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Wendigo Mating Season (Jack Stalker)


May 30, 2018
Up in the Stars
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A whole year had past since they had all seen each other, a whole year had passed since they had all spoke face to face, a whole year had passed since....the disappearance of two of her best friends. Sam shook her head to clean the sudden anger that welled up inside her as she thought of the others, the only one that she wasn't mad at was Josh, Josh who had lost both of his sisters in one night because his friends had decided to prank one. She couldn't say that she was blameless in it all, while she didn't take part in it, she didn't stop it either, and she still struggling with that fact, wanted to beg Josh for forgiveness. Her mind wondered to Josh and how she had hidden her feelings for him for years, and now, after everything that's happened, she felt like she would never be able to tell him for fear that he would think that she was lying and just messing around.

Sam gave a sigh and shook her head as she pulled up into the parking lot for the cable car, she sat there for just a moment, staring at the cable car station. This was it, she was here, one step closer to seeing everyone again. Turning off her car, she got out of her car and started to walked for the cable car station.
udfyvu.jpg Josh had been in a tightly knit, loving, caring family. He loved his sisters and they loved him, together they were an unstoppable bunch of siblings that were going to take on the world together...

...and then they were taken away from him, their plans ruined, their family sundered, their bond shattered. Their bodies were never found, lost to the cold and the snow, forced to their deaths by a combination of him being too drunk to stop them and the others that teased and tormented them, until they fled out into the woods to their deaths.

He'd given it a lot of thought over the past year, realised it wasn't his fault, no, it was the fault of Mike, Jessica, Emily, Ashley, Chris and Matt, his so called friends. They were to blame, all of them, and he was going to make them pay... dearly, for what they had done. The only one to escape his intended wrath would be Samantha, Sam. She, at least, had tried to reason with the monsters that had driven his sisters to their deaths. That was reason enough to spare here, but there was more, she'd been close with Hannah and Beth, sure, but she'd also caught his eye, attracted his attention, and his lust for her had helped see him through some dark times to where he was now, committed to killing the monsters and claiming her.

Sam. God damn... she was the hottest, cutest, most beautiful and fuckable little blonde he'd ever seen, god... he'd spent a year thinking about her, brief contact by text, keeping him in her thoughts and her in his, the occasionally face time or internet call.. after which he'd jerked off until he was half blind with desire and want. That sexualised fantasy of her, coupled with her considerate nature, her laugh, her willingness to stand up for others and take risks... it made him want her even more now. He'd planned to tell her, take her, make her his. He'd been drinking to build up his courage, but even if he'd been sober he doubted he'd have been able to do anything to save Hannah and Beth... there was no way to know they would go too far, get lost in the snow, never come back. No. He could not, would not blame himself... but the others?

They had to pay.

He needed this meeting, to both lay claim, finally, to Samantha, and to end the bothersome existence of all the filth really responsible for his sisters death. They didn't deserve to draw one more breath, to survive one more day, and he swore to himself that all the time they had left was the time that remained until dawn.

12 Hours Until Dawn...

Josh had forgotten something in his car, heading down to the base of the cable car station to pick it up. Jessica had arrived early and was hanging around at the top, he left her tapping away on her phone and headed down to pick up a last few things.

Time passed...

Josh came walking back towards the cable car station from the firing range, wiping his hand with a rag. Hearing something he moved towards the entry area, stopping with a start as he rounded the corner to see Samantha there. A wide eyed look of surprise turned to one of brief burning lust, as he let his gaze roam up her body, drinking in how good she looked, until he got to her face. "Sam!" he grinned, ditching the bloody rag and moving to embrace her, wrapping his arms around her and drawing her in.

He pulled back, denying himself a kiss as he knew, all too well, that once his lips met with her flesh he would never be able to control himself. He was hard already, so very hard as he drank in her scent, her smell, felt her in his grasp. he kept his hands on her waist as he looked at her. "It's so good to see you. Out of everyone, you're the one who is going to make this weekend complete. Bearable. Even something to look forward to and enjoy." he told her, "Forgive the mess back there... you had best not go around to the firing range. It's Chris..." he paused, adopted a concerned look. "I know how you love the wildlife, but sadly that feeling isn't shared by everyone. He killed a wolf, apparently, while shooting at squirrels or whatever." he thumbed over his shoulder.

In the distance a trail of blood could be seen in the snow, leading to a mound of it piled up over what was presumably the creatures remains. "I sent him on his way. He won't be joining us at the cabin, not after that... I mean people are one thing, but innocent animals? He should have just tried to scare it away... it's only people that might need a bullet to stop them in their tracks, right?" he shrugged. "At least Ashley won't have to worry about him leering all over her all weekend." he took on a more serious expression, keeping Sam close with his grip, "I wouldn't waste my time leering over someone, would you? I'd admire them, openly..." he continued, letting his gaze drop to Sam's legs, before stroking their heat up her to her face. "...Let them know I was interested... and then, when I was ready, I'd make a move... and she wouldn't be able to resist me, she'd have to give in, give in to her feelings and the inevitability of the situation. Give in to fate." he gave a chuckle, "Wouldn't you agree Sam?"

