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Mx Female You've Met With a Terrible Fate, Haven't You? (Dom M Seeking Sub F For Various "Bad Ending" Scenes.)


Feb 6, 2018
Hi all, this is something that I've wanted to do for a bit and I figured this would be a great place to scratch the itch. As the title suggests, these are all stories in which things do not end well for the female protag, which will inevitably involve themes of non-con, dub-con, blackmail, mind breaking, hypnosis, etc. If these make you uncomfortable I strongly suggest you click off this thread! With that being said, here are some ideas:

Hey Dude, I Fucked Your Mom: MC is a friend of YC's son, and he's down bad for YC. Who could blame him? She's got a huge rack, a fat ass, and has the whole mommy vibe down perfectly. She's basically every young man's fantasy. She knows that full well, which is why she quickly started using it for financial gain. It's not easy being a single mom, and the money she gets from horny young men such as MC is a welcome addition to her finances. It even helped her pay off the mortgage early! All is going well, until MC stumbles on YC's successful OnlyFans account. He confronts her with this info, threatening to tell not only her son but everyone she knows that she's nothing but a whore. YC obviously doesn't want her reputation ruined, and reluctantly agrees to the horny young man's demands in order to keep her silence. If you'd like, we could swap out the mom for her son's older sister instead.

Revenge of the Salaryman: An overworked cubicle slave has spent years being terrorized by his sexy, bitchy, female boss. He hates her with every fiber of his being, and has been obsessively researching the best way to gain his revenge on her. Eventually his research led him to the idea of hypnosis, and using that as a means of mind control. One night when she screams at him for errors that he had no control over, and threatens him with some more forced over time, he decides to spring his plan into action. Using an app on his phone to bombard her with specific words and images rendering her into a near catatonic state, ready to do whatever is commanded of her.

Oh How the Mighty Have Fallen: YC is the super heroine of a large, crime ridden city. A beacon of hope and justice for the citizens, engaging in pitched battle with various villains who are vying for control of the city. However, the phrase "The Higher You Rise, The Harder You Fall" also applies to YC, and when she goes to fight a new villain, she quickly meets her match. Soon she is kidnapped, taken to a secret lair, brainwashed, and quickly becomes nothing more than a cocksleeve for the sadistic villain.

The Not So Mighty Adventurer: This would be more of a fantasy setting, however it definitely can be tweaked to fit a more modern or sci-fi setting if you prefer. The basic premise is pretty simple, YC is a heroic paladin who fights for justice (think something along the lines of Darkness from Konosuba) who is tasked with clearing out a nearby dungeon with all manner of foul beasts who are terrorizing the local populace. She's advised to bring other party members with her, but due to her arrogance she thinks she can handle the dungeon on her own. It turns out she can't and is quickly captured by goblins, orcs, minotaurs, or any other fantasy monsters you can think of.

Mind Control Drug: YC is a college student, and like all college students she's perpetually strapped for cash. One day while walking to her classes she notices something on one of the bulletin boards in the main building. It's an add, encouraging female college students to spend just a few hours a week as test subjects for various pharmaceutical drugs. It's a pretty low effort job, and it seems like it pays well. Excited by the idea of finally being able to eat something other than Ramen, YC quickly goes to the lab facility to get her cash, completely unaware that she's about to sign a waiver saying that she's volunteering for a secret government mind control program!

Being the Cult Leader's Slut: YC decided to take a break from her busy life and spend a few days camping deep in a large national park away from the hustle and bustle from the modern world. What she forgot however is that national parks can be just as dangerous as they are beautiful, and when she decides to go tramping through the woods, she quickly realizes that she's completely lost, with no way of knowing how to get back to her campsite, a ranger station, or any other form of civilzation. She checks her phone, and of course has no bars due to being so far removed from anything remotely resembling civilization. She stumbles through the woods, doing her best to fight the fear and panic bubbling up inside her as the sun sets and the prowlings of various night time creatures echo through the trees. She spots the unmistakeable glow of a large bonfire, and walks towards it, thinking that her luck has finally changed. That notion is quickly destroyed when she realizes that stumbled upon a highly secretive cult engaging in ritualistic sacrifice. She tries to sneak away, but trips over a fallen branch, getting the attention of all the cultists. She's quickly taken to the cult leader's lair, where she's tied down and raped until her mind breaks and she becomes his willing slave.

These are the ideas I've had in mind, but I am of course more than happy to hear yours. As far as characters go as my name suggests I prefer playing furry characters, however that's not a hard requirement, and am more than happy to play more anime themed character refs as well. Just no face claims of irl people please! If this seems interesting to you feel free to shoot me a PM and we can work something out.
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