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Fx Any Classic Monster Fucking {NSFW Links; OC & Canon}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
The cute little elf whimpered as the thick, orc cock slid into her tight body. Her protests and pleas clearly weren't about to be heard, though she'd already figured as much. his hands had teased her taut body till she'd shamefully exploded, coating his fingers, then this cock with her arousal. Now she could feel her own juices lubricating as the thing slid inside her. The toned slope of her stomach already started to bulge obscenely, an elf pussy stretching around that which it had never been meant to take. Her attempts to look away had already been foiled, thick hands grasping her short white hair, yanking her pretty freckled face down. Sharp eyes could take in every detail as the orc slid into her, his monstrous cock laying its claim on her quivering body.

It took all she had not to part her lips and moan.


So this thread is about fucking monsters.

More specifically, it's about attractive females, many of whom are quite talented and powerful in their own right, most who initially aren't seeking out monsters to fuck, getting fucked by monsters in delightfully debauched, pleasure filled ways that leave them drooling and quivering. I'm looking to play into most of the standard tropes here: pretty girls, mostly unappealing monsters, mind-melting fucking, the whole work.

I'm mostly interested in some variant of the usual fantasy setting, though there's definitely flexibility there. I would love a scenario involving a sort of deep VR dive like you so often see in anime and manga, or perhaps something involving a steampunk world or the like. I even have a few images that inspire something possibly a bit more apocalyptic.

I do have lots of images to use for various females and to inspire various ideas. I've got decidedly less direct images for the monsters, though I've nothing against using them. Many of those images are AI art, though I tend to drift toward particular artists/users. While I love using art and images to help inspire and represent characters, I don't require it. Good descriptions are definitely enough.

I still want pleasure to be the focus here: it's about inflicting the pleasures and melting the female's mind through wanton pleasure, though there's likely a good deal of roughness to be expected and involved.

A howl tore through the burly fighter as she felt the thick pressure against her slit. She'd fucked men before, usually placing her toned, muscled body atop them and grinding down. Hell, she'd fucked big men before, feeling their cock stretching her out her slit, hitting spots inside her that made her insides dance with delight. Yet this creature's cock stretched her out, used her toned body against her. Its furred weight pressed her down, keeping her in the submissive position on all fours. She could still feel its venom pulsing through the bite on her neck, seeping fire into her veins even as its member pushed those last few bits into her. The pressure was unlike anything she'd felt before, intense enough to make spots swim. She felt the thick, rounded knot not just press, but finally seep into her. The hammering, the venom, her own lust let the thick knot slide into her. "No, fuck you," she spat, still defiant even as she felt the lupine creature sink into her, knotting her.

No going back now: she was a wolf' bitch, and he was going to fill her with his pups.

  • I go by Fate on the site ,with darkest being my adjective. Been on the site for fifteen something years with slightly more time writing the horny. When not writing erotica, I write YA fiction, game reviews, and work as an online instructor (and substitute teacher)
  • I don't care about your RL gender. I write characters of any and all genders, and some variation of this request thread will be going up on most sections.
  • The focus of these RPs should be the monster fucking, but I would like at least some loose plot and at least some general characterization for the females involved.
  • I am quite accepting of kinks and love to meet my partners' preferences. Most of the ones I "insist" on are pretty easy to deal with. f-list is here.
    • My main kink is actually clothing. I like it described and like it when characters engage in sexual activity while still wearing stuff. That really extends to "ownership clothing," which in a situation like this is probably less overt stuff like collars and more like jewelry or wearing a partner's clothes.
    • Faves are things I lean into or generally want to include, but don't mandate in every RP (some of them outright contradict)
    • Yeses are things that I'm fine if they show up or will include naturally so long as my partners are okay with it
    • Maybes are things that I'd likely include in passing in a RP but wouldn't probably want a focus on.
    • Nos are pretty standard.
  • Additional kinks can include:
    • Aphrodisiacs
    • Spells
    • Curses
    • Heat
    • Unique changes to eyes, (e.g. hearts in pupils or color changes)
    • Consequences to orgasm
    • Monsters laying ownership
  • I'm fine with either OCs or canonical characters. I will try and list some of the canons I'm interested in RPing.
  • All characters should be 18+
  • I can be quite active and highly responsive, particularly when I'm excited about a RP. However, I've had a tendency to slip more and more lately. I at least put up an announcement if I won't be responding for a while. Patience is great though
    • I have repetitive strain in both my arms, which means that sometimes they lock up or get too painful to write, so I may take a sudden break
  • As this shows, I can write a lot. I prefer not to have massive novellas, as at that point you're usually writing past each other, but I do like there to be description (particularly with sex).
  • RP pretty exclusively via thread or PM. Slight preference toward thread but I default toward PM any more. I can use Discord to chat, but I don't like it.