He looked towards the Cable car, nodded in it's direction. "We should get going, unless there was anything else you wanted from your car... or from me?" he grinned, his hands still on her waist, lightly resting there as he looked at her. "I missed you Sam." he said, lowering his voice. "I'm glad you came, this weekend... I need you here. I need you more than ever. now, with what I have planned." he finished.

Behind him, over in the ice covered mound, a partially uncovered head peeked out through the blood red snow surrounding it... fortunately it was too far away for Sam, or anyone else, to notice that it wasn't a wolf's head...

...It belonged to Chris...
Sam turned quickly and wide smile crossed her face when she saw Josh and moved over to him, returning the hug eagerly. She nuzzled her face against his neck as they held each other tightly, reluctantly stepping back slightly when he pulled back. "It's so good to see you in person again Josh." She said as she gazed up at him, her mind going back to her crush on him, how Hanna and Beth had teased her over it and were going to help her admit her feelings before they vanished. Maybe this would be her chance to do what she promised to do and admit her feelings for Josh? Sam looked over Josh's shoulder to where he was pointing and clenched her jaw. Why did she ever consider some of these people her friends? What was the point in killing animals? "Ugh! Of course he is, why do people think that they need to kill poor helpless animals, hell, even the wolf. I'm sure that it was alone and no threat, it probably just smelled the dead squirrels and wanted to eat." She said with a scowl on her face.

She nodded in agreement with Josh's words, the animals lived her, they didn't deserve to be killed just because some jerk was bored and thought that it was fun. Animals can be scared away, some humans wouldn't be scared away and did need to be put down with a bullet between the eyes. "Ugh, I'm glad that Ashley won't have to deal with him." She said with a shake of her head before focusing on on Josh's words. Her heart started to beat quicker as she gazed up at him, her cheeks becoming flushed as he looked her over. As their eyes met, she wanted to lean in and kiss him, to beg him to take her, her hands that were still on his shoulders gripped a bit harder. "I...y-yeah, I think any girl would prefer that a lot more." Sam said, sounding slightly flustered as she looked down at the ground between them to try and hide her flushed face.

Blue eyes looked back looked back up to gaze into brown ones and she licked her lips nervously. "I uhhh, I forgot about my bag in my car... would you come get it with me?" She asked, his word caused tears to come to her eyes as she shook her head in denial. "I don't know how you can forgive me for what I did. I should have stopped them, I should have tried harder, I should have told Hannah what they were doing. I'm so sorry Josh." Sam cried as she removed her hands from his shoulders to cover her face. In her eyes, she didn't deserve his words, didn't deserve the attention that he was giving to her, didn't even deserve his forgiveness if he was willing to give it.
It had been easy.

Pumping a bullet into Chris' smiling face, as he turned around from setting up some cans to shoot at down at the firing range. Surprise as he notice Josh aiming at him, then realisation that the whole weekend was just an excise, that he'd failed on so many levels. Josh saw it in his eyes, the knowledge that Ashley was going to meet her own end here, that he hadn't seen the warning signs, that Josh hadn't forgiven anyone... far from it. He was just getting's started with his revenge... maybe Jessica was next. All that flashed on Chris' face, just before the bullet smashed it open.

So easy. So satisfying.

Looking at Sam, thinking about her, thinking about all the wasted time... that felt good. He had a feeling that Sam would understand, he just needed to break it to her the right way. He could imagine telling her the fact straight... 'Those people aren't your friends. Maybe the next person they decide to prank would be you. They're better off dead, wouldn't you agree?'.

Not yet though. First he had to satisfy his curiosity, his needs, his wants, his cravings for her.... before he risked exposure. "Yes, Chris got cut from this movie early. Not being allowed to join the rest of us, for the wild party I have planned, well, that's a wrap for him. He'll probably go off somewhere to sulk for days." Josh joked, as Sam registered her disgust. The human animal was different though, wasn't it? "I like your outfit by the way, the leather jacket and red plaid skirt go well. The hat gives you a Russian look that makes me think of Bond girls." he grinned, changing the subject.

He caught the flush on her features. Out here in the cold there was only one explanation for that, and that alone was enough to make him want to push further. A year apart had been more than enough time, all the emotions and needs that had built up, simmered over calls, texts and internet connections, now they had a chance to come to a head. To be explored.

"Sure, I'll help with the bags." he nodded, starting to move towards where she'd parked her car. The others had arrived by the bus that ran the route every few days, it was fine, it wasn't like they really had to worry about how they were going to get back, because they wouldn't be going back.

At the car she broke down, which was unexpected. He reached up, taking hold of her wrists, pushing her back against the car. He hadn't dressed for the cold, with just his check shirt, jeans an a sleeveless puffa jacket to keep it at bay, but he was willing to hold out a while, especially since he was feeling hotter already in her presence. "I won't have you feeling guilty, we both could have done more, sure, but we had no idea what those cruel, callous bastards were going to do, did we. If anyone needs to be punished, it's them... especially Mike, Emily, her moron boyfriend... Chris, I was like a brother to him, he... well... not any more." he paused.

He didn't want to let himself get angry, but he knew the spite, hate, fire for revenge was present in his words. In this moment he didn't sound like a guy throwing a movie party over the weekend for his friends. "You're not to blame. Hell, staying in contact with you is what gave me the strength to organise all of this." he cracked a grin, gently forcing her wrists down behind her back as he pushed her against the car, leaned in and kissed her.

