Mx F or NB Just your local eldritch man dealer


Bone Lord
Aug 14, 2023
Hello hello!
Name's Bones! I'm very humbled to have anyone at least take a read through this, so thank you!
First and foremost, I'd like to add a disclaimer. While I am cool with sexual themes, I'd much rather develop the story and dynamic between the characters before any overly sexual stuff happens! It's much more fun to build up to it, for me! Besides, I'm mostly truly looking for a fun overall story.

I enjoy stories with darker overall tones, specifically those dealing with subtle or major power differences & at least vaguely unhealthy habits, and especially those with darker religious/symbolic tones. I also have a very special love for collaborative worldbuilding, so the more you want to contribute to lore, the better!

I will note that I sometimes take a bit to respond! Between being quite busy and occasionally having processing issues, it can take some time. More than likely I have not forgotten, I'm just trying to figure out how my character will react and how to word it! Additionally, I lead a rather busy life, and I may drop off simply because life got too hectic.

Enough of me rambling, let's get to what I want!
(Note: The higher on the list, the more I want to play it!)
(Additionally, if you wish to approach me with a plot that isn't listed, only keep in mind that I generally want to play inhuman men, especially ones in positions of power! Also keep in mind that the men I want to play are often unconventional, especially in terms of appearance.)

Short Information:Details:
Setting: Basic Fantasy (Open for further construction)
Genre: Dark Fantasy, Biological Horror, Cult, Psychological Horror, Religious
Dynamic: Old Monster Priest x ??? (YC is very open-ended here, they could be anybody)
Notes: This one is well and truly for the monsterfuckers, I promise. My character is probably unattractive at best by most standards, and I will not change this! He's neat to me.

There's a rumor floating about, one that speaks of a looming figure wandering the dark woods. Whose presence is accompanied by the laughing of children and whispers of an old and dead belief.

The rumor speaks of dark skin, only illuminated by a strange shining red which traces emaciated features. It speaks of a headless creature, whose neck extends far past human limits and the voidish hole of which the head is supposed to rest seems to stare with a piercing yet unseen gaze.

This, few will come to find out, is Father Tongues. He knows his true name well, but he deigns to share it.
For thousands of years he has had to wander in solitude, lamenting the fall of the Order of The Red Flesh. He has done so humbly, quietly, say for the few he's had to kill so that he could keep a voice. Any voice. But he wishes for the rise of the Order.
Too long has humanity gone without their guidance, too quickly have they fallen to corruption without anyone to teach them. But how can only one man restart an entire religion?

This is what he thought, anyhow... until he met a curious little individual.
Yes... yes perhaps this was his answer.
Setting: Basic or Historial Fantasy World (Open for further construction)
Genre: Pirate/Navy, Maritime, War
Dynamic: Navy Captain x Crewmate (Possibly hidden pirate?)
Notes: This one can get pretty dark! My character here is incredibly volatile, and he may react very poorly to certain situations or be generally unpredictable. This plot may come to involve aspects of non-con, though I will not have him fully assault YC unless specifically asked!

This new crewmate was... interesting...
This, the monstrous captain was certain of.

Captain Balaenoptus was known for his less-than-socially acceptable antics and his deeply unsettling face which resembled something between a man, a seal, and a demon.
He hadn't earned the nickname "Terror of the South Sea" for nothing, after all. Though the Navy regarded him as their most militaristically advantageous asset, they did not regard him as their most... tactful asset.
Between his habits of being unreasonably violent with pirates, purposefully pushing people's buttons for no other reason than his own amusement, wrecking several boats before he was given the Iron Whale, and being far too aware of the fact that he looked distinctly inhuman and using the fact to mess with people... well, he was generally deemed a last resort.

However... they still deemed that some Navy officers could handle being around him. Oftentimes they were wrong, but the fact that he had a full crew meant at least some could handle it.

And yet, none had seemingly settled in as quickly as this individual did. None had the backbone this crewmate had off the bat. He couldn't help but wonder why.

Setting: Pending
Genre: Pending
Dynamic: Pending
Notes: Pending
There's certainly an idea here but I need more time to stew on it. However, if you're interested in an evil as fuck nobleman who is probably not human and is totally trying to start a war, lemme know! (He is inspired by Petyr Baelish)
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