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[NSFW] Welcome to the Femdom Utopia (Yume Kuribayashi & -NekoUke-)

Jul 23, 2023

Welcome to the Femdom Utopia was originally hosted on Fiction Depot, running from January 10, 2021 to October 8, 2023, where it temporarily concluded due to/ahead of the site's closure. Below is a summary of the RP's events to the present.

Nestled away in the Atlai Mountains on the border of China and Russia, and between their borders with Kazakhstan and Mongolia, lies the autonomous sovereign nation of Nutong. Established in the 19th century by three female-led families from across Eastern Asia seeking refuge from the patriarchal societies they suffered under for generations, Nutong was founded with one end goal in mind: complete and exhaustive rule by the female sex, with all others, especially men, reduced to second-class citizenry. For the first century of its existence, Nutong was treated as an oddity in the global sphere of influence, as fascinating as it was derided for the way it carried itself as a matriarchy, particularly the ruling class's tradition of proclaiming "glory to womankind" in official conduct. However, as the late 20th century and the early 21st saw the rise of shifting attitudes in gender roles, equal rights in several prominent nations, and most shockingly of all, pornography that treated the radical "female oppressor" dichotomy as something to be aroused by, Nutong likewise shifted gears to match. Nowadays, it exists as a resort nation, where visitors of both sexes and all gender identities can visit with the intent of submitting themselves to the local dommes, and in the case of cis women, acting the role of a domme themselves. And should they enjoy themselves enough, they could move in as permanent residents, joining the elite and often fetishist females of the modern world as Nutongese citizenry, inhabitants of the world's foremost "femdom utopia".

The ruling government of Nutong is, and always has been, a matriarchal oligarchy, and is at present run by four members comprising the "Nobility" class. The head of state, granted that role de facto as member of the leading (and ironically only remaining) family of the original founders, is Aimi Ichijou, scion of the Ichijou clan from Japan. In addition to serving as Nutong's official ruler – its youngest at only age 25 – Aimi also runs the entertainment industry of the nation; a valuable sector of its economy, being a nation comprised primarily of dominatrices and their collections of submissives. Residing in the historic manor that has belonged to the Ichijou family since Nutong's settlement, Aimi sits in personal charge of a wide array of loyal attendants learned in many disciplines, with two standing above the rest as her head servants: a pair of Korean siblings, the reserved and scatterbrained Hana Yun and her hotheaded yet mindful older brother Cheon-Gu Yun. In addition to acting as personal assistants and supervisors over the other attendants, they are Aimi's main sexual partners and eager subs in many respects, to the point of acting as her ponies whenever she wished to publicly travel on the streets of downtown.

Despite being the biggest domme in terms of status in Nutong, Aimi holds a submissive side known only to a select few, including the other Nobility and select elders in the Ichijou family. Knowing of this secret inclination of hers especially is Aimi's own mother, the fourth Ichijou matriarch and the previous Nutong Head of State, Kiyomi Ichijou. Compared to her daughter, Kiyomi is notable in and out of her clan as being a true dominant, to a level only matched among her ancestors by her great-grandmother and Nutong's first ruler, Hiroko. Cruel yet charismatic, aggressive yet fair, bearing a firm hand and a welcoming embrace to all who wish to grovel at her feet, and maybe sneak in a quick kiss before her crop falls upon them. This was the philosophy Kiyomi employed during her rule of Nutong, and still employs in her post-resignation days in her high-rise Tokyo manor. There, she lives life like she would had she never left Nutong, served dutifully by a hierarchy of slaves organized by the tags they wore on their collars. At the top were the platinum-tags, of which her chief submissive Sumire "Sumi" Arakawa was the only one, followed by the gold-tags, the silver-tags, and finally the bronze-tags, who were most often household newcomers.

