ʜᴇᴀᴅ ᴜɴᴅᴇʀ ᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ ◈ reverie. + jace


♡  𝔅𝔢𝔞𝔲𝔱𝔦𝔣𝔲𝔩 𝔇𝔦𝔰𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯  ♡
Staff member
Aug 7, 2021
will create something pretty here.



The Jade Serpent had been around in the heart of the relatively bustling city for years now, even before James had gone and purchased it. Yet. since that time, the nightclub had been positively booming with business. That was, of course, largely due to how they chose to conduct their affairs there; it all had a certain panache, the kind that one might find in a brothel or similar rather then a supposedly reputable place like his.

The club, however, was anything but reputable.

James Thatcher was a hustler, a gangster, the leader of a very tough crew and the kind of man that ran things his way, all but controlling the city and doing everything from major drug trafficking and dealing to even the sex business, which The Jade Serpent routinely dipped into. All of his serving girls here were also available to his clients, for whatever they so wished - and his kind of men didn't take that lightly at all, not even a little bit. They made the most of that luxury fully.

So it was that he had an opening; Franceska had fucked right off somewhere and he wasn't that interested in tracking her down. That was where Natalie Quinn came in; already he was looking through her file and remembered that she had been given a recommendation as well. Yet, it all felt a little...off. Not dramatically so, but he had just recently ended the life of a cop for digging far too deep into his empire, and now he had this girl suddenly show up. Hmm. The most interesting part of the equation, to him, was that she likely had little clue just what was in store for her here.

James didn't think that he would fully illuminate that picture, either.

So, leaning back, resting in his cool silver suit, cufflinks smartly in place in his icy white shirt, the man smoothed out his grey rose tie, checked himself in the mirror on the side wall of his office, and waited. This would be an interesting experience, not the least of which because Natalie looked so delightful. It was her fortitude, however, that interested him the most.

Hearing a knock on his door, he knew she'd just arrived. "Come on in, have a seat, and shut the door behind you please," he told her, very much curious to meet the girl for himself, then decide how best to move forward.



It had been almost three weeks since her partner's death. And the killer was still on the loose. Natalie knew who was behind the murder, she just couldn't prove it. But she would find a way. One way or another, she would prove that James Thatcher was responsible for Timothy's death. Whether or not he pulled the trigger, he was responsible. They had been looking into James for months, tracking his movements, his business. Timothy had kept an extra eye on The Jade Serpent, and he had found a lead the night he was murdered. He'd even asked her to join the stakeout - but she'd said no. The regret was eating her up from the inside. She had said no because she didn't want to miss her date - Timothy had said it was fine. But now, Natalie couldn't even look at the guy. Her love life would have to wait until she'd gotten to the bottom of it all.

She'd asked around, trying to get a foot in the door at The Jade Serpent since Tim's death, and finally someone had managed to get her a way in. Sean had grabbed a hold of her just the other day when she'd arrived at the station, telling her that his contact had managed to convince someone to hire her, selling her in as the right woman for the job. He didn't give her a lot of details, only that she would be expected to work late hours. And she was planning to work very hard, indeed. Natalie was determined to find dirt on James, so she could prove that he was the one responsible for Tim's death. If it turned out he was the one who had pulled the trigger? Even better. She was going to make sure he got what he deserved - a one-way ticket to a miserable prison cell.

When Friday arrived, she showed up at the club in a killer dress and thick heels - so different from her usual police uniform. She wore her hair down, and she had actually spent some extra time applying makeup. If the guys down at the station had seen her now, they would have given her a hard time. If they'd even recognized her. Natalie looked like a hooker. Or at least, she looked like she was dressed to go clubbing and most likely hook up with the first guy approaching her. But she was not there to hook up with anyone. No, she was there to get her hands dirty. To snoop around. To scout. To find evidence that something shady was going on and that James Thatcher was nothing but a villain.

But she was not really prepared to meet the villain face-to-face. She thought she had been, but as soon as she stepped into his office, her eyes meeting his, she realized that she was not prepared. Not at all. She shut the door behind her and walked the short distance to the seat he gestured to. She forced a polite smile to her lips as she sat down in the chair, her legs pressed together. Natalie didn't need to look down to know that her dress barely covered her thighs. "Thank you for hiring me, Sir," she said, trying her best to keep her voice calm and collected. "You won't regret it, I swear."

. . . But he would. She would make sure of it.

The day she comes to arrest him will be the day he'll regret giving her this job. And she was going to make sure that happened sooner rather than later.



While he was polte in terms of his relatively easygoing tone, in truth James had many questions when it came to this girl. She had a sterling recommendation to get here, though by who was the real question; that information sort of disappeared into the ether. Hmm. However, she was at least dressed for the part, as she wandered in, and he finally got a good look at her. That dress looked perfectly ready to roll, so to speak, and he sorely wondered what she wore underneath it. Her makeup also seemed to give off the right effect.

