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A Fallout Bound Heart (Sparklemuffin & Jack Stalker)

Oct 17, 2023
Nat 2.jpg The last two weeks had been Hell. Natalie Bradley knew no other word to describe the wasteland outside the vault. Her mission had been simple enough: their reactor was failing, she was the only technician who knew what parts to look for on the surface. Natalie got the parts -- and saw the rest of her search team die one by one to the mutated beasts and bugs they encountered. When she returned home it was too late, the reactor had melted down. Her Vault was no more than a radioactive pit. Everyone she had ever known or loved was gone, and for all Natalie knew, she might have been the last person on Earth.

Natalie has done what she could to survive. Boiling water, scavenging buildings for old-world packaged foods. Gog bless America for preservatives! She has fought back against the beasts she has encountered; the closest thing to human was a feral ghoul she beat to death with a wrench... Which is all she has left to defend herself, since her 10mil ran out of ammo fighting the bugs and molerats.

Natalie Bradley is fearing the worst; that's she's going to die alone in the wasteland. But she's smart, tech-savvy, and hasn't given up yet...
"FUuuCCKk... AUUNNGGHH!" Tom 'Tyrant' Steadman came hard, jerking furiously as he splattered the wall next to him with a torrent of hot searing cum. He really should have restrained himself, waited, withheld his seed for its rightful place inside her tight young cunt... instead of shooting it onto a broken down pile of bricks, plaster and shreds of wallpaper.

However she was just too hot, even at this distance through binoculars. He could make out everything about her that counted, her slight petite form, her incredible shape, slim legs and perfectly tight body that sported a pair of tits that were just the right size to be squeezed by his hands, then bitten by his teeth.

She wore the ragged remains of a vault suit, and it looked like she'd been through the wringer, scavenging and fighting for survival since she'd gotten out of one of those places. It looked like she was a survivor who could handle herself, she must have been... with a body like hers if she couldn't handle herself she would have been raped to rags by now. Hell, that could still be her future.

He was going to have her, not just for her flesh, but for the tech skill that the pip boy strapped to her forearm declared that she possessed.

A few more minutes passed, then the shifting of rocks and debris alerted him as his team arrived. He slid away his radio and binoculars and pointed to the building he'd seen her go into. "She's down there. I'll handle things, understand, you just seal up the perimeter, keep an eye out for any interruptions." he growled.

Taking another look he watched. She hadn't moved in a while, her infrared glow pin pointing her in a building. She'd probably found somewhere to get her head down for the evening. It was time to move. He popped a couple of buff out's, then headed out. His infrared visor down, shotgun ready. Smirking as he moved in, closer and closer, until he was outside the building she'd earmarked. Some sort of old record store, unremarkable from the outside and certainly not a target for looters or scavengers. rusted blue cash registers, dust and debris covered record racks, an old player on a counter and more records decorating the walls. Old posters of pop bands and singers long forgotten... it was a shrine to an era he'd never seen and had less interest in. Who would?

Clever girl.

He took a shot of Jet, then kicked in the back door nearest her heat signature. Normally he'd have been less noisy, but the place was clear. The local feral, and a couple of other ghouls, including one he'd labelled Max, had been found by a scout with their heads caved in, maybe a wrench? Either way, he was good to go, there was no one around in this neighbourhood to get in his way.

He confronted her almost immediately, feeling the burn as he moved fast and she moved slow, he levelled the gun at her, shoving the door shut behind him as he faced off against her. Up close she was like nothing he'd ever laid eyes o. Perfect. Pure.

His now.


"Okay princess... this is the way it's going to go." he growled, waving the barrels at her. "Turn around, down on your knees, don't reach for the hardware and you don't lose a limb." Tom nodded towards her arm. "I just want you to use that computer thing on your arm... you be nice, and you'll probably get to walk away mostly intact." he grinned through his makeshift mask, popped the infrared visor up on his head, sliding his cage mask aside to get a better look at her.