Many bronze-tags acted as a regular rotation of playthings for the matriarch, like the clumsy but diligent Tatsuya "Tatsu" Ohno, while others were go-getters looking to be recognized above all others and hopefully see promotion to silver-tag, like the enthusiastic and argumentative Kyra May, an Englishwoman currently training under Kiyomi as one of her personal ponygirls. But of all the bronze-tags in Kiyomi's "employ", none could hold a candle to Yume Kuribayashi in terms of dedication and perversion. Though Yume considered themselves decent friends, she was occasionally prone to butting heads with Kyra, which as fellow bronze-tag ponies-in-training with masochistic streaks of varying intensity was bound to happen every now and again. One recent example – an argument stemming from Yume being chosen over Kyra as a subject for the most recent inclusion to Kiyomi's personal art gallery – resulted in the pair being punished for this rare instance of acrimony by way of subjection to the Ichijou Tie, a seldom used but unimaginably punishing shibari arrangement that left those subjected intimate in their shared pain and pleasure. And strangely enough, Yume enjoyed it as if the legendary most dreaded form of discipline in the House Ichijou playbook was instead the ultimate in ecstasy! No surprise for someone as masochistic as she was cheerful and all-around friendly…

With her household's inner workings gradually outweighing the duties of the clan in preferential importance, and Aimi having proven a capable sovereign after one year of bearing such responsibility, Kiyomi has deemed it time to pass official control of the House Ichijou onto her kin. Thus, she has begun arrangements to make such a transfer of familial power official. Over one week from the "present day" – more on when that is, exactly, later – an official succession ceremony will take place in order to recognize both Kiyomi's resignation from rule as the Matriarch of House Ichijou and Aimi's inheritance of the same position. Unlike prior ceremonies, which have taken place on Japanese soil at the historic Ichijou estate, this ceremony will be held at the clan's manor in Nutong. Kiyomi intends to fly out exactly one week before the ceremony, with Kyra and Yume in tow. Aimi's anticipation for the ceremony is just as palpable as the inherent significance of the succession itself. But between the matter of who to invite to the ceremony from outside the clan, as well as her regular duties as head of state, the time for her to truly worry about her second inheritance of full control from her mother is yet to come…

The second member of the Nutong Nobility, who rules over the country's financial sector as its national treasurer is Mariah Abadi, an Egyptian domme more widely known under her nom de guerre of "Queen Naeemah". In the truest show of national pride amongst the whole of the Nobility, Mariah – rather, Naeemah – styles herself after Ancient Egyptian royalty, from her opulent manner of dress to her massive mansion property and above all else her preferred manner of domination and torment: restricting the movements of others through the classic art of mummification. She could go as light as she liked – which often meant exposing the head, feet and any naughty bits for easy access – or as extreme as full encasement in bandages and isolation in specially designed sarcophagi. With such a bold and brash manner of presentation and reputation, it was no wonder she lived rent-free in the minds of those who've only heard of her! Despite this, Mariah is quite the private individual beneath the Naeemah façade, the result of personal struggles faced in her homeland, up to and including an arranged marriage which she fled to Nutong in order to avoid commitment to. The only ones who know her "true self", beyond her fellow Nobles (who could more often than not care less), are the most autonomous of her servants, including her dutiful and Anubian-presenting second-in-command Dendera Qurayshi, and high-ranking, soft-spoken male servant Hasani Mansoor, who Dendera considered to be her favorite plaything.

Noble #3 in the country's highest of inner circles was perhaps an even bigger enigma, even to her fellow oligarchs. Known only by her self-given title of The Hive Mistress, or the acceptable alternative of "Hive Queen", she sits at the head of Nutong's industrial sector, overseeing the manufacture and export of the goods the nation has used for both internal sustainability and external legitimacy. Though holding residence in Nutong, the Hive Mistress actually hails from another sovereign "resort nation" rooted in kink: Maskenständig, an Eastern European enclave whose all-adult citizenry wear full enclosure, including the eponymous masks, in both public and private, with removal of such layers as discouraged as it is seldom done. Perhaps because of her "native" Masken culture, so much about the Hive Mistress is unknown, from her age to her appearance to even her true ethnic origins. All that is known, that can be known about her are what matters in the present. Her Noble status, of course, but also her reputation and standing as a domme adopting the hierarchy and aesthetic of a literal queen bee, down to her cybernetically-enhanced outfit blending the humanoid with the insectoid. Many who have seen the inside of her "hives" have joined her growing ranks of equally faceless and nameless drones, and what few have stepped away from that path have been tight-lipped about what goes on within. The fact of the matter is, she is easily the least accessible domme of all four, at least when it comes to the permanent and visiting public alike.