However, the key factor here was that there was business to attend to, and perhaps she was the only one available at the moment that fit the bill. So regardless, it would have to do.

On his desk, James Thatcher had her physical file, which he glanced through once she was seated, just to check. Nothing in there appeared to be in the least related to this kind of work, though it was all close enough. Again, he was exceptionally wary, but said nothing.

"You come with good references," he said curtly, holding up the file as if it were proof of that fact. "This job is going to test you in ways that you likely won't be ready for, or believe," he added, thinking for a bit. How much did she actually know? Whatever it might be, either way she was sure to find out in due course just what she had signed up for.

"In here, you'll work as a service girl, providing those services to clients. They have their own fees that they will pay you, and you get to keep 85% of the take," he rattled off, leaning in his chair. "How much or how little depends mostly on you, but I'd always push for more. Currently, and for your first assignment, four of my regular businessmen clients all require some entertainment for their latest meeting." There was a short pause before he looked her over once again, as if deciding whether or not to reveal more.

Yet, he did not. "Whatever it is that they want, you're to give it to them. The fee for roughly an hour or two of work will be...considerable. In this way, you will be able to prove to me that you deserve this line of work, and can excel at it."

James reached over and slid her a key to room 113, where the four men were waiting, patiently or not, for their amusement to arrive. Again, he debated saying much more, but left it. She'd discover just what it was that a service girl did in due course. Very directly at that.

"Any questions? If not, then go, as your destiny awaits," the male stated bluntly, rifling through his slightly darkened locks as he did so.



Natalie hadn't said much during her time in his office, but she had listened to every word he said. Not all of it made sense, but she was determined to go into room 113 and put on her best performance. Thatcher didn't know she wasn't the girl he originally had hired. She'd asked Sean to put in a good word for her friend - Jade Russell - but then she'd sent her friend's resume with an old photo of herself attached to it. Whether Sean had convinced his old friend to hire Jade or if he'd hired her based on her qualities didn't really matter. What mattered, was that Natalie had gotten the job. All she had to do was keep it. But she had yet to discover what Thatcher meant when he had said that this job would test her. If only he knew what she did for a living. Surely, she could handle serving and entertaining four businessmen. She'd prove that she deserved to be there, that she was good at this, only to rub it in his face later when he realized the mistake he'd made in hiring her in the first place. One way or another, he would regret it. Natalie just had to play her part until he did. Until she found the evidence she needed. Because she was one hundred percent certain that he or one of his men was responsible for her partner's death. And she was going to prove it.

"No questions," she'd said as she picked up the card from his desk. She'd met his eyes for a quick moment, the corner of her lips curling into a faint, almost reassuring smile. "I'll make sure your businessmen are entertained, don't worry." Then she'd turned her back to him. Natalie did have questions though, but she figured it was better not to ask. The less they talked, the better. She was not there to chit-chat. She was there to get revenge. If she had to flash her tits to a few businessmen to get it, she would.

Eventually, she made it to room 113. But not before asking a cute blonde for directions. Despite her determination, Natalie was nervous. And why wouldn't she be? She'd never done this before. Sure, she'd been with guys before, she even had three exes, but somehow this was different. This wasn't like hitting up some random guy at the bar. No, this was purely business. This was her job. Natalie wasn't even sure what her job description was. Was she to serve them drinks and dance a little for them? Would they ask her to take off her dress? If they did, they would at least notice that she was wearing matching black lace underwear. She convinced herself that whatever it was they wanted her to do, she could do it. So what if she had to do it in her underwear? Or even without. She just had to do it until she'd found the evidence, not for the rest of her life.

Steeling herself for whatever might happen behind that door, she tapped the card to the lock on the door and opened it. She didn't know what she had expected, but it was not the sight that met her. When Thatcher had said it was a business meeting, she had expected a square table with document folders spread out or laptops - not this. In front of her were four men, seated around a round poker table. Natalie had barely entered the room when all eyes landed on her. She swallowed hard, forcing a smile to her lips. All of a sudden she felt insecure. Her eyes darted from one man to the next, until they briefly took in the rest of the room. When she saw the beds she couldn't help but wonder if Thatcher ran some sort of hotel. Were they staying here?

"Uhm, hello," she greeted them, allowing the door to slam shut behind her. She took a few steps towards them, her eyes locked on the cards and chips on the table. "I thought this was supposed to be a business meeting?" she asked, obviously a little confused.



Room 113 was specifically reserved for the four gentlemen every single Saturday of the week. It had become a bit of a regular act for the four major players in the advertising executive game. They worked together in the lines of their business, and played together whenever they could. Hence, each Saturday they booked their table with James Thatcher, complete with this very room which was entirely theirs - they had made it so. Each time, James would send in one of his special 'serving girls', and each time, the girl would service them all pretty thoroughly. They were never all that violent, and while they tended to leave the woman utterly messy, usually they were no worse for wear after a shower.

