T FUCK UP LIKE THESE ATTENTION SEEKING DUMBASSES. I am pretty sure I could have some embarrassing stuff online somewhere that could be posted up. I could probably be reamed a new one if someone decided to take the time to do so. But I don't see it as likely, especially with a plethora of moronic people flailing for the weakest bit of lolcow attention.

End result: Go Anon. Do your thing. By the way, you owe me five bucks and an abortion.
errrmmmmmm......I don't argue the face that Anon does do some things that are worthwhile butttttt.....

It was 4chan making sexual advances to, and then real-life death threats toward, an elementary school girl.

Let's back up for a moment.

4chan isn't entirely pedophiles, but it has a lot of pedophiles. Historians may never know whether it started with real pedophiles or simply hipsters making pedophile jokes in order to be shocking (they invented the "Pedobear" meme, a child-molestation themed mascot), but I know that the No. 1 job of 4chan moderators is trying to stem the tide of child porn (or "CP," as it's referred to in 4chan jargon) that floods the site. Surf /b/ for an hour, and you'll wind up with naked children thumbnails on your hard drive.

So the girl in the video, who goes by Jessi Slaughter, showed up on /b/ one night and, as they tend to do, /b/ tried to get the fifth-grade girl to strip. She refused to show enough skin and eventually took to her webcam to call /b/ a bunch of losers (4chan keeps no archives, but you can find the screen grabs of all this if you Google it and hate yourself).

Anonymous sprung into action. This is the type of cause Anonymous really gets into. Some of you may know them only for their attacks on Scientology or their defense of the WikiLeaks leakers. You probably don't know that for every one "good" deed, they perform several hundred like this. And by "like this," I mean they hunted down the personal information of an 11-year-old girl, including her home address and phone number, and began calling her house at all hours and making death threats. Hundreds and hundreds of 4chan posters jumped onboard, unified in their drive to terrorize a small child. Wow, these guys are AWESOME!!!!

She was eventually placed under police protection, and her father flipped out and made his hilarious rant into her webcam to try to get Anonymous to back off. A meme was born.

They say one of the worst things you find out about the world as an adult is the way the oppressed, when given the chance, can be just as horrible as their oppressors. Nerds who get wedgies all day at school don't dream of equality -- they dream of being the one doing the beating and humiliating. For proof, all you have to do is look at how Anonymous behaves when given the chance to terrorize someone who they know can't strike back. They find themselves operating by the same rules as any bully: They don't harm the people who most deserve it, but rather the ones who are least able to retaliate.

But most of us who find ourselves on the "geek" side of the equation want to see ourselves as the oppressed and righteous minority, so we cheered on Anonymous and mocked the ignorant hillbillies. Meanwhile, Anonymous went back to their favorite hobby: Defacing Facebook memorial pages of dead children. LOL!

I have more sympathy for Jessie Slaughter than I do Kenny. Jessie is one of many little girls with daddy issues and a pathological need for attention - given the way the media and our society is focused on sex, it is perfectly reasonable that a child with no effective role models or guidance in their life and no healthy foundation of self-worth or self-esteem would behave in this way. This sort of behaviour is not new in young kids - it's just new to the internet. Children are deeply sexualized and without someone to help them develop into a well rounded adult, it is very easy to stray into attention-whoring, cam shows, and girly ‘thug’ talk.

Without the wakeup call from Anon, I would wager that Jessie would have eventually been taking off her clothes on cam (and would then be guilty herself of producing child porn) or would have become sexually active in real life and ended up pregnant before middle school. Scarier still would be that she would play a grownup game with a predator and feel invincible in the way that kids do and end up getting raped or killed due to her own immaturity and arrogance – that would not be a stretch at all, I don’t think. It would have been a matter of time.

Being that I am jaded and have a twisted sense of humour, I can laugh at what happened and see the justification - however I do recognise how terrifying it must have been for her and her family. I might even think that it was not funny at all if her parents had shown any sort of remorse for failing so miserably at being there to protect their daughter from herself, but instead they act like idiots and refuse to acknowledge the facts.

If this had happened to me my mother would have been pissed and fought off ANON like a champ, but she would have demanded to see what I had done and would have slapped me silly and told me that if I didn't want to people to call and treat me like a slut, maybe I should take my brain out of prepubescent vagina and grow the fuck up. She would have no sympathy for my hurt feelings or embarrassment, and I would know that it was MY FAULT and whether those people overreacted or not, I brought it on myself.

A parents job is not just to kiss the booboos and wounded egos, but to teach their children that they are not a special snowflake after all, and must be aware that for every action in this world there is an equal and opposing reaction. To do anything other than toss this kid into counselling and educate her on the risks of being a big-mouthed slut would be irresponsible and selfish. Nobody wants to call their children out for being slutty, or annoying, or just plain unlikeable – but when they are too young to be able to see the consequences of their actions or to fully appreciate how much of an impact they have on their surroundings, somebody has got to be the “bad guy” and prevent this kind of thing from happening.

Kenny and his sick little brother, however, deserve nothing from me. There is a difference between a misguided child who does not feel loved enough in her own life deciding to look for validation elsewhere, and sadistic and selfish little idiots that not only derive pleasure in things that are smaller and weaker than them, but who are arrogant enough to feel entitled and justified and broadcast it, as if to say “Look at what I can do, I am untouchable, unlike this animal.” Well, the same rules apply. There is always going to be something bigger and stronger and more malicious than yourself, and if that takes the shape of ANON then more power to them. If the parents did not know what was going on they were simply blind to the truth in their children – nobody wants to see a psychopath in the eyes of their child, but I am sure they want to see that same psychopath bathed in the blood of the family pet, and worse, on the internet for the entire world to see.

It is the responsibility of the parent to be diligent in watching for this sort of behaviour and correcting it. Kids that torture animals need to be evaluated, and if the reality is that they were indeed a psychopath or “sociopath” (accurately referred to as antisocial personality disorder), no amount of crying or praying or ignoring is going to change that. Counselling and education, however, can mediate a tense situation and prevent atrocities from happening and the scorn of the world coming down on your household.
Not to derail into parenting theories, but I think it's rough for parents to walk the line. You have to support and encourage a child to give them a degree of self-respect and belief, but you also have to make them understand that they're vulnerable, yes, like anyone else, and they have to be careful and protect themselves. You want them to believe they're special as individuals, but not invincible/above the consequences of their own actions.

Of course, Slaughter's parents fell down on all counts. And so did Kenny's folks. Seriously, screw them.

And I maintain that the occasional "good deed" does not really excuse the rest of what those internet dudes do. A stopped clock is right twice a day, but that doesn't excuse the other 1438 minutes.
It has been my experience that the victims of the "Internet hate machine" usually end up as such as a result of their own stupidity, while I can agree that Anon and 4chan take it to unreasonable levels I don't think people like Jessie deserve my sympathy, even at 11 I knew that kind of thing was a bad move to make. Personally I think the main cause of idiot kids starts with the parents. Parents today are terrified to raise their hand to their kids or deny them privileges. If I had acted like Jessie my father would have worn out his belt on my ass. And I'd have deserved it too. I'm also a little surprised that Jessie was regarded as a complete victim, yeah she's a kid and death threats are extreme. But she brought it on herself with her deplorable behavior. Young or no, she needs to be held accountable, so do her parents. Definitely her parents need to step up to the plate and keep her in line. It's never to soon to show kids that there are consequences for their behavior.

Basically people who make themselves known on the internet had better be careful not to do anything stupid.

I'm not going to touch Kenny. That just makes me sick and I think he deserves more than he got.
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