In contrast, the most accessible domme among the Nutong Nobility was also the newest, the only one to not have explicit oversight of the country's affairs… but at the same time, is easily the most dangerous of them all. Though in comparison, Olga has sustained a heavy mystery about herself as well. Her full name is unknown, her appearance is hidden under so many layers of thick, stifling rubber gear it was impossible to discern any true physical features, and any personal questions are either ignored or laughed off, were they able to reach within personal earshot. What is known about her, however, is that she is in her '50s; she primarily operates out of Great Britain, specifically the outskirts of Colchester, England; and her specialty kink is, naturally, heavy rubberization and all the BDSM debauchery that comes with it. Especially notable was her specialty among specialties, the encasement of subs in extremely thick rubber sacks they were expected to wriggle about in for lengthy periods of time like oversized slugs. It was no surprise this niche fetish, dubbed "slithering", was how Olga came to earn the moniker of "Mistress Slither". Either name was enough to strike deep unease into the hearts of even extreme fetishists, not because of her fashion sense or breadth of kinks, however, but who served under her…

Olga's slave hierarchy was split into four divisions. At the top were her Slitherers, silent drones dressed in red and wearing massive ball hoods, often assisting in menial tasks and providing direct pleasure when convenient. One of the highest-ranking Slitherers, Senior Slitherer 7 or simply 7, was close enough to Olga enough of the time to be considered her second-in-command, but remained subservient all the same. Middle-ranked slaves included both Maids, whose duties were self-explanatory, and Sissies, most-often male subs – assigned that way at birth, at least – whose eager and flirtatious manners made them perfectly malleable as objects of Olga's pleasure, both direct and otherwise. Like 7, Sissy 23, the highest-ranking of Olga's Sissies located in Nutong, lived with their Mistress in the sprawling mansion in the rural regions south of the capital city. But the most infamous of Olga's slave ranks was the Lipped. Practically mindless, borderline feral beings of raw sexual energy whose facelessness was on another level from the others, encased in tight black rubber across all their curves – masculine, feminine, and often times both! – with their only stand-out feature being a thick pair of brightly colored lips, most often red, that were their primary method of assault, so to speak. Anyone unlucky enough to encounter one and not fast enough to escape were doomed to an overwhelming assault by these creatures whose only instincts appeared to be excessive kissing and humping, and if they were really unlucky, they'd be dragged back into Olga's mansion to be transformed into Lipped themselves… For what solace it was worth, only a scant quantity of Olga's Lipped were located in Nutong, with two of the tamest even serving as makeshift steeds! Even so, the reputation the Lipped brought with them made Olga a force to be feared, and likewise hushed up any rumors about how she managed to buy her way to a seat among Nutong's uppermost ranks.

No matter how legitimate Olga's means of obtaining her seat were, she was treated as a legitimate Noble by Aimi, Naeemah and the Hive Mistress all the same. Besides, with the Mistress Slither having filled one seat on their council, it opened the doors to consider other dommes of particularly high standing within Nutongese society for additional seats at the table. There were plenty with enough positive standing to cross the mind, but only a select few with the chops and results to back it up, thereby bringing them under serious consideration. Of these few, one domme stands at the top of the pack, to the point that Naeemah has recommended her for consideration, so far only vocally but soon on paper to make things official.

The domme in question is none other than the founder, owner, operator, and "Mistress Superior" of the Church of Rubber series of latex fetish and S&M clubs, Wen Su.

Born in mainland China but raised in Taiwan, Wen's beginnings are actually quite humble; her original career path of an Olympic-level table tennis player, not so much. Regardless, few knew of these details, not that they mattered in the face of the foremost facts: she started out as one of many dominatrices at a Taipei latex fetish club, and over a decade later, she had made a name for herself and thensome as a world-renowned Mistress matched by very few. The flagship location of the Church of Rubber in Shanghai, a rare case of sex work allowed to operate in-country beyond special administrative regions like Hong Kong or Macau, is considered a mecca for many kinksters and an even higher percentage of lifestyle fetishists, the business she accrued earning enough capital to make her China's richest woman in recent memory. Though that revenue came not from the Shanghai Church alone, but the many branches she had throughout the world, including locations in Tokyo, San Francisco, Montreal, London (the most recently opened), Paris, Munich, Amsterdam, Bangkok, and of course Nutong. She also has plans to open Churches in Seoul and Sydney, is in talks to establish one in Maskenständig, and has recently considered a location in Osaka. (She's tried and failed to establish a Church in Istanbul, though still retains a residence there, and has more or less abandoned all plans of making herself present in Rome, not while true Catholicism retains presence in the Vatican.)