It was only if that individual was perhaps reticent to handle their commands fully that they perhaps would find fault, or have their worst bits come to the fore. James had only had to check them once, and that was because the woman sent to them refused to accept her anal stuffing and was throwing a bit of a fit. One call had her let go, and another promptly appeared and willfully took all four of them up her ass - with a bright smile throughout, no less. So that was how they went about solving their problems, if they happened to encounter any.

So far, so good for the most part then. All four had become quite used to this progression and the stakes of the game were rather high as well, which made things so much more interesting; $500-1000 on the blinds, and the absence of only one pot per round allowed unless any of them had to use the restroom. During this time, it was anyone's guess who tended to come out on top, as the money moved around pretty freely among all parties, though they might all say that Gordon was the most skilled.

Gordon was the one who first acted when the new femme came in to provide for them. They all already had their drinks going, though there was a wet bar handy with many different bottles if they would require more. However, the lady herself intrigued Gordon the most. Currently he was working on a hand that might flip on the river to give him a full house, Kings over Sevens; he had the two pair already. So his luck was rather sound this evening. "Hey there, pretty girl. We were waiting for you," he said non-chalantly. The others guffawed. One glance had told him that the dress she wore definitely didn't have much underneath it, and her body certainly caught his eye - and his partners' as well, he was sure of that.

"You're a little cutie, aren't you? Come here, cutie. I want you to sit on my lap while I finish up this hand." As if to soldify that request, he pulled his chair back and angled his left leg, pointing right there. "I'd like to see that pretty ass take a seat and relax for a bit. Won't you be so kind as to indulge me?"

Again, the remaining three men laughed, as that was the least of what they would make her do. Yet this step was one she'd take all on her own, and the confusion on her features indicated that she might not know entirely what she was in for.

Oh James, you sly dog, Gordon mused silently in his head. I'll have to pay you extra tonight, won't I?



Natalie took a few steps towards the table, stopping just shy of the men's reach. Her gaze took in each of their drinks and she looked even more confused. They had been waiting for her? But for what? They seemed to be in the middle of a poker game, their glasses were almost full and despite her arrival, they didn't seem to be preparing for a meeting. Nothing had changed since she came in unless you counted the fact that they were now looking at her, checking her out it seemed. She probably would have done the same, because the dress she wore didn't exactly leave much to their imagination. It felt so alien to wear a slutty dress like that, but at least their gazes told her that she had done something right.

But when one of the men said he wanted her to sit on her lap, she struggled to hide her shock. He said it as though it was a casual thing to ask someone to do, his tone so polite as if he was requesting a dance - but Natalie simply blinked at him. She was having a hard time figuring out if he was playing with her or if he was actually serious. Her eyes dropped to his thigh and she could feel her pulse rise. Was he even allowed to ask? And then she remembered James' words. Whatever it is that they want, you're to give it to them. Was this what he meant? She thought he'd meant drinks. Or, at least not give them herself. Natalie wasn't exactly keen on having their hands all over her body, despite being dressed as someone who wouldn't mind at all.

She didn't know how long she stared at his leg as if considering whether or not to take a seat on it. Eventually, she snapped out of it, her gaze meeting his again. "Excuse me?" she heard herself say, sounding almost offended. Her brows narrowed quickly and her expression softened - she was still going over his words in her head. "I'm sorry," she said, shaking her head a little, the corner of her lips curling into a playful smile as if she was just understanding a joke. Maybe she hadn't heard him right. "What did you say?"



"What did you say?"

Instantaneously, everyone in the room froze, staring straight at her. Gordon was also taken a bit aback by those words; he was a man that had grown quite accustomed to the various pliable and obedient women that James had frequently supplied them with, and also he happened to be the sort of male that was fully used to getting anything that he so desired or wished. No one said no to Gordon Jenkins, for any reason, ever. Never once in his life could he even think of a single scenario in which he had been seriously questioned.

Yet this female dared to do exactly that.

"Deal me out on the next one, fellas. I gotta take care of this," he said lightly, though his own tone was very much clipped and curt. They all nodded, and continued with the game short a man, though Gordon did put in the big blind as usual to compensate for his absence. Then he went over to the bar area, put two big cubes of ice into one of the glasses there, and then poured out some Macallan Double Cask 30 Year-Old right on the rocks. It happened to be an absurdly expensive bottle of scotch, one of his favorites, and always tended to help ease his mind if troubled. And he was currently extremely troubled.

After that, glass in hand, taking a long sip, he walked right over to where Natalie stood, stopping in front of her, sizing her up from her feet right to her hair, before settling his glance right into her own eyeline. Meeting that with his fierce, shining orbs, he swirled the glass languidly, and then spoke deliberately at her, enunciating every single syllable. "Maybe you didn't hear me, girl. I thought I had made myself exceptionally clear, but if not, then let me repeat. What I said was, I'd like to see that pretty ass take a seat and relax for a bit. Won't you be so kind as to indulge me? That's a direct quote," he went on, smirking, as the others laughed. From this close, the difference in his height being above her own was made painfully apparent; he all but towered over her.

