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Kassia's Journal & other things of interest


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Sep 2, 2021
Please do not comment on this journal. If you have questions please send me a PM!

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I haven't been as active as I would like on here.

I recently purchased my first house and have been moving and decorating. By the time night falls, I'm exhausted, my hands hurt, and I can't bring myself to type a whole post for an RP.

I also need to set up my office. There are several boxes in there, and during the move, some of my desk hardware got lost, which makes it difficult to work.

Regardless, it's been exciting!

I've also decided to move my focus from forum RP back to Discord. I'm trying to work more in paragraph format vs long novella replies. I have found that, for me personally, it's been difficult to keep up with them, to keep the pace going, etc. Also, I like the option to keep everything in its own server-- it's less distracting.

I haven't considered any group RPs as of late. I did post one idea (and kinda a rework of an old group.) But I didn't get any interest on it. But that also just told me my time in groups is at a close. It was fun! We wrote some pretty cool stories, but the upkeep, the shifting, and the reworking were difficult to keep up with and stressful. I've had some people tell me, "It's not that deep," and I understand that, but I took pride in them. I enjoy my hobby, and that's allowed.

I also haven't posted new art, changed out pfps often, banners, etc, because a lot of my ideas have been stolen ( borrowed, recreated, whatever you wanna call it). I enjoy AI art, and I worked in midjourney. Those images have been plastered everywhere, especially the edited images I've done that erase imperfections. While I've no claim on AI art, I do take time to edit them FOR MY PERSONAL USE, so it's a little discouraging. I have noticed an increase in the use of my formatted code for RTs and my overall aesthetic used-- to the point now that it's over-saturated. It's cool if you admire someone's whole aesthetic. It's one thing to completely absorb it. I've received PMs from members on various writing sites asking if I have other accounts open because of it. All my old accounts are withdrawn, if someones profile looks similar to mine it's definitely not me. I likely won't be posting that stuff anymore. I'd rather keep it to myself or use it for my RPs. In the process I've also been using code by the design team or basic code options from the BBcode list just to distance myself further away and limit the option for others to use my ideas.

No other big life updates for me. I'm living a quiet life, enjoying my time with the people I surround myself with. I have some ongoing health concerns, so the quieter life I can live, the better off I am. It is true that they say that stress can cause the body to react in weird ways, which is the case for me. It's not a " get better soon" situation. It is lifelong, and I've made my peace with it.

I cleaned up my profile and PMsβ€”just a nice refresh of everything. I'm going for a more feminine style while retaining my cyberpunk origins.

I hope everyone is well, that you guys are healthy, and that everyone is enjoying their stories!
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Periodically, I like to go back and watch some of my favorite moviesβ€”vampire movies specifically. Something about how cheesy they are, the lore, things like this really draw me in. Maybe it's because the first real "adult" book I read was Interview with the Vampire. Maybe it's because my mom's favorite horror movie is Dracula ( any option; it doesnt matter the year or actors), But I find comfort in it because I understand it and don't really need to think too hard about what goes into it.

Anyway, I'm watching Day Shift again. This movie is cheesy, but the vibes are immaculate. The camera angles, the costumes, the idea, and the fun lore. It's great. Also, let's not forget the music ( also music I grew up on). It was also a movie I watched with a group of friends when I hosted "A Gathering of Hunters: Vampires." It was my first group on here, and it was hard to run and manage all the personalities that came into it, but one thing was certain: everyone in it was a fantastic writer. Then, some things happened in my personal life, and it went downhill. I definitely take responsibility for that. I distanced myself and withdrew all my art and writing. etc. I did what I needed to do to recenter myself. I came back with writing 1x1 with a friend, rebuilt my confidence, and helped get my writing to a place where I felt somewhat proud of it.

Now, as I watch Day Shift, I realize where I went wrong with my story. I wanted to introduce too many elements and things that didn't make sense. The idea is to keep it simple. Introduce the lore to the players and let them incorporate it into the story.

So, I've given it some thought. It's not definite, and it's not set in stone. But I may come back with a new vampire hunter idea. I would likely come with lore already set, images, a setting, and some way to go about OOCβ€”I've tried both Discord and forum OOC, and I'm not too sure how I want to go about it. I also think I'd want to bring back movie night; there are so many good films out there for inspiration, and now, with my set work schedule, it makes it a little bit easier to plan all of this.

I would also only be making this one group. I have several 1x1 roleplays that I really enjoy, so I wouldn't be able to keep up with six other groups like I had before.

Anyways, here are just some thoughts to ponder for a bit.

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