I Want You Bad: Villains with Hearts of Gold


not demure. not cutesy. very brazen. very toxic.
Jan 11, 2024
your mom’s bedroom
Just once, wouldn't you like to see the bad guy get the girl? Bring me your dastardly bastards with a secret ooey-gooey center. There's something about a man who everyone fears being tender that appeals to me.

The object of his obsession can be a plucky heroine, or a maiden who showed him kindness, or the damsel in distress abandoned to his whims or—well, let's chat.

Settings can range from the medieval to sci-fi-adjacent modern.

Does the ruthless king of a much feared kingdom finally need to take a bride?

Does the abandoned damsel flourish under the crime-lord's tutelage, finding her place at his side?

Does the kitchenwitch soothe the soul of the terrifying warlord left injured on her doorstep?

What I'm after:
A villain, who may be brutal to those around him, that is soft for his love interest.

Character growth. Does he soften his sharp edges for her, or does she grow calculating and vicious to better fit at his side?

To be pursued. He, after all, rarely hears 'no'.

Infatuation. These characters desire each other, even if they aren't sure why.

To choose how my character looks. I have a type.

Dominant men.

Biggest kinks:

See f-list in signature for details, but in a nutshell: cumplay, the risk of pregnancy, clitoral pleasure and aftercare are my faves.

About me:

Original content is new for me, hence the weak prompt. I'm not sure what I want! Maybe we figure it out together.
I haven't written anything but Marvel for a good 10 years. If you'd like to see some writing samples, peep my Marvel request thread.

I'm looking for something fun. Low stakes. I say I want something short, under 500 words, and I turn into a lousy hypocrite and end up writing Moby fucking Dick.

Ghost-friendly and friendly-friendly, I hope.

If you think we'd vibe, reach out?
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