"I'm not gonna lie. My men outside, they'd rip you apart if they got their hands on you. You don't want that, so you better play nice." he grinned. "What do you say, princess? How about we start like this. What's your name? Mines Tom... and for the next few minutes I'm your fucking lord and master. Do what I tell you and you'll be fine. Okay?"

This close she looked like a fucking dream, the combination of drugs and Adrenalin, coupled with his roaming gaze, making him harder than he'd ever been. He openly raped her with his eyes, before raising them to stare at her. "Well? You do know how to use that, right? I need something opened, and right now you are the only fucking key in town."

Was she though? That box... there was something weird about it, like it wasn't tech at all.. but what else could it be. It's not like there was any magic in the world. All the magic had been blasted to ash years ago.
After another night in the wastelands, Natalie Bradley found herself a decent place to bed down for the night. The city had looked like a hopeful bastion from afar -- yet from within it was a maze of fallen buildings, sinkholes amidst ruined streets and wrecked cars, festering with filth and giant bugs. There were no signs of people yet, save the wrinkled things she'd fought off with her wrench a day ago. Those might have been human once, but now they were mindless creatures that had attacked her on sight... Natalie absently rubbed her left thigh and winced at the scratch one had given her; torn straight through her suit. She was beginning to doubt she would fine any real survivors at all! But someone had to be out there.

"The Vinyl Vault" was a pleasant little shop, dusty and untouched by scavengers. Clearly music wasn't a priority after the bombs fell and the building was stable enough to have held up this long. For the first time in days, Natalie even smiled as she thumbed through some of the racks. There was a good mix! Untouched, and probably worth a fortune to...absolutely no one anymore. Nat sighed and settled in for a light dinner.

She still had a can of dogfood she hadn't had to resort to yet, but settled on a pack of stale gumdrops to ease her stomach for now. She drank a good amount from her Vault-Tec canteen, more than half! If she wanted to last, she'd need to find more to boil... Nat took her bottle of Nuka Orange out of her bag and stared at it for a few minutes. It was her fallback, her last resort -- she really wanted to savor every last drop, not drain it own because she dying of thirst...

Nat decided to busy herself with a little repair work by Pip-Boy light, and checked out the record player on the counter. It was a bad idea to make noise -- but it had felt like so long since she'd heard a record, since she'd danced to a slow song...

She was almost done when she heard the crash -- saw the blur of motion -- and leveled her eyes upward, straight down the barrels of a shotgun!

When the man behind the gun spoke she gasped! It happened almost too quick to process. Turn around, kneel, lose a limb! Something about her pip-boy... Nat winced when he reached for his mask! Yet gawked when all she saw was a man. Not a terrible thing, no wrinkled monster-person. A big, rude man threatening her life.

Nat still trembled, but turned around slow as he had asked and fell to her knees. "N-Natalie! Natalie Bradley..." She answered his first question, her hands up and still holding a screwdriver from her repairs. She nodded softly, tying desperately to keep her composure. "Yes... Yes I know how to use my Pip-Boy." The stress was getting to her. She thought finding survivors would be a happy moment! Now, Nat was tired, hungry, and terrified... At gunpoint.
Tom continued to rape her with his eyes.

Up close she made him so fucking hard. When was the last time he'd seen a woman like this? Only during that little trip in disguise to Diamond city, to scope the place out and pick up some shit you couldn't steal. It was risky, he wouldn't like to go back. There was only so much of the raider in someone that you could cover up with clothes and gear, sometimes he'd felt the guards looked right through his cover, like they were just fucking with him. No, he wasn't happy about having to go back there just to get some prime pussy.

And now he didn't need to.

He grinned as she dropped to her knees, moving up to grab her wrists, twisting one until she dropped the screw driver, bending them down around her back to nestle in the small of it. Holding them there with on powerful hand, he pulled out some rope, tying them in place, before dragging her to her feet, then pulling her over to the shop counter, shoving her forwards against it.

Tom pulled out his radio, grinning as he spoke into it. "I got the package. Get grubber and the others and head back to the museum. Two will attract less attention than a group. Make sure no one fucks with the box." he hissed. An acknowledgement crackled back.