When it comes to internal hierarchy, it's not as important an aspect in Wen's countless households, which more or less consist of staffs of maids and collections of full-time subs, as it is in the Church itself. Sitting at the top of everything is the Mistress Superior, Wen herself, but when it comes to specific locations, the one holding the most power is the Mistress Inferior, whose position as lead domme is hand-picked by the Mistress Superior, who also takes time to train her before letting her "rule the roost", so to speak. Another title for the Mistress Inferior is the "External Manager" – a title reflecting her status as the face of their specific branch, save for Shanghai where Wen took precedence over its Mistress Inferior. It is also a fitting complement to the Internal Manager, a business-educated individual who manages finances and operations, thereby making sure it is both profitable and running smoothly. On-call staff is split four ways between multiple secondary dommes, known as "Sisters"; submissive variations originally titled "Sub-Sisters"; and their male/trans counterparts, "Sissies" and "Sub-Sissies", respectively. And then come the patrons themselves, who could use the subs and be used by the dommes however they see fit… within legal limitations, of course. Finally, there sits two honorary positions at the top, regardless of location: Associate Sisters, former Church staff who made enough of a name for themselves afterwards that they could rejoin as business partners, and Eternal Sisters, a rare position fit only for those who seek no other goals nor glory beyond serving the Mistress Superior and her kin in totality. Naturally, the latter status remains completely vacant.

In the specific case of the Nutong Church, the two most prominent members of its hierarchy are, naturally, the two seated at the top, second only to the Mistress Superior. Acting as Internal Manager is Jie Lu Zhui, a flirtatious domme whose penchant for wearing full-face hoods that expose her lips not only draws direct comparisons to the Lipped, but far overshadow her business prowess whenever anyone meets with her, especially fellow Church dommes and their subs. Meanwhile, the Mistress Inferior title is taken up by one Khar Altanzul, a Mongolian domme whose imposing and intimidating nature makes her a force to be reckoned with, especially when she has a whip in her hand with every intention of using it on someone. Calling it a façade would be a lie, but beneath that cult of sadistic personality lies a fair and understanding woman who values her subs and the potential she sees within them, no matter how much she compares them to dirt or the insects within. With Jie Lu's insight and Khar's warped charisma, it's no surprise that Nutong's Church of Rubber, even with a regular off-season in the winter, has the highest annual earnings across all clubs of its ilk within the county, and moreso continues to expand knowledge and appreciation of the Church across its foreign visitors on the regular.

Even so, the household hierarchy, secondary as it is, cannot be ignored, let alone understated. Naturally, whenever Wen happens to be within Nutong's borders, she acts as head of the household there; same as in every residence she owned across the globe. But it is Khar, who lives in the Nutong residence full-time and as such oversees its inherent hierarchy, who is in total control most often. Also living in the four-story mansion – two above ground and two below, located in the southern foothills just down the road from Olga's place – is a staff of eight to nine maids, primarily of either Chinese or Mongolian ethnicity, who handle much of the daily chores and upkeep around the residence. This rung of the hierarchy includes (but is not limited to) the icy and respectful head maid Xinyi Tian, the tough-as-nails assistant head maid and lead "night shifter" Narengawa, secondary night shifter Lijuan "Liju" Jia, and timid newcomer Sarantuya, as well as others specializing in cooking, laundry and gardening. There is also the rank of "house sub", for any individual who wishes to serve the household full-time in a more sexual manner than the maids, and this being Nutong, the house subs were often expected to be male. Officially, the only house sub under Khar's oversight is her personal slave, Japanese expat Naoto Itakushi. In addition to serving Khar whenever she sees fit, Naoto doubles as a night shifter, joining Narengawa, Liju and multiple male freelance subs in patrolling the property in the dark hours for trespassers and other activity done in defiance of house rules.

At present, however, the Nutong residence household has grown from its stability, at least in partiality. Of course, Wen was a part of that surge, arriving in Nutong to assist in its Church's seasonal reopening (as well as other local activities…) and bringing her personal maid and head of her Shanghai household's staff, Zhen Kun Cheung, along for the three-month stay. In terms of fresh faces, there was Monica Chambers, a British woman who was previously in training as a Sister at the London Church, before word of a vacancy at the Nutong residence drew her there to fill the position, which suited her status as a switch all the better. Likewise, two days before Monica's arrival, a new house sub arrived in Nutong, his entry into the country perfectly queued with Wen's own return, and his position, though technically temporary, leaving the door ajar for a longer-term service…

This man in question is the protagonist of this story, Denieru "Den" Shuji. (Took long enough to finally reach him, huh?)