There was a deep resonating passion in that kiss, the clash of hot lips in the snow, her body shoved against the car door behind her as he leaned down to claim them. Tilting his head he almost moaned into it, taking control immediately, holding her in place as he took what he wanted, slashing his tongue through the slit of her mouth to invade it, plundering warmth and heat as he stretched the kiss into a long series of kisses, finally pulling back to snatch some air. He pulled open the door, grabbed her bag from the seat. "Let's get inside the cable car." he said simply. as though the kiss hadn't happened, though there was another fire burning in his eyes now, not of revenge, but of lust. "You can tell me what you want for the weekend." he licked his lips, could still taste her there. "What do you want Sam? You tell me and I'll tell you." he grinned.
Sam gave a satisfied nod of her head, glad that Josh had gotten rid of Chris, though she didn't yet know to what extent he had truly gotten rid of the other man. As Josh complemented her outfit, Sam couldn't help but to blush a bit more as she grinned and fussed with her hat. "It's cute and all, but doesn't really help a girl too warm." She said with a laugh before she looked Josh over. "You look pretty manly yourself, kind of mountain man ish." She said with a soft laugh, though she really did like the look rugged look on him.

As they reached her car and she broke down, she gasped in shock as Josh suddenly pinned her against the side of the car. Her heart was racing in her chest as she gazed up at him while he spoke, her gaze holding a bit of longing that she usually was able to hide. She knew that he was right, that the others seemed to be more just mooching off of him and his family's money, taking his friendship for granted. It really did show just what kind of people they were since they all seemed to want to act as though nothing happened, something she knew for a fact since whenever she would talk to the others and so much as being it up, they would either avoid talking about it and change the subject or worse and far more disgustingly, they would just shrug it off and just say it was nothing more than a prank gone wrong and they had done nothing wrong. Matt had even callously said that it wasn't their fault that the girls had run off, that Hannah should have taken the prank better.

When she suddenly felt Josh moving her arms so that he was pinning them behind her back while he used his body to pin her again the car. "Josh." She managed to breath out before his lips met hers. Sam willingly and eagerly kissed him back, a small moan escaping her as his tongue entered her mouth. She had to admit that she was getting turned on by this show of dominance from Josh, the way he had her pinned against her car, the way he was controlling the kiss. A soft whimper left her lips when Josh pulled back, even as she was panting for air and just watched as he opened the door and grabbed her pink backpack for her. "R-Right, cable car." She said, still a bit dazed by the kiss, she was bit embarrassed since he seemed so unaffected by it.

As they walked back to the station together to get to the cable car, her eyes darkened slightly as she thought of getting revenge for what the others did, or at least Mike, but quickly pushed that to the side. The other thing that came to mind was admitting her feelings for Josh... but did that kiss cover it for her? As they climbed into the cable car, she knew that they would have plenty of alone time before they reached the top, so now was as good a time as any to make sure that he understood. "I was planning on admitting that I've had a thing for you for years now. Pretty much since we first met in school." She admitted before taking her bag and dropped it to the side before she leaned in and kissed Josh on the lips again. "What's your plan for the weekend?"
Josh hadn't planned to be so aggressive or dominating or so openly thirsty for Samantha, but seeing her after so long, getting touch her, smell her, feel her, taste her, the overwhelming need to fuck her rose up inside him. How many nights had he sat at his computer thinking about how he wanted to grasp her hair, drag her lips onto his cock and fuck himself into her beautiful inviting face? how many times had he paused a shower to jerk off violently to images of himself feverishly rutting into her, railing her tight cunt like his life depended on it, blasting cum into her writhing body until it flooded forth from her tiny quim.

Too many times... and now here she was.

"Don't worry about the cold. I have a few ideas about keeping warm." he replied with a grin, as she adjusted her hat. Her moan was still in his ears after the kiss, her taste on his lips, the feel of her willing and yielding body against his fingers. He looked at her like a predator looked at prey, thoughts of murder and killing swept momentarily to the side as a more urgent and physical need swelled up inside him, along with his cock, stiffening and stretching out inside his pants as he grew more and more eager to let Sam know just how badly he wanted her, needed her, desired her, craved her.

As the doors to the cable car closed and it began it's slow crawl up the mountain, he listened to the confession spilling forth from Samantha's lips with a wide eyed eager look of shock, surprise and satisfaction. He then felt Sam move against him, lowering to meet her kiss. Her confession was too much to resist and something inside him broke. He grabbed her arms, pushing her back against the wall, leaning into the kiss. Ravenous hunger, carnal desperation, a fierce depravity took him over and he forced his tongue into her mouth, slashing it against her own. His groan merged with her breath as he kissed her passionately, his hands moving to her ass, then down to grasp at the bottom of her skirt, his body forced against her, pinning her in place as he continued to feast on her lips with a wildness he'd not felt for a year.