"See, I made it a point to compliment your pretty ass. I think you do have a nice butt. I bet every single fucking part of you is nice. The point is, when I speak, you listen, and obey. That's it. That's your job. Do you not know how to do your job? Should I tell your boss that you've been...non-compliant? Would that be better?" He let the silence linger for a moment, but they both knew that it would cost her employment if he merely uttered a single word.

With all of that said, he went and sat back down, again with his left stem angled a bit, and pointed down toward it. "So, now that you've understood - get that ass over here and sit the fuck down. Please. Pretty please. With a cherry on top," he added, fluttering his eyes for the general amusement of his crew. "And next time I give you a command, you follow it to the letter. Or else. That make sense to you, darlin'?"



Natalie knew she was in trouble from the moment he got to his feet. She half expected him to come straight for her, but the fact that he didn't, made it so much worse. She could feel her pulse rising while she watched his every move. He was taking his sweet time, making himself a new drink. Wasn't that supposed to be her job? Natalie was starting to realize that maybe she was there to provide other services. And she didn't like that little detail, at all.

She swallowed hard as he walked towards her, her body too frozen to move even though her mind was screaming at her to get the fuck out of there. If she wasn't there to serve drinks, she could only imagine what she was there for. . . and she wasn't exactly jumping at the opportunity to find out. It couldn't possibly be something she would enjoy. Her face was calm and collected, but her eyes were filled with fear. Or perhaps it was something else? Curiosity? Amusement? She looked up at him, suddenly aware of how tall he was. Trying not to blink too often, she held his gaze while he spoke - lectured her, really. He didn't need to repeat his words. Natalie had heard him perfectly fine the first time around, she just hadn't thought he was serious. She heard the others laugh behind them, but she ignored them. They were only fueling her anger.

His words were clear. She was there to listen and obey. To follow orders. But Natalie wasn't there to sit on someone's lap - she was there to catch a killer. She just hadn't realized the lengths she had to go to in order to do it. "That won't be necessary," she said coolly. She could not afford to lose this job, not when she'd gotten this far. If she wanted James and his cronies to pay, then she had to do this - whatever this was. She wasn't about to let four handsome assholes get in the way of that.

Natalie didn't move as he walked back to his seat. She knew what was coming, but this time she was prepared. If she wanted to make it out of there alive, she had to play their game - play by their rules. She may not have a chance at winning, but she wasn't going to give them the victory either. So even though his tone alone was enough to make her insides crumble, she wasn't about to let them see her fail. Instead, she decided to put on a mask - she was pretending to be Jade, after all. And Jade was a badass.

A fake smile spread across her lips as she threw her arms out and offered him a mocking bow. "Of course, Your Highness," she said, her sugar-sweet voice dripping with sarcasm. "Would you like some cake to go along with that cherry before I sit down or do you want to skip dessert?"
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In the end, her attitude was simply far too much for Gordon to adequately handle, not to mention the other three men that were in that room.

Unbeknownst to Natalie, James had installed hidden video cameras in each of the main rooms that he used within his club, and they were cleverly hidden behind the two-way mirrors that were lining the front dresser of each room. The girl - Jade had been the name given - had intrigued him greatly, and therefore he was watching closely as the entire scenario unfolded. It was almost too precious, and in fact he felt sorry for the woman, as she had most defintely put her foot straight into her mouth. Twice. There was no way that she was going to escape unscathed from this, and he almost wished he had some popcorn to munch on while he greatly anticipated what was to come.

Gordon, was, frankly, flabbergasted. He couldn't believe that the insipid cunt had the temerity to give him such sarcastic cheek - and still she was not at all sitting on his damn lap, like he'd asked. Twice. She had even gone to the length of acknowledging that James was going to be made aware of her lapses in judgement, and that he'd say whatever he had to ensure that she was going to be let go, but no; that last bit coming from her sweet lips was sending him positvely reeling with anger. So, too, did the others pick up on the thread of that simmering rage, and all dropped their cards and stood up slowly. If this was how it's going to be, then so be it; they weren't going to waste their time trying to gain her compliance. Clearly, she had no clue what she had to do, and so they were about to demonstrate it on her.


Immediately, Gordon stood up and backhanded her viciously across the face, enough to potentially send her reeling. However, he also seized her other hand so that, even if she was going to stumble backwards, he'd be stopping her momentum. "What the fuck is wrong with you, whore? Are you fucking stupid? DId I not say what I needed, what I wanted, from you? And you dare mock me?" SLAP! Again came the blow, this time from the other side, but the grip on her was tight. "You are here to be our cumslut. Do you understand? Your mouth, pussy and ass belong to us for the night. If that wasn't fucking clear, Your Highness," He growled out, before wrenching her straight down, presumably so that she'd end up on her knees. All four of the men moved to encircle her, surrounding the femme and closing in ranks so that there was hardly any space between them, and all began to undo their belts slowly; that was true for Gordon as well, though he did keep one hand on her the entire time.