Denieru did not have the easiest life, or even one that could be considered "easy" overall. Being a hāfu – Japanese on his mom's side, British on his dad's – bullying and discrimination came his way all too easy, especially when he entered adulthood and the challenges evolved from social to systemic. (Though his Osakan upbringing likely played as much a role…) Even permanent employment was beyond manageable reach, as he instead had to settle for freelance work as an oft-transient journalist. And even with steady income from a rotation of clients, he remained alone. He had no friends to provide support, and he couldn't even fall back on his family, between his dad walking out when he was young, his mother passing away three years prior, and his twin sister spending much of her time with a rough crowd of like-minded miscreants, which was a certainly unique way of grieving. The closest he had to regular support were the denizens of online chatrooms he regularly frequented, and even then the people within tended to come and go without warning. It was himself or nothing, that's the way it's been. However, there was always opportunity for great change, and the femdom utopia had all the potential to be its harbinger.

Den's official reason for coming to Nutong was work: a recent job from a fetish magazine looking to publish an article on life in Nutong from the perspective of one of its male inhabitants. Human interest or exposé piece, the purpose didn't really matter too much. Having held a long-standing curiosity about the BDSM lifestyle and femdom in particular, Denieru jumped at the opportunity to experience it firsthand. And therein laid his personal reasons for taking the job, for visiting Nutong in the first place: self-discovery and, in a way, atonement. Having trudged through his day-to-day in Japan for far too long, he was in need of new perspective, and with the desire to fully embrace what he had come to recognize thus far as a secondhand kink, Nutong felt like the perfect place to learn who he really was and, if possible, find that support system he so subconsciously longed for. Ironically, his personal reasons were what he gave as the purpose of his visit to national customs: talk of Nutong's internal goings-on was scant enough online that journalistic intentions could very well double as a request for trouble.

As with all male visitors entering Nutong, Den was granted two options: stay for three months, or stay for one year. This was the backbone of the country's "duration" system for all men visiting without an accompanying domme. Such non-residents had the option of being assigned a Mistress to serve under full-time, or could take the route of a "freelancer", moving between dommes on a pro bono basis while simultaneously being trained by the state to meet the position's strict standards. Either way, the three-month option and the one-year option, with extensions allowed for both, were provided, to give enough of a taste of the nation's lifestyle that the decision to leave or remain at time's end would be informed and easy to reach. And even then, they could easily depart while remaining the sub of their assigned Mistress… And with several dommes holding non-permanent residence in Nutong, the option was not a rare one!

Of the two options, Den selected the three-month duration. Enough time to immerse himself in everything Nutong had to offer at its most evenly distributed, and well within his client's deadline, too! And as luck of the draw, he found himself assigned to the Mistress Superior, Wen Su, who opted to indulge in the duration system as well, while visiting Nutong for her usual assistance in the local Church's seasonal reopening and the multiple reunions bound to follow, on top of involvement in machinations she had yet to be aware of… Even so, on his third full day as her durational sub – in other words, the aforementioned "present day" – Den had already accustomed well to life in the Mistress Superior's household structure, embracing much of everything she had to offer him, by request or at her own behest. Some things would take some getting used to, the imposing presence of Mistress Inferior Khar having the closest proximity, but he would no doubt find pleasure on that end as well.

But for every potentially life-changing action came a number of knock-on effects. In Den's case, the biggest would be the arrival of his remaining kin past Nutong's borders.

It might not seem like it on the surface, but Mitsuru Shuji cares deeply for her brother Denieru. True to the reverse, he's the only family by blood she has left. So naturally, for all the rough remarks bordering on insults she directed towards his means of living, she couldn't help but feel worried when, as soon as he entered Nutong and gave up his personal possessions, cell phone included, he stopped returning her texts. That worry only turned to distress when, just a day later, she received a call from his number, only to be met on the other end by Khar, who dialed her cell on a whim and out of curiosity as to the tumultuous relationship the two had. Not helping matters were Khar's cryptic replies to Mitsuru's straightforward, almost threatening questions about her brother. With only the "femdom utopia" clue she was left with to work off of, Mitsuru figured he was in Nutong and immediately set off to track him down, booking a three-month duration – fair game for female subs, too! – in the hopes that would get her to him quicker. That would be her first mistake.