Reaching up he whipped off her hat, sinking his fingers into her hair, tugging on a fistful of it to pull back her head, allowing his mouth to find her throat. Eager lips sucked hard on her skin, blossoming up a love bite, while his other hand shoved up her skirt enough to let him stroke his fingers beneath it. He drew his fingertips up her thigh, over her tights covered mound, then yanking her waist band he tented the tights, sliding his hand down between the warm thick tights and her flesh, immediately starting to stroke his fingers through the crease of her cunt, splaying her lips apart and sinking a lone probing finger into her gash. It was bold and brazen, as he violated her pussy and sucked on her neck, peppering it with love bites as he drew his lips up to her ear.

Could he really tell her his plans? He sank two fingers into her hot snatch, twisting and twirling them around as he shifted to bring the heel of his hand against her mound. His thumb fucked her clit, circling the sensitive nub, as he began to fuck her with his dual digits, driving them three knuckles deep into her heat as he continued to kiss her throat, her cheek, her lips, her earlobe, assaulting her with his hungry mouth as he drove his fingers into her slit with feverish enthusiasm. "I plan to make the filth responsible for my sisters deaths pay... surely you share view that they got off too easy?" he panted, increasing the speed of his fingering. "There's so much you don't know. About how intense my relationship was with my sisters, about how much I hate those people we called friends. If someone you loved was virtually murdered by evil, uncaring, callous, unfeeling filth... wouldn't you want to get some revenge, get some justice? Wouldn't you want to make them all pay?" he hissed, his teeth grazing her neck as he moved his lips around to hers.

"My plans? I have a lot of plans... but right now I plan to show you how much I've wanted you this past year, wanted you to show up, to help, to embrace my anger, to aid with my revenge and to give yourself to me." he hissed, the steady slop of flesh within flesh echoing about the car as it slowly ground along the cable. Sliding up the mountain as his fingers slid up into her welcoming slit. "I plan to convince you that those people aren't your friends.. that I'm the only friend you have here... and I want to make you come hard enough to realise that." he grunted finally, pumping his fingers into her as his thumb massaged away at her hooded nub.
Samantha gasped into the kiss as Josh grabbed her arms and pinned her against one of the walls of the cable car, her heart was racing in her chest as she eagerly returned the kiss. She couldn't help but to moan as he dominated the kiss once more, while she usually hated guys who did things like this, whether it was with other girls or with her... something about Josh being the one doing it turned her on like nothing else. After years of using nothing but using her hand and a couple of toys here and there. She couldn't remember how many times she had gotten off thinking about Josh, thinking about what it might be to have him rail her cunt, how big was he really? Did the toy she used measure up to him? Even the nights that she had spent here when they would all get together, locked behind a door as she had her face buried in a pillow to muffle her moans and cries as she fucked her own dripping wet cunt with a vibrator, wishing feverishly that it was Josh or that Josh was the one pumping it in and out of her.

She felt him take her hat off and gasped as he pulled her hair, causing the kiss to break as her head was pulled back. "Josh!" She cried out as he practically attacked her neck, her hands going up to grab at his shoulders. The thought that the others would be able to see the love bites that Josh was leaving behind should have concerned her, but it just turned her on even more. The thought that everyone would see that he had marked her neck, was in a way marking her as his, it made Sam feel dizzy with pleasure. At the first touch of his fingers brushing against her bare mound caused the blond woman to gasp as her hips twitched forward against his. "Ohhh God, Josh!" She moaned as one of her hands went to grab at the back of his head as her other hand gripped tightly at his shoulder, her nails digging into his puffa jacket.

"Ahhhh! Josh! Don't stop!" Sam moaned as he started to fuck two fingers in and out of her while he toyed with her clit with his thumb. Her body was shaking against his, overwhelmed as he attacked her with kisses and his fingers, she nearly didn't hear when he started to talk. Despite being distracted by his fingers pumping in and out of her wet and willing hole, she could still register what he was saying and her mind wondered to the others and what they had done. She thought about how good it would feel to get rid of Matt, thought about how good it would be finally be able to get revenge for her best friends. "Y-Yes, I would do anything." She whimpered as her body shuttered at the feeling of his teeth grazing her neck.

Sam was panting as she let go of her grip on Josh to push down her tights to give him more room, pushing them down her thighs to her knees. The sounds of his fingers pumping in and out of her tight wet cunt mixed with their panting, filled the silence of the cable car. "Ohhh God, please, Josh, please!" Sam cried as he played with her clit, her hips bucking against his hand as she reached down to start to try and work open his pants. "I...I want to help." She said between gasps for air, she could feel herself already on edge but kept holding out, not letting herself find her release just yet.
"God damn it Sam. I've wanted you forever, it even caused issues with between me and my sisters... but you're the one. No one else matters, only you." growled Josh, as he kissed Sam with a feverish and almost desperate hunger. His fingers felt like they were on fire as he finger fucked her tight pussy, sinking them three knuckles deep into her wet heat, while thumb fucking her clit. His wrist rubbed against her tights, as he shoved them down and tented them out far enough to allow him to violate her tightness, forcing his sucking and squelching digits in and out of her as he continued to finger her. The cable cars slow crawl, after he'd set it to minimum speed 'scenic mode', gave him ample time to do whatever he wanted to the girl of his dreams, before he slipped back into what would soon be, especially for his friends, a waking nightmare.

