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growing up so fast verseXshoko

Hakumura Kaga had grown up in this house. It had seen him as a sweet little thing, running around this living room in diapers and, from what he could tell from old photos, a fan with rainbow blades. He had hidden behind a long gone couch, which had stood on the windowside of this room, when mom played with him. That time she couldn't find him and he saw her cry from behind the armrest. He remembered that, didn't need old pictures to remind him. The same woman sat in a new couch now, on the shadowed side of the room. Beside her husband. Hakamura Kio, the head of their family, though Kaga would contest that if given half the chance.

It seemed that chance was coming now.

There had been a time when he'd dread coming home like this. The hall just before the lifted floors looked into the livingroom, as did the kitchen, separated from it only with a hip-height island and its drawers. Where mom would cook while dad would watch something. If he entered from the main door, and they were both staunchly sitting in the couch, straight-backed and stern, his heart would drop. Not that it happened often, when he was still that sweet little thing. Their sweet little thing.

But Kaga had another family now, one he lorded over. The boy who was technically an adult despite not leaving his teens yet, towered over most of his contemporaries. Long limbs and vast shoulders, though he retained that youthful slenderness. Today he'd draped a gray t-shirt over it. The jacket hung in the hall, over his shoes. He knew what this might be about. He'd done a number of things to deserve this kind of parental attention. There'd been organized theft, robbery and, his favorite, violence. Boys his age responded well to that, and there was plenty in Kaga to give. The angular features of his face were made even more so by his black hair being tied back, though it was barely long enough to be contained by the black rubber band. So when he looked at his parents, standing in front of the TV, he looked every bit the menace they were going to confront him about.

He folded his arms over a now rotten and elated heart and looked from his buxom mother to his large father. Kaga had inherited Kio's skeleton, even though the son had yet to fill it out with Kio's heft, Kaga did have a handful of inches on him. His head tilted and the grin that showcased the teeth that a short stint of braces a decade ago had fixed, out of their pocket, let them know just how much their son was lacking in remorse. He like to think of the other boys's face when he beat them soft, or the girls's expression when he held them down and filled them up. The night out there had so many new experiences for him. He almost blamed these two for teaching him to be good before teaching him to have fun. But he'd discovered it on his own. In spades.

"So, what do you guys have on your mind?" he asked, his voice stoic to start but with that hooligan pitch at the end. This confrontation was a long time coming, he hadn't really been subtle and it was just a matter of time before the parents of the other boys told.
The two of them were silent, television off as their delinquent son walked in through the front door. Akoya, Kaga's mother, looked irate. Her husband sighed as she stood up and walked over to him, clearly displeased. She gripped the neck of his shirt and pulled him close, looking down at the boy before closing her eyes with a pained expression on her face. She exhaled and let him go, sighing heavily, feeling defeated. "The hell is wrong with you...What did I do wrong...? I tried so hard to raise you to be a good kid...and I find out that you're...fucking...beating people up and raping people!? You're JUST LIKE HIM." Kaga didn't know that Kio wasn't his real father and it killed her to watch him become like his actual father. That remark stung Kio. "Why...Why the hell are you like this...tell me what im doing wrong...Tell me what I did or didn't do to make you like this...?" She didn't have the heart to hurt her child. Didn't have the heart to punish him. She just wanted to know how she failed him as a mother; what she could do to fix it.
Kaga wasn't afraid of them, if he was worried about reprimand his list of offenses would never have grown as much as it had, but there was something in him that stirred in the moment of their silence as they sat there. Maybe it was anticipation. Because he didn't really know how either of them would react. His parents would show a united front, as always. Mom had her irritated expression on. Her pretty face over her ridiculous tits. She rarely looked like that at him. Her precious boy. He'd barely kept up with that charade, lately.

But there was an affection in him for the woman that stood up, that gave him that signature, unintended jiggle of her tits when she came over. Today he didn't pretend not to see it. He looked her in the eye, though, when she talked about him. Akoya was disappointed with her pup. He couldn't help but grin wider when she talked about his accolades. Yes. That was his body of work. He looked back at her when she pulled him and straightened out when she let go. This was perhaps the harshest she'd been with him.

Maybe she thought the guilt of it would have him on his knees, or be fundamental in some positive change. But Kaga had already changed. This monster was her son, now. He looked her up and down. "I'll tell you what you could do, mom." he said and then threw a look his father's way. Kaga pushed closer to his mother, her tits pressing on his diaphragm as he looked down at her. "How about you take that top off? You'll have my attention then."