He turned back to Natalie, one hand bunched its fingers in her hair, while the other smoothed over her pert, taut, firm ass cheeks, squeezing at them through the tight fitting blue vault suit. He reached around, unbuckling her belt, letting it fall away as he kicked her ankles apart. "Well, we won't be disturbed now. If we're lucky, not ever. Here's the deal." he leaned in, his mouth close to her ear. "A girl like you would fetch thousands of caps at the local whore market, but I have a better use for you. A fresh woman form a vault like you, she'd be torn to rags by my men... you play nice and I'll keep you for myself. Behave and I won't have to punish you too hard. o as I say and I'll make sure you get an easy ride... and if you use that thing on your arm to open what I want, well, I'll cut you in on the spoils, a whole fucking museum basement full of goodies most likely." he grunted.

Forcing her against the counter, he pushed up against her ass, where she would have felt the huge thick bulge inside his leathers shoved against her. With his fist still grasping her hair he slid his other hand around and down into her pants, stroking his fingers through her pussy lips, sinking them roughly against her flesh, two pushing into her while his thumb felt against her clit. "Fuck, you feel so good... but I bet you don't want some rough bastard to just fuck you open, right here, bent over this counter, do you?" he growled. "So why don't we try this..." he reached into his pack, took out a thick black metal and leather collar and fastened it about her neck, a dim flashing blue light on the front signalling it was active. "I believe in a simple reward system." he hissed, leaning in he bit her ear, nibbling the lobe, bathing her throat in hot breath. "You do as I fucking tell you and you get to share in my food, my water, my spoils... everything I get from that museum I mentioned. You don't, you get punished, until you do." he grinned.

He untied her, then rolled her along the counter until she was facing him, her ass squashed into the edge of it, his fingers in his mouth as he sucked off the taste of her. His other hand waved a device in it, before he stepped back. "I want that hand to help with my lock, later..." he nodded to her pip boy. "...And that hand to jerk me off, now, because, Natalie, you are too fucking hot to ignore." he growled. "Play nice and I won't use the collar." he toyed with the device in his hand. "Make me come with your hand... and I won't have the energy to rape you into submission." he chuckled gruffly.

"Your move."
Natalie pulled away reflexively as her arm was grabbed and twisted -- not that it helped. Her hands were tied, her screwdriver gone, and she was dragged to her feet with only a few sparing gasps and shrieks to defend herself... Punctuated by a sharp scream as her ghoul-scratched thigh slammed against the counter! The man -- Tom -- didn't stop there of course... Natalie felt his rough hands toy with her body; her grabbed her hair and groped her ass. Then her belt, and her gun with it, fell to the floor. She was almost glad that her heavy wrench was still in her work bag with her tools, but any thought of reaching for it was lost when her feet were kicked apart.

"No!" Nat squealed, her legs spread, her vulnerability hitting her fully. And then he was pressed against her; she felt his cock against her! They were still clothed, but it felt inevitable now. Her voice cracked as she let out several soft sobs. Natalie Bradley, last survivor of her vault, had finally found other survivors on the surface! And he was going to rape her, then and there... She wasn't ready for his hand. His filthy fingers brushed through the soft tuft of hair above her cunt, and dived between her lips to find her clit with ease. Nat gasped and winced as he toyed with her, and tears fell when two of his fingers delved inside.

She wined and fussed, and her lower lip quivered, as Tom collared her and made his offer. It wasn't much of a bargain -- it sounded like she'd be a slave, a sex slave at that -- in exchange for protection from his own people. But also food and water, and whatever 'spoils' meant. All under threat of 'punishment' of course.

It ended with her untied, and Tom sucking his fingers. Natalie listened well, saw the device he held, and understood immediately the purpose of the collar. Her heart sank, and her expression fell as shock gave was to the realization of her situation. A few unbidden sobs couldn't be helped, but she tried to show a brave face as she pulled her pants back up, though she still felt violated by his intrusion. That he savored the taste on his fingers was equally disturbing.