Unlike Denieru, whose appointment was booked well ahead of his flight in and therefore gave the Nutong Designation Center (NuDC) and its Chief Designatrix ample time to arrange an assigned domme for him, Mitsuru made landfall in Nutong's capitol within 24 hours of her booking, throwing the NuDC into disarray regarding who to assign her to. With the situation urgent, someone had to take up the assignment. As it so happened, the Nobles were having a late-evening meeting that night, and believing it to be a fitting form of initiation into the ranks she so recently entered, Aimi granted Olga full control over Mitsuru for her duration.

Any sane person who knew how the Mistress Slither operated would know not to throw an unprepared sub into the deep end with her, especially one of the durational variety. Of course, the Nutong Nobility operated on a different set of standards, and an extreme fetishist like Olga took full advantage of her dominion over Mitsuru, thrusting her into training right off the bat. Being as green to the lifestyle as a sub could get, there were endless ways in which Mitsuru could be molded to fit within Olga's household hierarchy. But for now, it was best to leave her to the most basic of training regimens: learning how to take dick to varying degrees from varying sources, including fucking machines, the Lipped, and "stud-drones", a phantom tier in Olga's hierarchy consisting of otherwise normal men who dropped everything they did, rubbered up and followed Olga's orders to the letter per a simple call of action. In that sense, they were like fetishistic sleeper agents.

The humiliation, degradation, and overall rough treatment brought about by the training and everything leading up to it went against much of Mitsuru's personal limits, which was in ways both a consequence of her lack of preparation for what the duration system entailed and the way in which a domme like Olga did things, at least within Nutong borders. Finding Denieru – who was ironically just down the road – was practically impossible now, not while she was suffering through a personal hell she wouldn't have even fathomed before this moment. And yet, her hell was only beginning… as within the first day of her training, Olga had already made plans to transform her into one of her Lipped.

Of course, the dommes populating Nutong weren't limited to the extremes exhibited by the Nobles, both those active and in Wen's case prospective. Dommes of all types, from gentle to severe, could be found just by walking the streets and sampling individual households. So long as women were on top and men were on bottom, with occasional instances of the former joining the latter in their station, the intrinsic nature of each dichotomy could take any form their respective domme liked. Though with Nutong's reputation as a femdom utopia, it was natural that the most visible of dommes leaned towards the severe and heavily fetishistic side of the spectrum, and even then, there was a wide variety to behold!

For example, there's Audrey Tessom, an American domme who holds residence in Nutong, just down the road from Olga and Wen, but only visits occasionally, due to her prominent day job in the States. She is a specialty domme, whose skill set centers around one specific kink above all others, and hers is sissification, as demonstrated by the dolled-up subs that occupy her mansion and keep it in prime condition in her absence. Another specialty domme, one whose residence was more permanent, is Jie Tao, a Hong Kongese domme who focuses on puppyplay, to the point of training newcomers to the petplay subset with the sternest of disciplines. And then there's Yukari "Kari" Konno, who isn't so much a domme as she is a switch; specifically, a female-exclusive class of freelancer known as a Drone. Like her fellow Drones, Kari regularly takes work assisting other dommes in sessions with their subs, and with an ideal balance between subservience and detached authority enhanced by her hood and gas mask: the two required pieces of a Drone's attire. She was a favorite Drone of Wen, who often hired her to assist in sessions whenever she was in the country. Though she was a Switch-class drone – a fitting equivalent to the Mistress and Slave classes – Kari regularly indulged in her dominant side as a Nutong citizen, often in private and often with her personal puppy slave.

However, if there was one domme in all of Nutong that would come to mind first, following the obvious picks of the Nobles and the Mistress Superior, many would undoubtedly think of Yukiko Nakamura before anyone else.