Josh felt her heart thumping against his chest as he pushed into her, splaying her against the glass behind her, his mouth working frenziedly against her throat, his teeth biting an dragging aside her scarf before he continued to mark her, sucking, biting, nibbling her ear, licking the red marks on her neck, capturing her lips with his, tongue fucking her mouth as he moaned, groaned and continued to finger fuck her throughout his assault. "I want you so bad, I've been thinking about you for so long. I want you... you deserve so much better than the others, they all deserve to die and you fucking know it. I know you want them dead... so do I... it's the only way to get closure, it's the only way to get justice for my sisters. you want that, don't you Sam?" he hissed. It was more a statement of hope than a genuine question.

He grunted as he felt her hands shift, grasping his jacket, his shoulder. His teeth clenched as he hissed out, pumping furiously into her cunt with two fingers, while his thumb worked at her hooded nub. "I'm right here." he told her in response to her gasps. "You're so fucking wet for me... I love it Sam. You're so fucking wet for it all... for me, for justice, for my sisters... for revenge against those fuckers who killed them." he continued, slowing his assault, then speeding up again. He stared into her eyes as he continued to violate her willing body, watching her expression, gauging her reaction, calculating her reaction as he imagined the cogs turning inside her head, saw the look in her eyes, saw her thinking over what he had been saying. All the while he was trying to coax out another moan from her lips, with his agile and deft finger work.

The way she said she would do anything... it was exhilarating, encouraging, inspiring, it was everything he'd hoped for. An accomplice, an ally, a lover... an all new sister to join him in delivering those bustards to the end they deserved. It was all falling into place, all going to come to a head... and with the two of them to explain whatever tale he made up to the authorities... it would be so much easier to get away with it all.

He felt his cock stiffen and stretch, throbbing wildly as he noticed Sam shove down her tights. The sight of her exposed thighs making him even harder, as he increased the speed of his thrusting and probing fingers. "You really fucking want it, don't you Sam? MmmMMHH!" he groaned, the SLOP! SLOP! SLOP of his fingers increased in intensity, loud in his ears as he focused on her soaking core. When he felt her fingers brush against him, working his zip, he grinned, hissing as he pushed into her, thumbing around her clit, stroking and curling the fingers inside her to apply even more pressure.

"Do you? Do you really want to help? I think you do, don't you Sam? I think you want to help me every way you can... I think you want to help me get revenge on those fuckers. It'll be easy, sweet, satisfying... and as well as getting to have your revenge, have justice, have closure, have a fitting end for the bustards that took Hannah and Beth away... you get to have me... we get to have each other." he shifted, moving his hips, making it difficult to get his zip undone. "If you really want to help right now though..." he virtually growled, looking past her through the glass. They had plenty of time. Plenty. "...Then fucking come for me Sam. I want to feel your tight pussy drool all over my fingers... and then, then I want you to get down on your knees and suck me, show me. We can seal the deal right here, seal our union, seal our pact with your orgasm and my cum." he finished, guiding her hand to his zip.

The sound of the metal teeth parting filled the car, followed by a hiss as he took her fingers and wrapped them about his rock hard shaft. His fat girthed had an almost knotted look to it, with a bulbous head that was glistening with pre cum. He bound her fingers around it as far as they would go, yanking her hair back, forcing her to look up at him as he let her feel the heat and slickness against her palm. All the while he drilled his fingers into her and maintained the pressure to her clit. "Come for me Sam... then use those perfect lips to make me come for you." he gasped.
Sam was in a daze of pleasure as Josh fucked her with his fingers while flicking her little nub with his thumb, pinned to the glass behind her with her tights around her knees, if she had been thinking clearly she might have been embarrassed by how needy and desperate she was being. Though this was something that she had wanted for so long, had dreamed of for so long, and here she was, finally getting what she wanted so maybe she wouldn't be so embarrassed if she was in her right mind. "Fuck, Josh, I've wanted this for so long!" She cried out as he continues to work her body with masterful fingers.

As he curled his fingers inside her, Sam couldn't help but to let out a high pitched keening moan as her body curled forward to press closer against Josh. "Yes! God yes! I'll do anything for you, for your sisters, I want to get revenge on those fucking bastards. I want closure with Hannah and Beth." Samantha said as she moaned and cried in pleasure, her hips bucking against the taller man's fingers, whining as he moved his hips away from where she had been trying to open his pants. The thought of finally getting to have what she wanted for so long, it was almost too much for her, especially as he moved one of her hands to his zipper and allowed her to open his pants.

As he wrapped her hand around his cock, she couldn't help but to gasp as her eyes went wide, looking down to see that her fingers didn't even touch when wrapped around the thick girth. She cried out in a mix of pleasure and pain as Josh pulled her head back so she was looking him in the eyes as he drove her closer and closer to her release with both his fingers and his words. "Ohhhhh fuuuuuck! JOSH!" Sam screamed out as she came, squirting on his fingers as her pussy clenched down around them, her walls fluttering.
The sound of the car tracking along the cable, interrupted occasionally by the thumping and clicking as it went through a support tower and the car trembled, had no effect on Josh as he sank his fingers, knuckle by knuckle, into Sam's tightness, stroking his way into her narrow channel in order to fuck her with his fingers. His assault on her core was both unashamed and eager. His face wore a grin of satisfaction, one that merged into an expression of pleasure at the feel of her response.Her cries only encouraged him to fuck her faster, teasing his thumb against her clit without mercy, sinking into her, twisting and twirling his digits to stretch her out for what would undoubtedly come later. "Me too." he growled in response, fire in his eyes. Sam had always been a little cock tease as far as he was concerned, her attitude, her grin, her outfits. He'd obsessed over her, his sisters jealous of the amount of time he spent talking about her, thinking about her... but more importantly moaning her name.