"You're lucky I don't cut off that damn dress right this instantly," he howled at her, eyes blazing. "Since you want to give me lip, bitch, I'm going to fuck your mouth. Harshly. We all are. All in a row. How's that for your fucking dessert?" The male brutally raked her back and forth, right across her startling countenance, and finally felt his belt fall, along with his trousers, leaving him in only his tight black boxers with his enormous cock almost achingly wanting to poke right through - and he knew just where to put it, too.




Natalie realized she had made a huge mistake, just a little too late. She watched the four men rise from their seats, all four towering over her - not that she had expected it to be different. Her heels did absolutely nothing. Their expressions were anything but pleasant. If she didn't know any better she'd say they looked ready to kill. But what exactly had she done to offend them? They couldn't possibly be this pissed over the fact that she didn't want to sit on his lap? Who the fuck did they think they were? Was this truly why she was there? To be ordered around like a bunch of assholes? Maybe this was a really -

A painful cry filled the room as a slap almost sent Natalie flying backward. If it weren't for the fact that he held her back, she would have most likely ended up on the floor a few feet away. Natalie's free hand shot up to cover her burning cheek as she struggled to regain her balance. The slap had come out of nowhere. One would think that a police officer would be prepared for anything, but Natalie did not see that coming. Nor was she prepared for the stinging pain that followed.

Yup, this was definitely a really bad idea.

She blinked away black clouds from her vision and tried to pay attention to what he said. But she had already made up her mind. This wasn't fucking worth it. She'd find another way to put James behind bars. Tim wouldn't want her to die trying to avenge his death. She was not a fucking whore despite looking like one. And she was not stupid. Or, maybe she had been, but -

Natalie didn't see the second slap coming either. She was still recovering from the first. The cry that filled the room this time was even louder than before. Her entire face was on fire now, and she didn't have enough hands to cool it down. But Natalie was more pissed than hurt, despite the burning sensation in her cheeks. Her vision was blurry, but she didn't need to see him clearly to hear what he was saying. The second he mentioned why she was there, she started shaking her head and trying to pull herself free. No, that was not why she was there. Not at all. She did not understand. Natalie didn't belong to anybody, let alone four assholes. He even had the audacity to use her own words against her. Fucking moron.

He forced her to the floor, her knees digging into the hard surface. She held her free hand protectively in front of her face. "Okay, just stop," she called out, panic starting to settle in. This was not what she had signed up for - was it? Her eyes flashed from one groin to the next, watching them removing their belts. There was no way she would let any of their cocks even near her mouth. Her gaze landed on Gordon, her hazel eyes meeting his. "Look," she said, terror and anger reflecting in her eyes. "I'm sorry, all right? I obviously crossed a line -"

He most certainly did, but she didn't say that.

Her gaze fell when his pants did, and she saw his hard cock through his boxers. Her eyes widened slightly at the size. Yup, there was no way in hell she was letting that anywhere near her mouth. "I uh - I can go find someone else for you?" she offered with a faint smile. "Please, I just started working here, and I think maybe -" There was no fucking maybe; Natalie was one hundred percent sure about this. She was in way over her head, and she knew it. If only she'd realized what a bad idea it had been from the very start. Asking Sean to put in a good word for her friend. . . It was doomed to bite her in the ass. And now there were four angry assholes ready to fuck her mouth.

Swallowing down the lump in her throat, she continued, "This wasn't the right job for me, after all."



It was a slow process to discover just what it was that he was going to do now, having made a decision that was clear as to what he had in mind. The girl had been very much vocal in two different instances - the first of them being her initial 'misunderstanding' of what he had said; that, he could let go, as perhaps James had not quite instructed her fully on what she was to serve and dole out throughout the course of her evening. Yet the male had then corrected her action, only for her to then shoot it right back at him. Sarcastically at that. The male was incensed would take it out on her pretty mouth, giving her a lesson in how it was much better to keep shut, rather then talk back to him.

She was about to discover her ablility to talk was not going to be nearly adequate for a good long while now going forward.

The male finally freed his mammoth member, thick and swollen, large and imposing. It was nearly a good eight inches when pumped up to this size, and in truth his eagerness to plunder her maw and have his way with her made him all the more stiff, so that his gargantuation rod was extremely erect. The other three males also pulled out their big phalluses, in turn. One aftter another. Isaac was bigger than the rest, at nearly nine inches of fat cockmeat. Marcus had the thinnest, but also had a very pleasant size that was not much shorter then Isaac's growing prick. Stephen had by far the largest girth, and he had become a master at splitting the young girls that they were plied with every week right in two on his startling manhood.

Stephen was the the one that went behind her, stepping up and letting his montrous shaft fall on the tops of her dairk hair. Isaac and Marcus were on either side; they took her hands and did force her to touch their big members, but didn't force her to stroke them. That, she would do soon enough of her own accord - unless she wanted to cause trouble again. Besides, one thing at a time; it was much better to take her step by step with their demands, as the potential to truly awful to her was strong.

