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Mx Female Hot and Sticky - AC repairman comes to visit


Jan 10, 2022
It's the middle of Summer and the heat is in full effect. Sweltering temperatures and the blazing sun overhead set the scene. He's in his early 40s, tall and muscular with broad shoulders and a bit of a beer belly. Armed with a charming smile and flirtatious personality, he spends his days driving from house to house, servicing the air conditioning needs of his customers, and sometimes quite a bit more...

Potential customers are...

The lonely and bored housewife, frustrated with her husband's inept inability to fix or take care of anything around the house. At her wits end, she calls the service number to have the repairman come look at the faulty air conditioner that hasn't been working for days. She apologized for how scantily dressed she is, but she just can't take sitting in this hot house anymore. She offers a cool drink to the friendly repairman as she's quite taken in by his rugged appearance and playful demeanor.

The struggling college girl who finally has a place of her own. Run down and in need of quite a bit of work, the AC being on the fritz is the last thing she needs. She calls the repairman to see how bad the damage is. The sticker shock of the estimate sends her reeling. There's no way she can pay such an amount. But the thought of going the rest of the summer without cooling is something she can't fathom. Perhaps an arrangement could be made to solver her dilemma?

The busy professional, single woman. Independent and strong-minded, she just wants her air conditioner fixed. She's a bit put off by the forward flirtatiousness of the rough around the edges repairman, but his persuasive and persistent advances start to get her curious mind going. Maybe a random fling with the blue collar ruffian is exactly what she needs to relax and unwind in this endless summer heat?


Looking for fun and smutty slice- of-life style RP with a bit of character development and build up. Short-term one off with the potential to build into something on a larger scale, whether it be with the same characters or new encounters.

Message to discuss kinks and other details. Thanks.
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