His diligent and precise assault on her tight cunt was having just the right effect, as he heard her confession as to wanting revenge. Revenge against her peers, revenge against their friends, justice for his sisters... it was everything he'd hoped to hear. Her fingers around his cock were an added and welcome bonus, hot flesh against hot flesh, her small delicate digits bound about his thick width, even though they were unable to fully surround it. "Your hand feel so good Sam, fuck knows coming while you jerk me off would be incredible... but I want to feel your mouth, suckling on it, sucking it in, taking it over your tongue, forcing it down your throat. I want you to taste me, to have the taste of me in your mouth and my cum deep inside you." he hissed, his cock throbbing against her fingers, forcing them further apart as it stiffened and swelled up, stretching out against her soft palm as he grew more and more excited.

"Fuck yesss!" he grunted as she came, leaning in to capture her moan of his name with his lips, sealing them about her mouth as he took her moan of pleasure inside. He broke the passionate kiss a moment later, looking down to see her soak herself, her pussy weeping her girlish cum across his fingers. His digits fought against each other and her kept up relentless pressure against her clit, as she spewed out her hot sinful offering. He slopped his fingers back and forth, lathering them with her cream, seeing some of it slap down against her tights and legs. Finally he withdrew his fingers, sucking them clean in front of her. His eyes blazed with a hungry and eager flare of pleasure, while his cock throbbed angrily, engorged and bulging in her hand. "God, you're so hot. You can't imagine how long I've wanted you as well Sam." he hissed.

His fingers still tight in her hair, he pulled at her, encouraging her to drop to her knees as he leaned back against the glass. "Come on. Jessica's at the top, waiting to let us out... AuNNHH!" he groaned, moving his free hand to stroke himself with her hand, waiting to guide the slick knob to her lips as soon as possible. "She won't be able to see us, not for a while, not ever probably... MMmMHH..." he grinned, looking at Sam, the feel of her clenching cunny still fresh on his fingertips. "I figure with her gone, things might get interesting faster." he suggested, a crooked grin on his face. "With her out of the way, Mike will need to get back with Emily if he wants to get fucked this weekend... that's the way he thinks, isn't it? That'll put him at odds with Matt straight away... with Emily caught in the middle... that will work in our favour, wouldn't you agree?" he finished. "Tease me with your tongue if you agree." he finished, his cock throbbing wildly, the thick veined shaft eager for attention.
This was what she had wanted for so long, what she had dreamed of, hoped for, longed for, for so long and she was finally getting it. Sam was going to do whatever it took to make sure that she never lost him either, she would do whatever he told her so long as he didn't leave her. She kept riding his fingers after her release as he kept toying with her and pumping his fingers in and out of her dripping cunt. The young woman was panting and had a slightly dazed look in her eyes, trying to catch her breath after that amazing orgasm, the first of what she hoped would be many between them.

Feeling his cock becoming even harder and growing even thicker in her hand caused Sam to let out a shocked gasp, she decided to be brave, to tell Josh exactly what she wanted while she sucked his cock. "I want you to fuck my throat so hard that I'll be able to feel your big thick cock down my throat even while we're getting revenge against these fucking assholes. Want you to cum right down my throat without even needing to swallow it. Mmmm fuck, you keep playing with me and I might just cum again before I can suck your dick." She said as her hips kept rocking against his fingers.

As he finally slipped his fingers out of her, she let out a sigh of relief and she was able to finally focus on pumping his cock, her own eyes reflected the same hungry that was in his, that burning desire to have him in anyway that she could. As his fingers tangled in her hair, she slowly fell to her knees in front of him, her other hand reaching up to join the one already pumping Josh. She watched as he took one of her hands and started to pump her hand over his cock as he described what he had planned, listened to those moans that he gave, it excited her more and more until she was whining with need. When he finally instructed her to tease him if she agreed, Sam was quick to lean in and teasingly licked the tip of his cockhead with a soft moan before she slowly licked from the base of his cock, slowly going up the over one of the thick veins, over his fingers, and over the head of his shaft. "Is that teasing enough?" She asked him, her lips brushing against him the whole time.
Josh had never felt his cock so hard. The feel of Sam's tight cunt on his fingers, the taste of her juices from sucking them clean? It was driving him wild! She was his priority right now, not revenge, he'd get to that later with the rest. Right here and now this cable car was his world and he wanted nothing more than to fuck Sam, to feel her surround him, to feel her shiver in his arms and moan in his ear. Right now, though, his hungry cock was crying out for attention, pre cum streaking its length as he waited, panting almost, for her to assault it's massive length with her tiny mouth and hands. "You feel so fucking good Sam, I never imagined this would be so hot, feel so right, be so fucking intoxicating... fuck, if we were to film this it would be the benchmark for sex scenes in every movie." he grinned. Of course he had camera's set up almost everywhere, even in here, maybe he'd show her later? They could spy on the others, spy on what they got up to themselves even. His cock throbbed, bulged, the thick veins streaking it pulsing as he looked at her. His perfect little blonde angel, come to help him deliver retribution to the devils on his mountain.