Handling the first instance of her initial act of disobedience was going to be a task for Gordon to start. He found his breathing heated, in and out, the sweat trickling he placed his gigantic cock right at the girl's bottom lip. "Go on and open your mouth wider, slut. You're going to need it for this huge dick. Stick your tongue out. Your Highness. What a joke. You sure won't be saying a thing for a while, will you?."

Besides, he was tired of her outburts anyway, already. Gordon let his bulbous dick down across her flat tongue, looking down at her the entire time while the others watched and prepared to keep switching so that the oh-so-chatty girl's mouth would be occupied by their pointed cocks intermittently That way she could learn her lesson.

Or they'd have to resort to more drastic options as a result. Already, this was not even the least of it, and that should have had the woman very much worried, if she really was as smart as he, even Gordon might have believed. James watched as they began the act of filling up her heated mouth with their massive dicks, all in a row.




Natalie didn't know why she thought her plan would work. Obviously, they didn't care about her excuses. But then again, could she really blame them? She had been the one egging them on in the first place. It only served her right that they. . . Well, put her in her place. She just hadn't realized that that was kneeling on the floor. But she stayed. Natalie didn't move as the men pulled their dicks out, one more monstrous than the other. She might have been able to handle them one at a time if given enough time, but as Stephen rested his thick cock on the top of her head she knew time was of the essence. Even if she wanted to leave, they didn't exactly make it easy for her, circling in on her like that. As one came up on either side of her, grabbing her hands to force her to wrap her fingers around their shafts, she realized there was no way to escape this. Their cocks felt heavy and thick inside the palm of her hands - that she didn't move. And for a moment she was grateful that they were only trying to fuck her mouth. Because if any of them so much as tried to fuck her pussy, they'd tear it apart, no doubt.

Her face burned with embarrassment and fear when Gordon placed the tip of his cock against her lower lip. This was not at all how she had expected this evening to go. She blinked up at him, not quite sure what to do. It didn't matter if she opened her mouth wider or if she tried to talk - if she did, he'd force it in anyway. It was pretty damn obvious that Natalie didn't like the situation she found herself in. Fuck no. Fear might flicker in her eyes, but the way she looked at him? If looks could kill, he'd be dead already.

She reluctantly parted her lips, opening her mouth wide, praying that once this was over, she'd still be able to look at herself in the mirror. Why hadn't she left the second she realized this wasn't a business meeting? Why hadn't she left. . . when she still had the chance? As she felt the tip of his cock against her tongue, she tried not to overthink it. She'd done this before - several times, actually - so she knew how to suck a dick. Or did she?

Natalie let her tongue glide over his head, wrapping her lips around it and sucking gently. She coated him with her saliva, making it easier to move her lips up and down his length. Not that she got very far. There was just no way he was going to fit in her little mouth no matter how hard she tried. But did he need her to? Surely, this must be more than good enough. She pushed her head forward to the point where she almost gagged, his cock being forced to stop at the back of her throat. Her hands were still wrapped around one cock each and although she wasn't stroking them yet, she was squeezing them - as if to keep herself balanced on her knees.

She moved her head faster, ignoring the salty taste of whatever precum leaked out of his tip. The faster she made him cum, the faster she'd get out of there. Right? He'd said it himself. They were all going to fuck her mouth. Natalie just had to get through doing that and then she never had to see them ever again.




There was no easy choice to make here. They all opted to make the one that suited them the best. All the while, James saw it all unfold from his personal perch, as it were, both aroused at what was happening and also the amount of sheer force of personalty on display against the woman he had just brought on. She interested him greatly.

Of course, largely that was due to the two-fold method of both the four men clearly indicating their level of control over the girl and making it clear to the young femme that her behavior had not been okay. At all. Gordon thought about that, and her possible methods to try and wriggle her way free of this service that they were all but demanding out of her. "No, it wasn't at all the right job," he answered, as he kept on pushing past her wet, plump lips and fully invading her small mouth with his enormous cock. The sounds of her suction were pleasing enough to him as well, as it told her that she would be far more obedient than she had been so far.

It was rather hard to be all that disobedient while a large dick currently occupied your heated mouth, as she was going to learn.

The three other males were pretty antsy, too. They had been sitting there nearly an hour with just the high-stakes game to keep them occupied. So as Gordon casually fucked Natalie's pretty face, he could see the rest of them trying to find some form of purchase in order to make the delay till she was blowing them that much better. She had looked up at him to start, and was doing a decent enough job with his fat dick in her mouth, at least providing a little suction and moving her tongue around the crown a bit. As much as he wanted to wrench is hands around her hair and properly ram his shaft down deeply, he refrained from doing so. Yet.

