Mx F or NB Dark Dystopian Dominance Themes!


Jun 18, 2024
Hello hello! First post on this account–I just decided to make my own thread to loosely outline the cravings I’m having in regards to writing stories. While I do currently have a few long-standing (1 year+) stories in the works, I’ve got that itch for something new–but if you decide to contact me, please bear in mind I’ll likely only select one or two new writing partners/concepts as I would rather immerse myself in a few quality stories than spread myself too thin. Oh, and real quick–I’m a 34 year old male IRL who currently has more than a little availability on my hands (see: extended unemployment vacation from reality), so I’d prefer partners who offer at least one consistent post a day. You’ll get that from me, though if I’m invested in a story you’ll likely receive several posts and a fair bit of OoC chatter/planning.

I offer predominantly dominant male characters that I’m happy to tailor toward your interests–quality descriptive writing, the ability to drive a plot/add twists/flavor/surprises, and (I’d like to think) a friendly and approachable individual to interact with outside of the story. I generally write well developed characters with edges and flaws that are distinct in some manner or another based on the desires of my writing partner (or, in the case of my OC characters, their character arc). As previously stated but now stressed, I write descriptive posts and am only really looking for partners who do the same–I typically mirror effort in stories but lose interest quickly if I don’t feel I’m receiving quality responses.

What I’m looking for!

Currently (and for the last year or so) I’ve been infatuated with darker storylines that revolve around key concepts/kinks/exchanges which will be listed below. If you have a plot or a concept you’d like to gauge my interest on that isn’t in this list, you’re welcome to send me a message–but these are the concepts I’m primarily looking for, so including them is far more likely to get me to engage with whatever you’re after.

Large scale societal collapse
Large scale military conflict
Transactional exchanges/submission
Dub-con, non-con, blackmail
Historical fiction
Medieval fantasy
Coercion/abuse of authority
Role subversion
Age gaps (for either older or younger)
Multiple characters
Harem style collection

More loosely defined, I’m looking for stories with a tangible threat of some sort that drives characters to desperation–an external or internal force that creates (or manipulates) a need for protection/resources/safety/what have you in a way that can be turned into sexual deviancy, willing, unwilling, or tolerated. Modern settings require more effort in their hooks for me to bite, but I do love a good zombie apocalypse. I’m happy to help flesh out/come up with ideas for the driving force of conflict, but in return I’d like to write alongside someone who can bring interesting and appealing characters to the table. Bonus points for:

Unusual characters (appearance, personality, sexuality/gender)
Anal (Pretty much a must when writing with me, the real bonus points are for rimming scenes)
Younger male(s), older female(s)
Well thought out/written initial contact
Fantasy races that aren’t human–preference to shortstacks/greenskins in fantasy stories
Incest themes–mostly involving multiple female characters–mother/daughter taken together, sisters resorting to very unsisterly behavior–that sort of thing.

Feel free to send me a message if I’ve tickled your fancy! I’ll likely put more work into this thread as time goes on, but I just wanted to get it up. Thanks for the read!
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