"Fuck!" he groaned out as she moved to his cock, spilling out what she wanted. "You can be a dirty girl, can't you?" he looked surprised, then cracked a smile. He moved a hand to grasp at her hair, tightening it s grip in the strands as she fell to her knees. "If that's what you want Sam, I'll fucking bury this thing down your throat and fuck you until you choke." he snarled, a desperate eager hunger in his words as he looked at her, let her feel his cock twitch and jerk in her grasp as he pulled her up momentarily for a kiss, before lowering her down to the floor again. The gentle motion of the car providing no obstacle to their depravity as it moved on up the cable. The teasing was indescribable, causing his head to loll back, banging against the glass, as his body shuddered and his cock stained her palms, then her tongue, with pre cum. "AH god... fuck... enough!" he growled, opening his eyes to look down at her.

Grasping her head, he clawed at her hair with both hands, looking down as he felt her hot breath and warn spit against his cock. He pushed forwards, driving his cock head between her lips, watching them peel apart as he thrust into her. He felt his cock slide over her tongue to hit the back of her throat. "Is this what you wanted... AUuUNNGHH!" he grunted. He didn't wait for an answer, pulling back and powering another stroke into her mouth, then again, and again, and again, feeling the pressure build inside him with each nudge... until finally he drove into her and felt any resistance collapse away as his cock buried itself in her throat, bulging her neck as he sank into her face right to the balls. "GGUUOODD! AHHHHH!" he roared, letting his cock stay there a while, looking at her with wide eyes and gasping ragged breaths until he was sure she would need to draw breath... then pulling out.

His cock waved about in front of her, dripping spit and saliva. He slapped the head back against her lips and resumed his thrust, fucking her mouth open and driving his cock head down int her neck again. Grunting he settled into a hard, relentless rhythm, powering is cock into her, fucking her face as requested, teeth clenched as the overwhelming need to cum rose up within him, his body assaulted by the sensations of fucking a throat just as tight as any cunt. "You want my cum.. UUHH... down your throat... AHHHH... fuck.. I wanted to... HuuuNNHH... wanted to flood out your cunt... AHHHH... but... but the lady gets what she wants Sam. GGNNHH... you get what you want from me!" he gasped, groaning as he pulled her head forwards, drilling his shaft between her lips as he shivered, jerking violently as he came hard. He ploughed balls deep, pressing himself into her face, his eyes rolling back as he ejaculated hard down her gullet, shuddering as his hot boiling seed was blasted into her belly, his balls tight, his cock twitching as it lodged in her throat and disgorged his load into her guts. The feeling was incredible, his first orgasm into the woman he wanted for so long. "Fuck... AUUGGH!" he groaned out, pulling himself out of her finally. "Fuck.. that was amazing... I never realised you were so up for it... up for me." he gasped.

His cock trembled. He was still hard as fuck, cum dripping and stretching away in globs to splatter at the floor between her spread knees as he looked at her. He dragged her to her feet, slammed her against the wall, almost cracking the glass, then fell upon her, tongue fucking her mouth as he ferociously and feverishly kissed her wildly, groaning into her mouth as he mashed his lips against hers, his hands clutching at her ass, squeezing at her tits through her jacket and blouse. "I want you. It'll have to be quick, we're almost there." he hissed. "Turn around and put your hands on the glass if you want it... otherwise pull up your skirt." he hissed finally. Leaning in with a smirk to leave a love bite on her neck.
The thought of them filming what they were doing sent a thrill through Sam, the thought of watching as Josh fucked her caused another whine to slip from her lips as she worked his cock. "I can be as dirty as you want me to be." She said as she gazed longingly up at him, gasping as he pulled her back up for a kiss that she eagerly returned as well before kneeling down again. She went right back to teasing his cockhead as she gazed up at him until he finally had enough of all of her teasing and snapped.

She was panting softly with her lips parted, warm breath still hitting the head of his cock as he grabbed her head. "Josh...mmmMMmm." Was all she managed to get out before his cock entered her mouth, stretching her lips wide open around him. Sam moaned around his cock as he started to fuck her mouth, gagging slightly as he hit the back of her throat. "MmmmmMMMMmm!" She could still tell that he was going easy on her since he wasn't thrusting as deep as he could, slowly thrusting deeper and deeper until he got tired of doing that and suddenly shoved himself balls deep inside her throat. She gripped his hips tightly as she choked and struggled around his thick girth, her blue eyes going wide as her throat was stretched by his cock, gasping for air as soon as he pulled back and allowed it.