Yukiko's past before her rise to prominence in the femdom community sphere was a mystery, and unlike Wen, next to no records existed to piece anything together. Even her starting point as a domme, the Church of Rubber's Tokyo branch, was considered rumor, to the point of her still serving the Church even as an independent entity! And while it was true that she held the prospect of an Associate Sister position near the forefront of her mind, Yukiko had already stepped away from her duties as a Sister, her professional life now split between two hemispheres of business. The first was a line of fetish fashions, the majority of them latex and a significant share inspired by traditional Japanese attire, where she served as CEO and whose headquarters was one floor below her penthouse suite in the downtown capitol. The second was a collection of brothel-style clubs, some of which dealt in S&M fare while others, specifically the Golden Sakura, wore their traditional influences on their sleeves. And nothing demonstrated that influence better than Yukiko's "Madam" persona, an Oiran dominatrix whose deliciously malicious attitude brought with it a respectable notoriety, among the public and among her fellow dommes.

Compared to the complex structures of other households – be they Wen's maids and subs, Olga's Slitherers and Lipped, or even the sexualized geishas that served Aimi – Yukiko's hierarchy is smaller and much more intimate. At the internal top of the food chain, even when those below held national rank, is her personal sub, Kaito "Kiri" Kirinaga. Having grown close to Yukiko while working as a Sub-Sissy at the Tokyo Church, Kiri left with Yukiko as she struck out on her own as a domme, remaining devoted to her every step of the way and sticking by her side for much of those steps. Rounding out the ranks of her household are Natasha and Natalya, twin Russian maids who arrived at Yukiko's doorstep one day without explanation and began serving her from then on, proving their worth and mettle with astonishing efficiency. They are a perfect yin-yang, with Natasha's teasing playfulness and Natalya's aloof cruelty complimenting one another while sharing the same genital-tingling condescension that proved them senior to the masochistic Kiri per Nutongese tradition.

Though she didn't live in Yukiko's penthouse like Kiri and the maids, Yukiko's personal secretary Chie Kugimiya is just as important a part of the hierarchy. The COO of Yukiko's fashion fiefdom in all but legal writing, Chie is Yukiko's second-in-command, overseeing her business dealings, financial decisions, and the dividends earned from every individual turn of the cogs, just as she did when she worked under the Internal Manager of the Church of Rubber Tokyo in Yukiko's pre-Madam days. So important she was to Yukiko as an asset and a colleague, in fact, that she has recently been granted an incomparable position: serving as the "handler" for her younger brother Satoshi Nakamura while he himself is visiting Nutong, to experience the national lifestyle in preparation for a prospective permanent move to the country within the next year. As to be expected from a Nutong-based domme's right hand, she has taken to the position quite well, with Satoshi proving as obedient as she and Yukiko alike hoped he would. But that bit of personal excitement was only the tip of the iceberg regarding the recent events to find their way into Yukiko's daily life… much of which has to do with a fellow Nihonjin of the same surname (but no apparent blood relation).

Kaori Nakamura could very well rival Yukiko, Wen and the Nobles when it came to name recognition in Nutong, but even in the case of surpassion, she was recognized not as a domme but as a celebrity. Under the pseudonym of Nyakubi Tsuchitama – "Tamanya", as the super-die-hards shorthanded – Kaori made a name for herself as Nutong's #1 musical idol, one who treated her fanbase as equally beloved "toys" and was unafraid to sensualize herself for her audience's pleasure. A countercultural antithesis to the purity culture her native Japan's idol industry thrived off of and sought fiercely to protect, to the point of scrutinizing the subjects of even the tiniest scandal. One might even conclude that to be the entire point of Nyakubi, a rejection of that stifling entertainment sector and specifically her old agency that would have balked at even the concept of a dominatrix idol. But it was that concept put into practice that earned Nyakubi her devoted fandom, of which Kiri was one such member. Granting her boytoy the opportunity to live out his fantasy of being teased and tormented by Nyakubi in person, mono a mono, inspired Yukiko to invite Kaori to stay at her residence for a week's time. Though such an opportunity was only possible thanks to Kaori's own request of Yukiko, one that would put a different skill set of hers to the test…

In addition to idol work, Kaori has also branched into acting under her real name, something she's grown into quite quickly thanks to her regular use of "alter ego". At present, she is set to star in "Kazokuai no Ken", or "Blade of Familial Love", the latest film from director Seiha Yozakai. Until now, the cult filmmaker Seiha was best known for her Nicchouseki trilogy, a generally faithful adaptation of the LGBT+ romance fetish comic Sunstone by Stjepan Sejic, but she hopes to change that with "Kazokuai": a jidai-geki with strong kink themes and a subtle anti-authoritarian undercurrent – her two big tells as an auteur – centering around the second daughter of a swordsmithing family taking up the blade to rescue her ronin older sister after she's mysteriously abducted. Though a departure from traditional jidai-geki structure through the anachronistic matriarchy of the setting – a trade-off for being allowed to film in Nutong, perhaps? – Seiha has faith the work will resonate regardless, even if its splash in Japan is far smaller than that in Nutong.