"I---I'm the princess of Hyrule!" Zelda stammered as the bokoblin lifted the covering between her legs, its head descending. It kept batting aside her hands whenever she tried to intervene, and the last attempt to yank down cloth had resulted it in being torn. Not that Zelda was wholly focused on resisting, because she felt the creature's hot breath puffing against her virginal sex. "Th--that's not for you!" she said, trying to twist, only for the creature to sink its hands into her trembling thighs. Zelda let out another squeak, flushing, ears bobbing slightly as she unbalanced. Her body dragged slightly against the ground, stunning her just long enough for the mouth to descend. "oh!" she exclaimed, blue eyes wide, hands scrambling for purchase at the side. "Wh--what are you---" for its tongue kept lapping at her sex, making the princess's ears twitch again. She felt a sharp shock of pleasure, making her body arch back, another little breathy noise of pleasure leaving her.
She had to stop: this creature couldn't inflict pleasure upon her!

Monsters and Girls
In general, the monsters should:
  • Be more focused on fucking than defeating or devouring
  • Be equipped for the task, with special consideration given to being very well equipped (cork-screw cocks, knots, ridges, etc.)
  • Be focused on breaking a girl via pleasure, likely because they're also focused on breeding with the potential female (though we can swerve away from it if it's a kink you're not as interested in)

Monster Ideas:
  • Orcs (fave)
  • Lupines
  • Pigmen (fave)
  • Ogres
  • Ettins (2 heads, 2 cocks)
  • Mind Flayers (fave)
  • Monstrous Boars
  • Tentacle monsters
  • Slimes
  • Satyrs
  • Centaurs
  • Lizardmen
  • and more!

In general, the girls should:
  • Be attractive in some form or fashion
  • Be initially resistant or reluctant to fuck monsters
  • Be gifted in their own right (e.g. skilled fighters or magic users)

Loose girl Ideas
(also going to include a few pics of girls I'm highly craving before the more general galleries)
Girl Galleries
(these are loosely sorted by artist; most of the canonical characters within I don't actually know that well; I am game for plays involving Zelda and most Final Fantasy girls)

As the tendril drilled deeper into her ear, she found it harder to keep herself together. The constant mental struggle of keeping the creature out of her mind, away from the magical knowledge and possibly centuries of elfish knowledge, warred with her own growing bodily lusts. She'd spent so long carefully controlling her bodily desires, separating them from reality, treating her body as every elf was taught. That slender frame was a vessel for a soul, a mind, and magic. Yet now the creature stimulated her pleasures in ways she'd never experienced, even before dedicating herself fully to the magical arts. She made her choice, to keep her knowledge secret, and thus the creature attacked her pleasure centers, stimulating them to extremes that went beyond even its expert handling of her body. She let out a sharp cry, her body arching as arousal sprayed from her sex. Her tongue lolled open, eyes glazing, the symbol of a violet heart flickering over the stunning blues. She offered no resistance as it tilted her head toward its face, a tentacle invading her.

Her body, giving way to lust, sucked even as it quivered, another little burst of pleasure rolling through it.

