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Mx Female Caught in the act!


Jan 2, 2016
Hello, thanks for stopping by.

Although the character in below starter is written from the POV of a dad I'm willing to play any male roles (brother, grandfather, son/stepson etc etc) I'm also happy to change my character's build race and appearance to match any cravings you may have.

I'm mainly looking to play opposite female characters (open to any age 18+) thou I may consider a cute T-girl.

Jonathan took another look over of his broad shoulder listening to the noises downstairs as he made his way along the hallway before entering the bedroom and closing the door behind him. His wife was busy sorting out the washing in the kitchen. Then in about ten minutes time one off her crappie television programs would be starting. Jonathan knew that once it began come hell or high water she wouldn't be moving off the sofa for the next hour or so. His daughter Emma was still at college so she wouldn't be home for some time to come yet. Some time alone for one off the few pleasures he had left in life.

With his tablet in one hand he undid his belt buckle with the other as he walked over to the chair which sat in the cover off the floor facing. Sliding his jeans down past his muscular thighs before letting them fall down around his ankles as he made himself comfortable. The cushioned cover giving his arse some protection against the hard wooden frame. Straining his ears to hear what his wife was up to he logged onto Pornhub and began viewing many off the busty young ladies he adored so much.

As the middle aged man continued to watch the porn like some horny teenaged boy he slid one of his large hands inside his black cotton boxers shorts. It didn't take very long before his cock responded to his touch and began to harden at the sight off the busty younger actress playing with he big round tits. Easing his cock free of his underwear Jonathan began to slide his hand up and down his long fat shaft. He also used his left hand as it gave him more off a sense off pleasure than being normally a righty.

Jonathan had always been very proud of his cock. Rightly so as it was an absolute monster. Even in one his big hands it still looked enormous. He had never been curious enough to measure it but it must have been close to nearly twelve inches long. His cock wasn't just long however it was also extremely thick. Sadly for Jonathan thou the only time he got to use his mighty shaft was when he was either taking a piss or sneaking of to masturbate as he was doing so now. His wife had never been interested in sex. She found the whole thing dirty and repulsive. After their daughter had been born all types of physical contact between husband and wife had quickly come to an end.

Jonathan let out a groan as he ran his hand up and down the length his thick long shaft. Pulling back the foreskin to reveal the huge bulbous purple helmet at its tip. He was just starting to build up speed when the bed door was suddenly flung open!!

Feel free to drop me a PM if you would like to discuss.

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