So at least it appeared that she knew what she was doing. Somewhat. Gordon, being a noble man, spent a good amount of time testing the absolute limit to her tight throat, then finally pulled free of her graceful pink lips with a pop. Next, he shifted to the left and rotated, meaning that Isaac was the next in line. The male didn't waste time, he just smiled and stuffed his enormous, monstrous manhood right between those not-at-all eager lips. Then he started plunging all of his considerably thick manhood down into her maw, seeing if he could trigger the girl's gag reflex. The sound of a woman choking around his huge meat was one of his favorite noises in the world.

"That's a good girl. Swallow it down, gag on that big dick," he said softly, while both Gordon and Stephen were on the opposite side of the female. "Come on, princess, stroke those stiff cocks for us, would ya? We got to stay erect while we wait," Gordon stated, while Stephen chuckled. It seemed as if Gordon had become the de facto leader here, and what he was saying tended to happen afterwards. Though it didn't appear likely that the girl was going to be able handle three bulbous shafts at once, he supposed that it was least funny to him to see her try.

And again, if she did decide to act out...they'd stop going easy on her - for this, yes even this, was 'easy mode' compared to what they had the power to do instead.




Natalie had already been struggling to keep up with Gordon's game of let's see how far back it can go, so when Isaac took his place and plunged his thick cock down her throat, she gagged so hard her eyes got blurry. He gave her no warning nor any time to adjust or regain control before he thrust again. She squeezed the other's dicks every time she choked, not really prepared for the feeling despite knowing it would come. And it came. Several times. She tried to take back some control, and eventually, she managed to suck him. Whether he let her or she somehow managed to adjust to his motions could be discussed. The most important part was that she was doing exactly what she was told. They couldn't punish her for it. She might not be an expert, but that wasn't exactly a crime. . . was it?

Her lips moved up and down his length, her jaw already aching from staying open for so long. Spit and precum ran down her chin and stained her beautiful dress. She wasn't able to swallow it all down no matter how hard she tried to prevent it from drooling out of her mouth. But then again, it wasn't like he was giving her much wiggle room to try. His cock spent too much time at the back of her throat for her to be able to do that.

Just two more and this would be over. Just two more cocks to suck then she'd be out of there. Just two more, she told herself.

She eventually started stroking their cocks, although her rhythm was way off. It was hard enough to focus on Isaac's cock when he kept making her gag, but if they wanted to stay hard, she'd keep them hard. However, if she could speak, she'd tell them that they should be happy she wasn't trying to bite their dicks off. But with Isaac's cock stuffed down her throat, she wasn't able to say anything at all. All she could do was whimper, gurgle, and gag - which she did.

It was obvious that she wasn't enjoying a single second of this. Natalie was counting down the seconds til it was all over. Til she could go home. Til she could brush her teeth and wash her mouth. Til she could take a long, hot shower. All she had to do was let them fuck her mouth first. She was already halfway. She could do this.




All throughout the evening, James captured the events of that room with an almost wild glee on his features. This girl, the new one...there was something about her that had struck him as not quite right, and it was entirely why he had been so interested to see how she was conducting herself. The answer that he got as a result was even more fascinating, if anything; he'd have to talk to her soon. Well, if she didn't just quit as a result of this, of course.

That was no guarantee.


Meanwhile, the four men within that same room with the woman definitely had their fun, going in turns. It was no less harsh when Stephen went and took over after Isaac had his fill of her pretty mouth. She already had saliva drizzling off her chin as a result of his machinations; it stayed like that as Stephen took to her maw with the same level of brutality. He was not at all merciful, like the two others before him, and made to demean her further with his words as well, so she'd definitely get a sense of their power over her.

She had asked for this, after all. Not in so many words, but her defiance had earned this reaction.

To Gordon, it still rankled greatly. He had wished to put her in her place and this was definitely a consequence of that, with her place being down on her knees, forced to give some sloppy, deep head to four men. Stephen took his time, relishing the sensations of her hot mouth and spurred on by the same attitude that had permeated through all of them in turn. "Mmm. Yeah. Like that. That's a good slut for me," he said through gritted teeth, sliding his massive member down until he did hit the very back of her throat as well. Stephen fucked her face a few times in that manner, balls deep, both of his testicles smashing against her chin, and then pulled free and stepped back so that Marcus could have his own turn with the lovely femme.

Marcus seized her hair and began using long strokes to really plunder the depths of her constricting throat, and how far it could go. After a few minutes, it was back to Gordon again - the rotation started up once more. Fully two rounds went by with all four men taking her wet maw twice before she'd feel two large cumshots expelling from Stephen and Isaac, right over her features. They made sure to paint her face with their seed, the white cream spreading all over and dripping down her features as a result. She was left entirely brimming with their seed on her, looking like she needed a shower more than anything.

That, however, was not in the cards.

"Mmm. Such a good girl for us. Don't you think boys? I'm sure we fucked all that rambunctiousness right out of your wonderful little mouth, dear," Gordon guffawed, while the others chuckled mirthfully. "Now, why don't you bend that fine ass over the bed? You know what, take your slim panties off too, I want to see what you have on underneath," he said softly.

