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Mx Any Quill's Quavings - A Smutty Stardew Valley-esque Story, Poly Dating

The Quill

Insert Witty Custom Title Here
Jun 16, 2018
So another farming sim has its hooks in me, this time it's Moonstone Island. It has me in the mood for a fun, smutty, story involving the horny residents of a small farming community.

Before we begin, here is a TL,DR of my rules from my other threads.

I don't care about your IRL gender, but you must be 22 years or older.
I only write over PMs. Do not ask for anything else.
Third person, past tense. 1-3 paragraphs per post. I'm not looking for novels.
Reply when you can, though I'm not interested in joining the "once a week club". You can expect daily replies from me.
I don't care if you want to end things, but I would appreciate it if you could let me know.
Real life pictures for human characters only, drawn ones for non-humans. All characters and models must be 18+.
You must be LGBT+ friendly.

Now here is the main story

Welcome To Port Willowdale

My character is a young man (or futa or female if you prefer) who has inherited his recently deceased grandfather's farm. He is estranged from his parents after he came out as bisexual, and decided that a fresh start in a new town where nobody knows who he is is his best bet for a new life. He is not used to the demands of physical labor that a farm requires, but the helpful residents of Port Willowdale are more than happy to lend a hand. In fact, most of them are a little too eager to help and get to know him.

Ideally, I'm looking for a GM to play each character in a series of one shots. Though we can revisit the characters if we like their chemistry enough.

Max - A single father who runs the farm across the road with his son and daughter. He is very helpful and kind.

Erica - The town's popular and recently widowed five-term mayor. She loves her town, but dreams of running for federal office.

Kory - Erica's lazy son who only cares about hanging out at the beach and needs someone to put him in his place.

Wendy - The town's lifeguard and fitness instructor who also happens to be a nudist.

Jo - The curator of the town's museum and local historian.

Libby - The shy librarian who is looking for someone to help bring her out of her shell.

Daisy - The town's star tomboy swimmer who dreams of competing in the Olympics.

Taylor - The town sheriff and veteran who is still suffering from PTSD.

Ian - He runs the local cafe with his sister. He enjoys flirting with the customers.

Stacy - The local veterinarian and owner of the pet store that she runs with her daughter.

Alex - The town's doctor who also dabbles in therapy.

Maggie - The owner of the general store who wants to find a lover before she turns fifty.

Tyler - A recent high school graduate who runs the farming supply store. He is also a lumberjack and likes showing off his abs.

Marcy - A nerdy and clumsy gamer girl who manages to run her own electronics and gaming store.

Dana - A local artist who runs the flower shop. She's always looking for new models to paint.

Molly- The free spirited naturalist who runs a health store, and who is also a nudist.

Taylor - A failed musician who is the announcer on the local radio station and moonlights as a DJ at the local club.

Leah - A reserved woman who loves animals and spends most of her time at the bird sanctuary.

Andrea - A vain, but lonely social media influencer who secretly longs for companionship.

Liam - MC's neighbor who helps run the Mug Shot Coffee Shop. He's stressed out about student loans and is in need of a release.

Lucia - A young woman works as a waitress at the Seaside Cafe with her mom Camila. The duo also run their own supernatural investigation YouTube channel.

Sasha - The popular 18 year old cheerleader at the local high school, who has a secret she keeps close in her pants.

The Town

Port Willowdale itself has a surprisingly storied history despite being a small town of less than 2000 people. In the late 1700s, it was a site of a few witch burnings. The ghost of one accused witch allegedly haunts the town to this day. During the Civil War, it was a stop in the Underground Railroad. Residents helped escaped slaves hide and then move to Canada. During the later 1800s, it was a surprising site of a gold rush that lasted a decade until a collapse in the mines killed 15 prospectors. The mines have been closed since then. The town revitalized during the 1900s and farming and fishing became a huge boon for the town. During the 1960 and 70s, Port Willowdale became a beacon of sexual liberation and embraced the hippie movement, an attitude that carries through to this day. Farming still remains a vital part of the town. The beach is slowly becoming a tourist destination, and the allegedly haunted woods and abandoned insane asylum often attract paranormal investigators and researchers.

In addition to this story, I also have a fantasy version.

The Newcomer

My character is a single father who has spent the last year desperately searching for his missing daughter. His investigations lead him to a long abandoned castle, where a mysterious artifact transports him to another world. He finds himself in a small village by the coast where he learns that his daughter has become a hero of the land, and is on a quest to defeat the evil king. The townsfolk allow him to stay at his daughter's farm provided he contributes to the town and helps take care of the villagers'... needs in his daughter's absence.

The Town

Evergreen Harbor is a neutral town that is mostly comprised of farmers and fishers. It is a welcoming town that provides a refuge for anyone who wants to escape the war and disorder the rest of the land faces. It is located on the southwest coast of the continent and experiences very warm summers, but the winters are often cold and stormy. The town is comprised of anthros, lost humans, elves, orcs, goblins, and other various creatures who have no other place to call home. My character's daughter is a hero to the people as she has protected them from bandits, evil monsters, and the king's army. Many of the townsfolk are nudists during the warmer months.

Note, many of these characters are based on fandom characters, though you don't have to know any of them.

Hilda - A 18 year old doe who is the last surviving member of her clan following a bandit attack. She longs for someone to take care of her.

Lyari - The cute elf farmboy who lives in the stables of his daughter's farm.

Serena - The local librarian who also dabbles as an alchemist.

Kaisia - The town's resident witch.

Maz - An futa orc warrior who defected from the evil king's army and became the town's biggest protector until the daughter arrived.

Alex - A loner who lives along in the most remote house in the town. He's secretly a vampire, but prefers to keep to himself unless he finds someone attractive.

Astrid - The town's well liked and long standing mayor. She used to be an adventurer, but settled for a life of politics when she found the town on her journey.

Zhen - A cunning, but lonely, rogue who frequently ends up in jail for being a thief. She wants companionship more than anything else.

Mogak - A retired orc gladiator who managed to escape slavery in the capital city and found his way to the city, where he now serves as the town blacksmith.

Marzul - Mogak's 18 year old son who is struggling to find his place in the world as he does not want to become a warrior.

Piera - A friendly gnome who works as the town's healer.

Ritsi - A goblin who runs the local tavern. She might be short, but she's very horny and always enjoys a good night of passion.

Caleb - A cute femboy who is a sort of jack of all trades, and will take on any job for the right price.

Gildor - A burly fisherman who puts on a tough facade to hide his desire for companionship.

Loona - A young runaway wolf who wanted to get away from her controlling father. She's attracted to older men as a result of her daddy issues.

Poly Dating

A young man moves into a new town for his job. It is a rural coastal town that is surprisingly progressive. He is quickly pulled into a new friend group who are very eager to have him join their growing friend and dating group. You can play as many of the friends as you want:

Fiona - A free spirited hippie type who makes her own charms, trinkets, and other things at the black smith. She enjoys being naked whenever possible and is very quick to warm up to newcomers.

Cleo - The local historian and librarian who is also a huge nerd.

Gaia - The herbalist who is a standoffish goth, but is also a huge closet pervert with the right person.

Olivia - Gaia's mother who is very eager to get back into the dating pool, and is not afraid to push boundaries.

Paul - A master carpenter and aspiring musician. He is more dominant, but a very caring lover.

Quentin - He is an artist who is always looking for a new muse to pain.

Ryan - A friendly nerd who runs the general store with his family. He's eager to please.

Theo - A local fisherman who loves the outdoors. He's a romantic who enjoys long walks on the beach.

Send me a message if you're interested. I'd love to brainstorm ideas and work something out with you.
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