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Fx Male The Professor Corrupted


Mar 18, 2024
Hi! If you've read this thread before, then you probably already have a decent idea of the kinds of roles I like. I just wanted to make a separate post for a new one I've been wanting to do for a bit. I'll obviously integrate this into my other post in a few days.

You were smart, practically untouchable. Everyone knew you had a bright future ahead of you, and you made sure to rub it in other people's faces. You were self-made, and you weren't humble about it. Everything should have been perfect.

That's before he showed up. Zain was everything you were, but just a little bit better. A little bit smarter, a little bit better at networking, a little bit more likeable. It turns out that nobody ever remembers who was second best, and you weren't any exception to that.

It didn't take long before Zain was beating you in everything. It didn't take long before your grades started to slip. Within the year, people could hardly even recognize who you were. Whenever you walked into a room, you couldn't help but think that people were whispering about you. At least some of the time they were.

You finally graduated, and thought that might finally take you away from the specter that was Zain. Well, years passed and...he didn't go away. You were a new Professor now, in a dead-end job that would have been soul-crushing if you still cared. The worst part? Zain was now the head of your department. Even years later, he was still lording over you.

This semester was going to be no different. There was a new Professor, a hot young Professor who....wait, was that Zain's little sister? Just great. Now they were fucking multiplying. You could only imagine the amount of nepotism it took to get here in there. You just planned to ignore the bitch and hope you never met.

Then, you had another idea. She was right there and...well, she was more curves than anything else. Were you a loser if you ended up using his little sister?


Obviously, this is a combination of two of my other roles. Namely the 'Brother's Rival' role and the 'Brown Professor Reeducated' roles. I'll be using the general backstories from there, so do keep that in mind! Everything I've said about the other roles does apply here as well, with this being a more thought-out stalking and corruption thing. If this sounds interesting, do reach out.
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