Natalie sniffled, but nodded all the same. "Alright..." Her voice cracked, and was barely above a whisper. She cautiously approached eyeing the bulge in his pants -- then his shotgun, again, and the other device that controlled her collar. Slowly she unzipped Tom's pants and carefully pulled his cock free. It was immense, frightening even to imagine that thing penetrating her! She thought about drawing his testicles out, too -- some men liked having their balls teased -- but thought it best not to touch anything so sensitive just yet. Nat put her small hand around his penis and began to stroke him slowly.

Up and down his shaft with care, paying special attention his head; particularly the sensitive rim where she massaged gently, while her thumb teased under the glans. He already smelled of pre-cum before she'd even touched him but she tried (and failed) to hide her disdain... Natalie jerked him off slowly and carefully; unenthused and utterly disgusted. At times her eyes drifted to her discarded belt, or her work bag; her gun and her wrench. Maybe if she bided her time she'd get free -- maybe there were other survivors, kinder than Tom and his men. Or maybe Tom's offer was the best life she would find in the wasteland after all.

It was an awful thought. And then she was crying again.
It was crude, vulgar and brutish of him, the way he treated Natalie, but Tom had no time for pleasantries in the world he lived in. You saw something you wanted, you took it... if you waited, then someone else would take it. Being nice? That was a weakness that would get you killed, being a bastard got you respect, caps and whores... and in his raider gang he was the biggest most dangerous bastard, so why shouldn't he get the best spoils? It was expected, something that was natural... and Natalie? Well, she was the best piece of ass in what was left of this state, from what he'd seen of her so far.

So claiming her for himself? That was just a basic fact.

He relished the feel of her writhing in his grasp as he'd shoved two fingers inside her, to induce shock and to fuel his lust as he violated her tight young cunt. She was vault fit, clean, likely carrying next to no rads, just banged up a bit by her escapades out on the surface. She was in prime condition and there was no way he was going to let her get away, no way he was going to let anyone else molest her. No, now she was his and he was going to take his fill of her flesh and bend her to his will.

He kept a cocky smirk on his face as he watched her slowly come to the realisation that she was screwed. The collar about her throat was the shock variety, of course, he wasn't going to risk blowing the head off a prime specimen like she was, he wanted to use her, fuck her, sink into her and make her feel him while he fucked her ragged... oh, plus he needed her to use that thing on her arm. A near magical tool for techies. He grinned as she pulled her pants back up, that wasn't going to be a permanent solution. However he was pleased that she didn't seem to make a move for his device or try to run, her brain must have been weighing her options right now, and he was the best game in town in his eyes. What else did a woman really want, other than a powerful man to look after her and fuck her raw as he saw fit?

Nothing, as far as Tom was concerned.

Tom groaned, maintaining eye contact as Natalie approached him, shuddering visibly as the sound of his zip being drawn down echoed about the room. "Fuck yesss... auuummmhh!" a groaning hiss escaped his lips, as she attempted to wrap her fingers as far around his cocks fat girth as she could, his massive rod springing forth to twitch and sway as she grasped it and began to work it with her fingers. It swelled in her hand, stiffening and throbbing as it grew under her touch. He gasped, gritting his teeth as she assaulted his member with her small and delicate hand. The urge to come immediately, after so long denied the touch of such a perfect girl, was strong, but he clenched his teeth and fought against it, instead savouring the touch of her small fingers as she drew them up and down his length.

Her fist fucking of his cock got him harder and harder, his pre cum weeping from the cock slit to be smeared up and down his length by her strokes. He noticed her looking about here and there as his cock grew, swelling to its full monstrous size in her palm. He waited a while, a few minutes, until he was properly erect, his cock slick with fuck juice, then he grasped her hand, removing it from his cock and twisting it, spinning her around and forcing her wrist into the small of her back as he shoved her forwards against the counter again. This time he held her arm firmly, while his other hand maintained its grasp on the device.

"Close. You almost made me come... sadly you didn't have your mind on the job, your focus on following my instructions, so now you get to experience the punishment portion of things." he grunted. "I'm a fair man, but you tried to take advantage of me Natalie, that's not very nice, is it? Drop your pants, pull them down over those sweet little ass cheeks I know you're hiding in there... then grab the other side of the counter with your hands and spread your legs." There was a dusty cracked mirror on the other side of the counter... he found her face in it as he leaned over her, releasing her hands so she had the opportunity to comply with his wishes.