Concerning the main cast, Kaori is set to portray Ayame, the story's protagonist, while the role of Ayame's sister Tekka has been given to one of the two lead actresses from Nicchouseki. Rivaling Kaori in terms of star power (and Naeemah in terms of living in one's head rent-free) are the Kinky KunoichiNawa Hosodeji, Tazuna Saruwatari and Fuji Nunoga – a trio of Osaka-based dommes affiliated with the Dotonbori district's Jam House bondage club, best known by their ninja aesthetic, colorful outfits, and combined use of shibari and "jam gagging" when in action. While dommes first and actresses second, they have starred in multiple films of varying degrees of explicitness, one of which inspired an anime with its own separate cult following from the Kunoichi's own, which made their being cast in "Kazokuai" not unreasonable. They will be portraying the kunoichi who ignite the film's conflict by abducting Tekka, essentially playing themselves but in the setting created for the movie.

As well as the Kunoichi being the sole central antagonists would work in practice, Seiha felt that another was needed. A "woman behind the woman", acting as the true force to be defeated by film's end. Thus, she created Mitsuha, an disgraced ex-government official turned mixed-gender brothel owner who arranges Tekka's abduction as part of a complex plot to weaken her superiors' hold on the nation out of vengeance. For this role, Seiha has only one person in mind who could do it justice: Yukiko. Having some acting experience (though mostly in JAV and session videos), it wasn't an entirely unreasonable request. Having been offered said request, as part of her deal with Kaori, Yukiko accepted the role, deeming it a curious change of pace as well as nothing too disorienting, considering her personal familiarity with her future co-stars, particularly the Nicchouseki leads.

With that side of the deal arranged, the production of "Kazokuai no Ken" is set to continue per Seiha's detailed schedule, a script in the works to be sent to Yukiko within the next few days and principal photography starting in two weeks. The goal: to produce a final cut ready for release in three months, on the evening of the Nutong Anniversary Gala celebrating the country's official establishment. What's more, the gala is set to be held at the Nutong Church of Rubber… and on the very night Denieru's duration as Wen's sub reaches its end, and he's given the choice to remain hers or depart the lifestyle entirely.

But that's well a way's away from being within his consideration. After all, his time in Nutong has only just begun…

Life in the femdom utopia that is Nutong is indeed complex and interconnecting, if not occasionally confusing, like a jigsaw puzzle of a kudzu-encased landscape. But while some vines remain stationary, others expand onward to new connections. Already, Den has experienced plenty as Wen's newest latex slave, including an all-day "clinic session" with Kari assisting as a true Switch-class Drone would. And on his third day, his first beyond the sub-basement and in the outside world, he's already become acquainted with Yukiko, who came to Wen's residence with Natasha accompanying, while Kiri engages in his first domme-sub session with Nyakubi. As a further means of getting to know the Mistress Superior's latest toy, Yukiko has seated him down to watch some of her filmography with him and Wen in the latter's home theater, with Natasha and later Monica also joining. Already, they're on the fourth and last film: "Kizoku no Yuuwaku Suru", a full-length NTR flick about a brothel Madam seducing her way through infidelity in order to bring a particularly stubborn noble family to their knees before her. (Amusingly, Kiyomi, Kyra and Yume are watching the exact same film over in Tokyo.)

Meanwhile, after taking Hana and Cheon-Gu out on a pony ride through the streets of the Matriarch's Provenance, Nutong's oldest entertainment district, Aimi ran into Olga, who was out with 7 and her two Lipped steeds on her own pony ride. Following some conversation, an exchange was made: Aimi accompanied Olga back to the latter's mansion so she could see how Mitsuru's training was proceeding, while Cheon-Gu and Hana returned to the mansion, the former overseeing some training sessions for his sister while 7 observed from the sidelines. And it's from those points where this RP, 1753 replies in, now resumes…
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