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Fx M or NB Gimme da' short term.


May 11, 2020
Texas, though almost not.
Hello there!

With that out of the way, I am looking for some new RP and see what we can drum up. The first thing I'd like to get out of the way is about me, I have been roleplaying for many years and began first on an old MMO that is no longer around, moved to another that is no longer around, and then I am now in WoW so that is still around and also here roleplaying when I can! My times right now are not very limited. So all together I am sitting at more than 10 years of roleplaying experience.

The next part I'd like to discuss is the kinks that I am interested in these days. And for that, it is very simple, I do not like the hardcore kinks such as gore, vore, watersports, scat, death, heavy BDSM, torture, rape/non-con. As for what I like I am very vanilla and the easier kinks are the ones I am into, though if I think I'll like something I'll let you know and we can discuss it. And the same goes for you if you think that is something we can try to bring it up! The worst I can say is no, but I am open to trying new things.

So what's my current interest?

Just some shameless porn, OF, or casting couch type of RP.

Lots of face claims I can use as well!
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