"You need to be disciplined bitch. I wouldn't let my men ignore my orders, why should I let you? The deal was to make me come, but you want to fucking stare at your backpack, glance at your belt, think about running when you should have been spitting on my cock or using your mouth to help your hand get me of. Now you have to be punished." he hissed, nibbling her ear, leaving it glowing. "Pull down your pants and spread 'em. I'm just going to spank your ass until I'm satisfied. You just need to say one of two things. You need to tell me to smack you again... do that and I'll slap that firm, taut, perky little ass of yours until its throbbing like my cock. Or you can tell me to fuck you... in which case I'll open up that tight little cunt of yours." he paused.

"Oh, the way you get me to actually stop all of this... is for me to see your drooling pussy get wet. That's how you give me your apology Natalie. You let your cunt drool down your legs from me spanking your ass... and I'll stop all together and we can be getting a move on to where we need to be." he chuckled. "You can try to negotiate another deal if you want... but be careful, or I'll use the collar... and I've seen what that can do to a woman. It can leave them a shivering drooling mess. Bucking. Writhing. Begging. You don't want that, right?" he chuckled, his voice filled with equal levels of threat and amusement.

He waited, ready to either begin slapping that perfect ass until she gave him one of the things he wanted, or flip a switch and send shivering vibrating jolts of energy ripping through her taut body and sensitive nerves.
Natalie shrieked as her hand was pulled away and pinned behind her back, while Tom slammed her against the counter! He made his intentions known, but it didn't make sense... Until he mentioned how her eyes had wandered. "Wha..?" She half-blubbered but thought the better of it. How the fuck had he caught that? "I... I..." Nat stammered, but there was no sensible excuse -- and then he bit her ear. She winced at the subtle sting of it, and tried to understand what it was he wanted -- what she had to do to endure this punishment.

The first part was clear. But Natalie did that slow... She sniffled as she eased her pants down, slowly revealing the curves of her ass -- soft, perfect, untouched by the harshness of the wasteland. She only brought them down as far as her knees but it was enough to comply with the rest of his commands; and to reveal her ghoul-scratched left thigh. Nat spread her legs and leaned over the counter on her tip-toes, grabbing hold of the other side. From behind, Tom must have had a swell view -- the rosebud of her anus nestled between her soft cheeks, and the lovely curves of her vulva; her pussy dry.

Natalie was left with a choice of predicaments -- to request to be spanked or fucked.

Either would be its own agony, but the latter more invasive and demeaning. If he serious about not stopping until she was wet, the spanking was unlikely to do it... It lose/lose, and if she didn't pick soon she'd get shocked on top of it! Nat was a clever girl -- he was going to toy with her until he came, regardless. She shut her eyes and loosed a few sobs. It was better to get the inevitable over with.

"Fuck me..." Natalie mumbled, choking back tears.
As Tom stood behind Natalie, he felt his cock growing harder, pre cum dripping from the bulbous helm as he looked at Natalie, shoved over the counter, vulnerable, about to be exposed. He had no idea how she would react to his depraved commands, but he knew one thing, that no matter what he would find a way to twist things, find a way to get himself inside her. He had to play reasonably fair, at least in his mind, to imprint in her the feeling that she could get some sort of positive result from compliance... but in the end she was simply too fucking hot to allow to walk free, he wanted her, there was no one to stop him... he was going to have her.

Her half voiced beginning of a rebottle to his accusations, an excuse, faltered in her throat as he forced her into place, causing him to grin. "Yeah.. you know what you did... no point trying to deny it. You had your chance and this will be a fine lesson for the future. You give me what I want and you get what you want... well, within reason. Anyway, look at the bright side... finally you won't have to rely on your fingers, or some phallus to get you off when you feel the need. Finally you can have a real cock inside you, after being a fucking popsicle for all these years, eh, vault girl?" he chuckled hoarsely, as his hand smacked against her left cheek, not even waiting for her to pull down her pants. The echo of it was the real music of this place.