And if she rejected the offer, she would feel a stinging slap to her face, courtesy of her son's quick, large palm.
Akoya was caught off guard by him pressing up against him, her massive chest squishing against him. Her cheeks flushed a bit as her twenty year old son towered over her. Akoya was quite tall for a woman, damn near 6 feet...which was what made this all the worse for her. This size difference, as much as she hated to admit it...did things to her. She took a step back, eyes sharpening as she opened her mouth to chastise him. At the same time her husband stood up, unable to believe what he just said. before his mother could say anything...


Her eyes widened as her son's hand crossed her face. Her frozen in shock from being slapped by her son. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!? THAT'S YOUR MOTHER!!" He shouted, storming towards the young devil, looking to punish him himself. His mom's bladed eye trailed back to him, unable to believe her own child just slapped her. There was a soft blush on her face... could have been from the contact...but her nipples which were already pressed against her top stiffened a bit. Finally, Kaga had broke. He could no longer hold back anymore. He was gonna make his mother his bitch tonight, whether her father liked it or not~
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He noticed by the way she backed off and considered him toe to top that she'd seen their difference in size now. She had been larger than him for most of his life. He had felt safe with her but there was this nagging part of him that had always wanted, no, meant to conquer her. That intent radiated from his body now, after intimate contact with the breasts that had raised him. He caught her lips in the act of telling him off, but that's not how this worked anymore. He looked at his father, standing up, but it did nothing to stop the son's arm from twitching out, long and far, and coming back in with a flash and smack to her pretty face.

She looked every bit the woman she didn't want her son to see her as with her round, surprised mouth and the budding burning on her cheeks. Since it was both, it couldn't just be from the little pain he'd caused her to turn her head. He nodded to look at her welcoming nipples, beckoning him from inside the top. She was just a woman, after all, she couldn't help it when she was chastised by a real man. When Kyo came at him, with the madness of a father seeing his son hit his mother, Kyo's wife, Kaga stepped into his path to intercept him. It was easy to avoid the older man's arms and to plant Kaga's balled fist into his stomach. Kyo went down on his knees, coughing. Kaga looked over his shoulder at Akoya with a threatening expression around his eyes.

He reached out to her and pulled her in, to make her stand infront of her kneeling husband. Kaga took his place behind his mother, so he could look over her at the fallen husband. Kaga's arm wrapped around her neck to keep her in place, and his other hand stroked up her stomach, into her top. He was eager to palm her fat breast, and when his fingers got a good hold, and his palm pressed against her nipple, Kyo would see the movements under the fabric.
What she saw was nothing short of an utter shock. Before she could fully recover from the shock of her son slapping her, her son planted his fist into his own father's stomach! Her eyes widened as she saw it happen over her shoulder. She turned around and ran to her husband, flinching as he glared back at her. What on earth happened...? Why are things like this...?

Ever since he had his growth spurt last year things were changing. He was emboldened by his newly gained height. He used to be shorter than he was a full head taller than her and half a head taller than her husband! Her hands instinctively moved to cover her mouth as Kio dropped to his knees, grunting in pain. She whimpered and pushed passed her son, attempting to go to her husband but was grabbed by her son and pulled back into him. She whimpered, feeling his arm wrap around her, his arm resting over her massive breasts. Her cheeks flushed heavily. This feeling...this feeling of a man taller than her. It was something she only got to experience once before...Kaga's real father...It made her knees feel weak. She quivered as his hand pressed against her soft, sexy abs, slowly sliding up her belly, under her top. She was dressed as modestly as someone with her kind of body possibly could. Her fingers were between her teeth, feeling so so humiliated, her body frozen, her nipples swollen and hard as her body was reminded of a sensation she hadn't been able to feel since marrying her husband.

His fingers sank into her breasts, his palm rubbing against her rock hard nipple. "K-Kio-kun..." She moaned out softly, pushing her gigantic ass against Kaga, trying to push him back but to no avail. She felt so helpless, so powerless in her son's arms. She couldn't believe how talented he was with his hands. He had her paralyzed with the way he touched her. Her thick thighs squished against one another as she did her best to hide her pussy getting wet in her thong. "Kaga...please...stop this...this isn't right...I'm your mother...I gave birth to you..." She moaned out in her angelic, silky soft voice.
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