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Fx F or NB I See You (T4T) (Magical Girls/Queer Fantasy)


Jun 22, 2024
Hello, everybody! My name is Ella and this is my first request thread! As the title suggests, I'm looking for a roleplay with two (or more) transfemme leads who live the romantic double lives of ordinary people by day and otherworldly threat-fighting badass magical girls by night! The concept here is slightly based on my GBM series because it has a lot of great potential for compelling love stories/erotica in it, but I don't wanna explore those avenues with my players because there's always a bit of a hierarchy between players and GMs that will make me uncomfortable with anything like that in that setting.

I've also been struggling with a lot of loneliness lately (how do you even do the whole "friends" thing as an adult?), so I figured I'd try writing about that to at least soften some of the irl struggles I've dealt with. But that element probably doesn't need to be incorporated, since I can understand being worried about that going overboard from artistic expression to just trauma dumping.

Anyway! Let's talk some worldbuilding! I'm using the prompts from the GBM rulebook to give you somewhat of an idea of what I'm looking for, so if you need anything explained, let me know!

The Abyss is the endlessly hungry darkness that surrounds us all. It waits for those moments when there is no one you can reach out to, when you are at your most vulnerable, and then it pounces. Corruption by the abyss can feel a multitude of ways. Self-hatred could metastasize into an omnimisia of sorts. Fear of the other could turn to a monstrous drive for violence. Vain hope could shrivel into an empty nothingness. But one thing is always the same: those who are touched by the abyss, who fall to its influence, are compartmentalized. They are alienated from those around them, and in that alienation, the key to true monstrosity lies.

Anyone familiar with the magical girl genre will know that magical girls fight monsters. The Abyss certainly has its monsters-- warped souls whose isolation has become the source of great pain and hatred, entities transformed by lonliness into true monsters. But those are the easy ones to fight. Kill them and they're gone. Heal them, and they're human. It's the mundane agents that the Abyss leans on the most. It can be as brutal as a police officer who has been trained to see their community as the enemy, or as subtle as a manager who embraces the divide between themself and their employees. Normalcy is the cloak that the abyss hides itself in, and it is those ordinary divisions that let it grow.

The city. Just a city. Any city, though if we want to be accurate to the inspiration we could say this RP is set in Seattle, Washington. It's the classic place. Crime-ridden. High rises. Corporate offices. Buses and trains. Taxis and a starbucks on every street. It's the sort of place that you're taught is lonely. The people are agressive, apathetic, or both. The prices are expensive. The streets are dirty. The alleys are dark. But there's something here-- like with every city. There's a human face behind the industrial mask, and people care for each other in underground networks. They provide resources for each other, and when they can't they provide connection. Bars bright with life, apartments and shelters that become proper homes. The Abyss has worked hard to worm its way into this place, it beats, starves, and poisons people to keep them lonely, but humanity persists.​

A heroic refutation of the abyss. Magical girls in this setting usually manifest in one of three ways: they see someone getting attacked by a monster and rush in to save them, they themselves are attacked and are willing to let themselves be saved, or most commonly, they're just not willing to feel truly alone. Whatever means they manifest by, magical girls have one thing in common: they refuse to let the Abyss seclude them. They refuse to accept that the world is cold and lonely, and their dedication to human connection fuels their transformation into beautiful, powerful warriors who fight the encroaching void.

So, all that written out, let's talk story options! For the most part, I'm very interested in fluff/romantic stuff mixed with adventure. Any smut I want to be an extension of the characters we create and their relationship. As for actual ratios, however, I think I'd want anywhere between a 70/30 and 80/20 ratio of story to smut. And speaking of smut! Until I have an f-list account, here's a list of my kinks and limits!

Facials (recieving)
Kissing (not sure if this is actually a kink or just a manifestation of me being hyper-romantic, lol)
Light/gentle rope
Outside (not necessarily public/exhibitionism because I don't like the risk of getting caught, it's more about being out in nature and stuff like that)

Sexual assault/noncon
Toilet play
Ageplay/Characters under 21
Pet play

These lists are non-exhaustive because I'm totally new to kink and honestly just sex altogether, so I'm still learning about my interests in that area. But in any case, we can incorporate these as need be; what matters with any sex scenes in this rp is that they're about the characters' relationship more than my kinks.

All that out of the way, it's time to list some plots! The actual story isn't as big a deal here as the dynamic I want the stories to focus on. The whole world is kind of built out of my struggles with loneliness, so the relationship really is what matters most. A lot of these plots are centered on characters helping each other to escape their isolation, or they're struggling with keeping old patterns at bay after finally finding community. In any case, here's all that good stuff!

Occasionally, magical girls experience something horrible. A dark cloud covers the hope they once held onto, and they grow ever more desparate to break the isolation that threatens to grow within and without them. They enter into a self-destructive spiral known as "eclipse," and without the help of their friends and community, they have no hope of escaping. Many have died in eclipse due to the recklessness that comes with it. Others have fallen to the Abyss and become particularly powerful monsters-- a fate worse than death as you see yourself come to represent everything you once stood against.

Your character and mine have been fighting the Abyss for close to a year now, and the stress of their situation has proven to be too much. There's two ways this plot could play out; either one of us is in eclipse and the other is struggling to save her, or they're both experiencing eclipse together and can either help each other escape, or succumb to the darkness together.

A classic story. My character has recently moved to the city from the small town she grew up in-- a place where everyone knows each other, though without much of a queer community to speak of. (Totally not based on a real experience, haha). However, she's found herself all alone with no idea how to break that isolation. Until one night, when something dark slithers from the shadows and your character swoops in to save her. Thus, an awakening similar to the one described above occurs and my character finds herself thrust into a world of magic, monsters, and most importantly, commraderie.
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