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Fx M or F [F4A] Let’s Explore a more lewd and depraved ‘The Boys’ universe ft. Starlight, Firecracker, Queen Maeve, Stormfront, Kimiko and so many more. (NSFW)

Oct 24, 2023
Hello, everyone, thanks for clicking this post, appreciate it. Thanks a ton. I know I got carried away somewhere and wrote a whole bunch! But come on, you gotta agree with me on that, my efforts were well worth your attention.

So, as you read, this is about Starlight, one of the main characters from the Boys TV series, whom I'll be primarily playing as. A more twisted and lewd version from what's shown in the TV series. So, about the timeline, I'm thinking that all of this happens almost 5-6 years after a great war, in which characters like Homelander, Billy, Hughie, MM and some others die from the collisions, this is up for discussion though. The details of the war can be sorted out later, but it's basically, Billy's team of temporary supes vs Homelander with his team. And as this war came to an end, Vought was on the verge of destruction when one of their main rivals, Radical, took over Vought and all its operations. Along with all the assets that it had. Starlight being one of their most prized assets, who was now the head of the superhero program, or the new Compound X created by them.

The story would mostly follow along with Starlight and her interactions, so, would require someone who has little to a good amount of knowledge of the Boys universe and can act as a GM. Basically, help me build this world around Starlight, helping out with the interactions, and you know, this and that. I do love conversations and discussions before starting out on anything, so interested ones are free to DM with their ideas on world-building, characterization, something about Starlight, or other supes, their favorite characters from the Boys and also their kinks and limits would be helpful. Let's have an amazing experience together. As for my kinks and limits, it's posted below.

Here's a sample starter from Starlight's POV -

It was early morning when Annie woke up with a big stretch, her abs flexing as much as her arms which had developed some form of muscles, thanks to her recent workout routine that Radical set her up. Being a little dizzy from whatever she did last night, she looked around the room, somehow trying to make sense of the things around her. Slowly coming to the realization that she wasn't in her home, her attention soon turns towards the side of the bed, she spots a table with a lamp, having some syringes, some lines of drugs, and also some broken vials of a serum, formerly known as compound V. Once a powerful drug which could give people superpowers was now turned into a mere drug which supes took to get high. And with that she remembers her former night, how she spent it with Fast-track, another black speedster whom she met a couple years ago, he reminded her a lot about A-Train, but way more depraved and confident than his sorry self. The glimpses of her getting passed around by his superhero and normal friends in one of his usual sex-filled parties made her gasp a bit, it was about to make her moist between the legs again, but she decided to resist her hormones.

So, she slowly gets up, with a heavy body which was all naked without a shred of clothes, and cum stains all over, and even a heavier head. The stench of dried cum radiating off her body as she gets up, from the pile of men sleeping all across the room, and slowly grabs her suit from one of the couches. Gosh, Radical has been making her wear more slutty suits. Taking that, she slowly goes into the bathroom to freshen up and change into her crippled up suit. Soon leaving the house, she flew towards her apartment to start her day, or probably take a rest. She hasn't received any assignment from Radical yet, or she might not know about it since she didn't check her dead phone yet.

And on her flight back to her apartment she hears a couple of gunshots, quickly followed by a bunch of screams coming from the location, the echoes ringing out across the immediate surrounding area before being drowned out by the bustle of the city and the morning traffic. It wasn't a serious threat or issue that needed her attention, but when it came to improve her public image. Why not take it? She heads down in the direction of the gunshots, seeing a bunch of people surrounding a bank which was hijacked by a group of robbers. She slowly landed before the crowd, and a round of Starlight chants arose all around her. She waves at her fans and then talks to the police at the scene who explained to her the situation. "Got it, Officer, tell your men to stand down, I'll handle the rest…" she assured the cop before flying up and then going into the building, the 4th floor to be exact as the cops told her the main vault was there.

When she arrived, about twenty meters away from her, there's a few bodies on the ground, a pool of blood spilling out under and around them. Near the vault, there were a few men pulling out the cash and gold from the vault. The men seem a little taller and strongly built when compared to Starlight, all of them wearing black coats and sweatpants, and each had a gun in their hands. And the moment she landed, all their heads turned towards her direction. She grabbed a small rod from the floor below her as she walked towards them without the slightest of fear.

"Look guys! I'm not in a great mood. My head's dizzy from all those drugs and probably too much sex, so how about we take things a little easy and quick! Surrender already! Cuz you know how things go from here—"

They didn't even let her finish, and a barrage of bullets showed all on her. She blocked a few of them, while some simply bounced off her body, and some she dodged, getting closer to them in an instant, and then shoving her hand through a man's spine, then tossing a couple of them, sending them flying and crashing around the walls. Before she slowly turns around, facing another two, crushing their guns with her bare hands, and then knocking them out. Leaving only two, who were out of ammo and were probably too frozen on their tracks. As Starlight slowly turns towards them, she spots the bags of money lying on the floor and smirks.

Half an hour later…
Starlight was heaving a bit, leaning against the vault as her suit was lying on the floor yet again, while her face seemed alright, her chest had some fresh cum dripping down towards her breasts and towards her belly, while her pussy seemed to be overflowing with fresh cum again. "Phewww-ww that was amazing! You guys surely know how to move your hips!..." She smirks softly, seeing the other two robbers with their pants off, as they were seated around the money bags, gasping hard and trying to catch their breaths.

"Oh-hh well, guess, it's time…" she says and slowly gets up, taking her suit and putting it on after taking a scoop off the cum from her pussy and getting a taste of their spunk. "As we discussed, take the bags and move out through the emergency exit. Remember, keep one of the bags in the address that I gave you, act smart, and I'll come for you guys! However, these guys are going with me. No negotiations on that part, and from what I see, you guys just received a 5-minute window, make it count." This time, they let her finish as the two quickly pulled their pants up, grabbing as much money and gold that they could and soon rushing off to the emergency exits which directly led to an underground tunnel, which was one of their backup plans if anything went wrong.

Starlight waited for the next 5-6 minutes as she thought they were out and in a safe distance from the police, she grabbed the 4 men lying unconscious on the floor, and flew down, putting them down before one of the cop cars. "Ah-hh sorry Officer! Took me a little more time than I thought, guess they were pretty smart, half of their bunch took off with the money before I could catch them, however I managed to get my hands on them, and also keep most of the money safe!"

"That's great, Starlight, don't worry, we'll take care of the rest, good job!" The cop answered and with a nod she slowly started to float in the air, the people around her chanting her name yet again as she flew off towards her apartment.

Kinks: freeuse, ugly bastards, clothed sex, anal, doggystyle, reverse cowgirl, proneboned, outdoor/public, risky sex, beastility, futa, anthros, size/age differences, contrast difference, stag/vixen dynamics, polygamy, big/hyper sizes, pimped out, fisting, DAP/DP/TP, cuckold, cheating, bisexual, prostitution, exhibitionism, incest, agegaps voyeurism, dry humping, hotdogging, lesbian, creampies, cumplay, cumflation, blowjobs/deepthroats, quickies, groups/gangbangs/orgies, toys, etc.

Limits: humiliation/degradation, rape/non-con/dub-con, toilet stuffs, gore or vore.
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