The implication of his words was clear and he didn't need to say more; she was still surrounded by them all in a rather scary situation. So if she did try anything, then it would only get a whole lot worse.

Such were the penalties to pay for rubbing any of them the wrong way. Oops.




Natalie was so fucking done with these four assholes and their fucking cocks.

Two times each they had raped her mouth and throat, showing her no mercy whatsoever. They'd barely given her a chance to breathe, let alone speak, and she'd had enough. By the time two of them sprayed her down with their sticky cum, she'd already made up her mind, but their loads certainly didn't increase her mood. No, when she had to wipe the cum from her eyes and mouth, she was more pissed than anything else. Not only was her face full of it, but her hair, chest, and dress were also stained with their creamy liquid. She needed a shower. A long, hot shower. Alone.

She was going home, and she was going home now.
Fuck this shit. Fuck this job. Fuck James Thatcher.
Natalie was done. She'd figure out another way to catch him.

So, when Gordon started talking, Natalie was already getting ready to get up. She was done kneeling on the floor - she was done with all of this. If they wanted a good girl, she'd have James fetch them one, because she was not spending another minute in this fucking hell hole. Natalie was barely paying attention to what he was saying when her mind picked up his words. Fuck no. In their fucking dreams. She was not taking off her panties or her dress or anything - not until she was home at least. But she sure as hell wouldn't bend over a fucking bed. They'd gotten what they wanted. She'd even behaved, not using her teeth at all. They could order her around all they wanted, but she was under no obligation to obey. If they wanted to run off to James, then she'd be happy to confront him. She'd give him her piece of mind.

"Yeah, look, I'm sorry," she began, not even trying to hide her bad mood. Or the fact that she was not sorry. "But I have to go." Her voice was a little hoarse, but she tried to ignore it. That wasn't her fault. For a moment, she considered lying, telling them she wasn't feeling well, but she had a feeling they wouldn't really care about that. Instead, she decided to tell the truth. "This was a mistake." Well, that was one way to put it. "Don't worry about your money, I'll make sure you'll get it all back. " She sure didn't need it. Hell, she didn't even want it after this. "I'm sure he'll have another girl ready for you in no time."

And with that, she was up on her feet, trying to get two of them to move, so she could pass between them. "Keep your dicks out, I'm sure someone will be here shortly," she said coolly. "So, if you'll excuse me -" She tried to force herself past them, pushing at their shoulders but she might as well have tried to move a brick wall. "Guys," This time her voice sounded like a plea.

She really wanted to leave. She needed to leave.




From his vantage point, James could see what was going on within the room without having to move. Once more, it seemed like Natalie had reached her limit with the entire affair and wanted out. Also, from what he could tell, not only did she wish to leave the room itself, but also likely the employment entirely.

She was exactly the right kind of mess to Gordon, as far as he saw it. That was what he liked most, the sense of control that he had over another female when they were gathered for these little jaunts every week. The four of them had grown rather close and that was precisely because of the activities that they tended to do together like this. It involved a high level of trust to fuck one girl after another when the four of them were together in any form of enterprise. That also tended to be true here, when violence was warranted. What level of violence to enact, though, was the real question.

Once more, he reared back his hand as if he was going to slap her again, but then held back. Why, he wasn't sure; just a thought had come to him and he wasn't sure that just beating her senseless and into submission was going to do the trick. Up close, she did look especially attractive with all of that gooey cum all over her face, and then trying to make a forceful point. It amused him greatly that she believed she could really just get up and walk out of here, after having their dicks in her mouth, all in a row. Funny, indeed.

"Oh are you sure? Oh do you have to be going? No, I don't think so," he said with a low, guttural growl to his words, as he reached out and held onto her shoulder on one side; Marcus also seized the other, and they dragged her backward deliberately until she was at the bed, though still standing. Gordon leaned into her ear, whispering darkly. "And what, you think we're not going to wreck your tight little pussy after having a go with your cocksucking mouth, whore? Are you crazy? Go on, fucking try to get out of here to wherever the hell you have to be and see what happens," he warned her, and she already knew what would happen because of his warning.

As he held her tightly in an iron grip which Marcus matched, the two other men barred her exit further by standing in front of her, so that even if she tried to run for it, she would not be able to get very far at all. Trying to brush past them had been a severe mistake also, since they hadn't moved even a muscle. Now all four of them kept her at bay - and yes, their big dicks were very much still out.

"You talk an awful lot for a girl headed nowhere. You hear me? Nowhere," Gordon emphasized, making that abundantly clear. "Besides, I want to see if you wore a thong for us. I want to see that nice ass framed with just string between. Maybe we'll fuck that, too," he said dangerously, in a sing-song voice. Then his face turned almost ugly.

"Now, get the fuck down and bend over the bed. Pull that dress up and let me see what's under that fucking skirt of yours, since that's your new favorite mode. If I have to ask again, I'll ask with my hands. Feel me, bitch?"


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