He hissed, admiring the shape of her ass as she slowly pulled down her pants. He assisted her, shoving her ankles apart, watching the material stretch at her knees, SMACK, a palm print appeared on her left cheek, SMACK another on her right, his fingers smoothing over the skin in the aftermath. feeling the heat of her body. He noticed the scratch, didn't care, instead squeezing at her ass, feeling the firm flesh that demanded attention. "You're a fucking perfect little peach aren't you? How long since you got fucked Natalie? Did anyone in that ruined vault, the one that popped a while ago, lit up the sky, did anyone there fuck you before you left.. I bet they all wanted to, didn't they. I bet, with a hot little slut you you walking around, cock teasing them in that skin tight 'fuck me' jumpsuit you wear... I bet they all wanted to screw you blind." he huffed." But they didn't have the balls, didn't have the guts, still had some shred of decency." he laughed.

"That's why I get to have you, and they get to die unhappy." he shook his head. "Assuming you don't hold out of course."

SMACK his hand slapped into her ass as she immediately caved, "Fuck me? Wow, I must have been right." he ran his fingers down to her cunt. Dry. He stroked along the folds of her slit, splaying them apart, teasing at her clit, thumbing her anus. "You feel real fucking tight... I'm going to have to force you open, but don't worry, eventually you'll get to like it." he grinned again. Reaching around her, her found the zip of her suit, drawing it down slowly, before he slid his hand inside, squeezing her tits, one after the other, then slowly capturing her nipples, in turn, twisting and tugging on them, "Great fucking tits too, just the right size. Don't you worry Natalie. I'll make sure they stay mine." he chuckled again, a gruff, bass, resonating sound as he spat on her ass, watching the spittle run down her crack, oozing towards her cunt, smeared into her crease by his fingers.

"Now... I'm a reasonable guy. Everyone can screw up now and again. I know you meant to get me to come with your hand... you just fucked up. We don't want that to happen again, do we Natalie?" he advised her, sinking a finger into her cunt, drilling it inside her, feeling her inner heat, then pulling it out in order to thumb her anus, squeezing it, stretching it, forcing it to spread open and take an inch of his thumb into it.

"Tell me... who fucked you last Natalie? I want to know. Tell me. How was it... what did they do to you. I want to know? While you do that I want you to think... do you want to run the risk of getting knocked up? Do you want to run the risk of me being rad free enough to put one in your belly... or do you want to stay risk free... and take it in your ass... regardless of how tight you look there? Take your time, there's no need to hurry... when you're done... just tell me where you want it. Make me want to fuck you. You know what will happen if you don't." he hissed, tapping her shoulder with the device in his left hand while playing idly with her tits and nipples with his right. Meanwhile his cock slapped against her ass, smearing pre cum onto her skin, speckling her flesh with faint strings of it as his bobbing cock bumped against the faded redness left by his palms.
Natalie screamed when he struck her! And wailed when he slapped her ass again... But when Tom brought up her vault, how it had lit up the sky, that was when her tears flowed. And the was way he talked about them -- how badly they must have wanted her -- it was sick! But everything about Tom was sick...

She winced as he hit her ass again; then wet her with his spit and teased his fingers. "No..." She mewled between sobs. Next her top was unzipped, and he had her breasts in hand. Squeezing them was not so bad, but when he pinched her nipples -- twisted and pulled at them -- she grit her teeth and tried to hold back, but ragged breaths escaped and pained squeals were soon to follow. Natalie shook when he spoke, and her eyes went wide when his them and finger slipped inside.

"Aah!" She squealed sharply. "Stop...p-please!" Nat stammered, but Tom already had her next assignment. "What!?" She shot back. "Who I...why... Wha..?"

Natalie couldn't believe it. Everyone she had ever known was dead -- and he wanted her talk and the last time she'd had sex with one of them. In detail, of course. "No... They're all dead! I... I can't talk about them like that... They were my friends, and my family even! Please, Tom, don't... I'm so, so, s-sorry..."
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