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Mx Male A Waste of Good Suffering


The Hell Priest
Jun 3, 2024
Hello everyone, I am Cenobite or Ceno if you please.

I've been roleplaying and writing off and on for many years. I really hope to make some new memories with all of you!

Typically I play the sub role of things and I prefer to play darker plots. I tend to write really long starters but my posting tends to stay between 1-3 paragraphs.

As far as erp goes I am open to most things, but some of my limits are: Vore, Hyper, Toilet Stuff, and extreme gore during erotic scenes. I do also prefer to write and play with characters over 20.

As far as a writing partner goes I'm looking for someone who wants to cause some real misery to some innocent characters.

I'm talking things including, slasher plots, monster plots, abduction, captivity, hypnosis, mind break, etc etc. Though I do love a dark romance.

Setting preferences can range from Sci fi to fantasy to modern. I don't like slice of life plots just as a heads up. It has to be something more than just erotic to keep my interest.

I'll list some examples below with some possible kinks that interest me for the plot. If you're interested please reply or message me!

Pairings MC x YC

Scientist x Supervillain (corruption, mind break, non con)

Bard x Barbarian ( Choking, Free Use)

Professional Thief x Psycho (Non con, Caught Red Handed, Punishment

Victim x Kidnapper (Mind Break, Drugging, light torture)

College Student (20+) x Professor

Elf x Werewolf (Primal, Chasing, Anthro)

Almost Anything x A dark twisted Vampire.

Taboo plots are also a favorite of mine though I understand they're not for everyone.

Plot ideas:

The Scientist and The Evil Symbiote

Quinn Harker is a young but renowned doctor of Nuclear Energy and Toxicology. He studies these things to figure out how to combat their negative effects. Though his talents could be put to far darker uses.

The city is constantly plagued with Villains and Super Mutants. While some of them are heroes most are not. The majority use their powers for petty crime or minor felonies. Some more serious. Quinn has set his sights on developing a toxin that is effective against these super powered individuals.

However things are getting scarier. A new, true supervillain has entered the ring and he's gotten word of Quinn's formula.

The Devil's Carnival

It was the first year the carnival had come to Midvale. Micah wasn't much for expensive games and rides but he'd never been. So when his giggly friends and his new boyfriend drag him along he isn't too resistant.

Everything goes well, they see a magician, pet some animals and ride some rides. Yes, it's all going swimmingly until his partner starts getting pissed off at a stupid game. The typical scene, the man trying to win his date some cheap toy as a sign of affection. Except it isn't working.

Micah is getting ready to call it a night when a stranger sitting nearby proposes a bet. "If i beat you on the first try, i get to take your boyfriend for a ride." To Micahs astonishment his boyfriend accepts without a secobd thought.

From that moment on Micah is a good guy brought into a bad business. Carnies, monsters, killers. You name it, this man either gives it to him or asks it of him. Furthermore he harbors some hideous secret Micah can't possibly brace himself for.

Santa Sangre
(TW: Religion I guess?)

Brother Cadence is a priest in training. As a small child he was orphaned and left on the doorstep of the church where he was raised. Now 21 Cadence is a devout student of the church training for his ordination. He lives a humble and content life, needs for nothing and asks for less. His life is pretty much going to plan until the church receives a letter that another priest will be arriving at the church soon.

It's exciting news, something out of the mundane. However the moment the new priest arrives something about him causes the hair on Cadence's neck to stand on end.

Something about this man has him feeling like a sheep cornered by a ravenous wolf. Worst of all, his eyes tell that he knows exactly what effect he's having on the younger devotee.

That's it for now, I'll add more as they come to me. Please feel free to get in touch.
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