Question Do you prefer selecting new RP's through a request thread or be PM'd about a new RP?

Fire Lord Xen

Jun 18, 2024
Port Gellhorn, Leonida
Before I start RPing, I don't kno if once I post my request thread, I should leave itthere and wait or PM selected users my thread. Is anyone annoyed by random messages asking if they're open for a new RP?
Many people don't like to have links to request threads thrown at them without any warning. It's one thing if you are already in discussion and want to point to something you have marked down on your request thread, it's another entirely to just message people with a link to your thread immediately.

Other than waiting for someone to message you with interest from reading your request thread, you can always look at other people's request threads to see if they seem like a good fit for you and possibly message them about something they have.

To provide as much clarity as I possibly can, messaging people about potential RP is generally best done with a specific idea in mind. For instance, asking someone about a plot idea they have in their thread is good since you are reaching out and showing interest in what they are looking for. If you reach out to someone and just tell them to read your request thread though, well, a decent chunk of people might get upset or even ignore you.
I always inquire about a plot, never just throw a random link to my RT around, but I do add it, or at least mention the fact that I do have a RT thread up and that if they're even a little bit interested in my inquiry, to check and see if they'd think we'd be compatible.
LDC. if I may abbreviate the name above as such, I believe put it really well. :cool: (Hmm, any relation to Wesley Crusher?)

One thing I might add is: Unless it's a brand new request thread or very fresh plot post, do consider that people sometimes have their interests wax and wane or their mood about doing specific plots that moment can change. Sometimes they just don't get around to updating a "status" for each of their plot ideas. Or they might forget some (or even a lot) of the details that were suggested, or what else they imagined about a plot idea but didn't write out at the time. Pointing to the idea with direct quotes and very similar words can help, but it's not always guaranteed that the idea is still ripe or all the same.

So, I think that while it can often be good to show that you've actually thought about some ideas in their threads, and yes you might also find them happy to pick up a particular thing they posted earlier... It's good to talk about what appeals to you about their tastes more generally if you can too. It might feel a bit of a leap or testing the waters at times (and it's okay to say so too), but why do you think/hope they might be a good match with your ways and likes?

Personally at least, I also appreciate it when replies come with at least some quick previews or at least, kinda evocative hints of how they would like to add to a/any plot (or if you like, "fill in parts") and maybe even specifically "fan the flames" to keep things lively. Particularly imagining some power imbalance, I'm often wondering so what is their pace and focus going to feel like when their character(s) have all this initiative. But I think lots of people appreciate that kind of thing. Some people always request writing samples; I just like to see it flow into the more exciting replies.
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