Her eyes were slightly dazed as she gazed up at Josh, desire clear in her eyes as she knelt before him, panting with her lips parted, eyes going to watch his dick as he waved it around in front of her. As he entered her mouth again, she couldn't help but to give the head a quick little lick while she could before he started to fuck her throat again. She swallowed around him as he pounded his cock down her throat, one of her hands leaving his hips to wrap around her throat, feeling as it was stretched around his cock. "Gugh gugh gugh gugh." Her other hand slipped off of his hip and slipped down between her thighs as she started to finger herself, taking pleasure from his words and actions. As he forced himself balls deep inside her throat and held himself there, she could feel his cock twitching and pulsing in her throat under her hand. Sam immediately knew that he was cumming and she swallowed around him and rubbed at her throat to stimulate him further. When Josh finally pulled out of her mouth, she gasped for air, her eyes were sparkling brightly as she licked her lips. "That was amazing Josh." She said, her voice horse from the forceful fucking that she had just enjoyed immensely.

As he pulled her to her feet, she cried out as he slammed her against the wall of the glass wall of the cable car, only to moan loudly as he started to kiss her passionately and demandingly, taking full control over the kiss and over her body. "Fuck yes, want you to fuck me before we get to the top." Sam said before she turned around and placed her hands on the glass in front of her, bending slightly to push her ass out more, begging for Josh to fuck her however he wanted.
The way Sam had taken his throat fucking, it had snapped something inside Josh, driving him further down a path lined with depravity and sin. "You've always seemed so sweet to me Sam, so nice, so together... but deep down inside you're a filthy little slut, aren't you Sam? A filthy little slut... for me." hissed Josh. "Fuck, driving my cock down your throat felt so fucking good? Are you okay? If it didn't stretch you too much, then I might have to do that every god damn chance I get." he grinned, "Your mouth around my cock feels fucking amazing!" he confessed. It was like she'd been born to suck cock, his cock, and he wasn't going to pass up the chance to fuck her sweet mouth at every opportunity... just like the rest of her.

"God... the way you massaged your throat when I was fucking it? The way you looked up at me? You made me come so fucking hard Sam. You know that?" he growled in her ear, "You're mine now. Mine! Together we're going to make every last one of those fuckers pay for what they did... and we're going to walk away scott free, you just wait and see!" he grinned. "The beasts in theses parts, I've heard things, stories... a group of cocky youths, messing about in the wilderness, drinking and fucking and not paying attention to where they are? It wouldn't be to hard a stretch for people to believe they'd got lost, got eaten, died out there in the snow... just like last time they were here... hell, the authorities never even found Hannah or Beth... and with some help from us they'll never find those fuckers, Mike, Matt, Emily, Jessica or Ashley either." he nodded with a look of growing satisfaction.

He didn't want to be nice, he didn't want to ask, he wanted to take Sam... not ask for permission! He wanted to fuck her hard, he wanted to sink his spit soaked cock into her tight snatch, pound her fuck hole and make her scream his name... but he'd always felt something more for Sam, more then he'd felt for any of the others, more than he'd felt for his own sisters... so he played nice, played the 'gentleman', played like he was sane when he was far from it.

So when she turned around and begged for it, he wasted no time, falling upon her like a predator upon prey, like a beast upon it's mate. He shoved her skirt up about her waist, bunching it about her as he guided his cock to her slit and felt the heat of her cunt lips against the fat engorged head. He let it sizzle against her frothing secretions, then lowered his stance and speared his cock into her, pushing deep, inch after inch, the first thrust burying his shaft a third of the way in, then half, then three quarters, until with his fourth hasty stroke he was balls deep inside her tight yielding cunny, feeling the tight walls of her vaginal tract trying to strangle his massive girth as he groaned out loudly, his moans were almost agonising in their sound, as his pulsing manhood despoiled her insides.

His hands grasped at her shoulders as he powered thrust after thrust into her tight young cunt. "Oh god... fuck Sam... you're so tight, so hot, so wet! I'm... yesss... AauauuNNGHH.. I'm all the way in... fuck Sam, you must really want it... you must really want me! Say it. Say you'll do anything for me, say you're all in on, all in making those fuckers who pretend to be your friends pay. The more innocent they act, the more they deserve to be punished... UUHHH... fuck, yeesssss!" he hissed, his balls slapping against her as he fucked her with a desperate and urgent need, a ferocity that he had scarce had the chance to cut loose with. His body slapping against her as he drilled his cock into her inviting slot. He could see the station approaching and increased the speed of his thrusts, leaning in. His hands found hers, holding them against the glass as he leaned in, whispering into her ear as his hips powered thrust after hard thrust into her cunt, his body slapping against hers as he hammered strokes into her sucking cunt... filling the car with the sounds of their fucking.

"Jessica... AUuuUHHNN... that fucking skank that Mike decided to start fucking when Emily ditched him... AhhHHH... she's at the top, waiting for us... AUUUNNN." he groaned, hips working hard, his shaft stretching her as he drove up into her, drilling is cock into her yielding flesh an inch more each time until he was bottomed out inside her. He was so hard right now he could feel himself almost spearing into her cervix. "When we... aahhh... when we get out, get to go over to the railing, the one overlooking the drop, the one with the telescope." he groaned, fucking faster and faster. "I'll do the rest... just think of it as a rite of passage, of a way to prove that... AUUhhH... Ahhh God... Sam... I can't... AAAUUUNNGGHH!" he stiffened, violently shaking as he orgasmed into her. The end was quick, his shuddering form slowly coming down from the climatic high as he straightened up and pulled out of her, stuffing his cock back inside his jeans.
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