Plot Kernels
(trying to leave these open for us to potentially start unique ideas)
  • Possession Law: a monster has somehow managed to take control over the hero. Perhaps it's direct possession, maybe it's mind control. Regardless, if our heroine wants them to remain safe, she's going to have to play along.
  • At What Cost?: the heroine is a part of a group, and they require something. Perhaps it's passage through a territory, maybe it's a magical item. There's likely a time crunch or something in their way. "Fortunately" the owner, who may be a monster themself, is willing to make a deal.
  • Monster Cucking: the hero and heroine are in many ways seen as the perfect couple, so very in love. However, it turns out the hero has a secret fetish: he wants to see his beloved railed by monsters. Is he really that kinky? Is he cursed? Is he a monster in disguise? Regardless, our heroine reluctantly agrees to a little, maybe with a "friendly" monster, not realizing what she's signing on for.
  • An Orgasm Per Hostage: sometimes the heroine(s) cum just a bit too late, and the villagers/innocents are already taken captive. Naturally they have to be careful: they don't want harm to come to innocents. So when the monsters offer a deal, what choice do they have? Said deal is simple: a hostage can freely go with each orgasm the heroine gets, either from herself or from a monster. Watch the heroines debase themselves more and more, not realizing that they're willingly participating in their own corruption! (Or this is a rare one that could have a semi-happy ending where the heroines just exhaust the monsters).
  • Sexual Infiltration: it's necessary to enter a debauched country for some reason: to rescue someone, do a job, spy on the monsters. This requires our heroine to sneak in under disguise, not realizing this puts her into the hands of some particularly cunning monsters.
  • Lustful Dungeon: there exists a lair packed with monsters and creatures. Inside of this place is untold treasures, and/or possible answers to the monster situation. Brave adventurers must go forth to find out.
  • Protection Racket: naturally some humans know of the monsters and are more than willing to help get pretty things in the hands of foul creatures. Some have arranged protection rackets, purposefully hiring heroines to go through dangerous lands or escort precious cargo, all the while taking money from the monsters in exchange for fresh heroines.
  • Monster Ranch: there's reports of great meat, milk, or perhaps suspicious produce coming from a new "ranch" that's opened up. A heroine or group of heroines is hired to investigate, and by the time they realize what's going on, they're part of the new stock.
  • The Satyr's Romp: there's rumors of an impressive party where certain individuals meet. The legends state that a powerful satyr is behind it. What is definitely known is that there's plenty of sex, and that it's ap place to go for information or a patron. What isn't so known is that most of the actual fucking involves monsters, usually with an audience.
  • Similar Ideas! I've often found the best RPs take ideas that one person has and reworks them or comes up with something entirely new!

She saw it! The opportunity she'd been waiting for! The creature's grimy hands had left her, as it just laid there with a strange look on its face, something like confidence or arrogance, like it already had completed its work. True, the pigman's cock still screwed inside her previously untouched sex, jamming deep within her, though fortunately her anatomy and the holy protections had stopped it from hitting as deep as it wanted. The fiery princess still had her chance. She just had to push off, get the cock out of her, and get away from her. She braced herself, fighting a wince as her hands touched the thick body below. Flexing her body, all those muscles built from years of running wild through these very woods, she pulled up. She bit her lip, fighting a hiss as the cock spiraled out of her, pushing against her sex, stimulating every bit of it. The friction felt far too good, particularly after all the slobbering and hammering it had done earlier. Her body remembered those delightful orgasms all too well, but she knew she had to pull off now, before he burst that final time, jammed deep enough in her not to come back. So she pushed, feeling it press against her, going bit by bit, until she felt it snag just on the edge. With a sharp tug, she tried to free herself...

...only to feel the orgasm burst from inside her. Those pretty green eyes went wide as the pleasure hit, rolling through her. Already shaky knees gave way as the princess, cumming deep, slid down the spiraling cock, feeling it jut as deep inside her as it possibly could go, twisting up all the way to turn the princess into a pretty sow, her orgasmic noises already starting to sound like oinks of pleasure.

Ending Bit

So this got a tad wordy, but I have a lot of ideas and wanted to really make the thread stand out. If you're seeing this in the active subforum, it means I'm interested in writing erotic monster RPs. Feel free to PM me with some ideas, some girl(s), some monster(s), and some excitement. We can work something out and see if we can get something going that we'll both fully enjoy!
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It took all she had not to scream as she felt what she hoped was the tongue wriggle its way ever deeper into her ass. The creature's wide mouth already pressed against her pale cheeks, nearly indenting as it shoved as far as it could go. The slimy, writhing thing kept pushing, regardless of all her attempts at resistance. The rope trap that bound her, she'd expected. Something like this? The assassin hissed, jerking, trying to work free, but her bound state continued to make it difficult. The creature gripped her slender hips as if she were a life line, pulling her further down. She hissed between clenched teeth as she felt the tongue once again delve almost too deep. What the fuck was it even doing? She knew this was some sort of weird sex party, but this thing wasn't attacking her sex, but her ass. Growling now, ears flicking in annoyance, she twisted to kick back, only to have the creature shift. She felt those long, almost creepy fingers slide over her thighs again, then felt one trail along her sex. An unwanted gasp left her, and her eyes went wide, feeling her insides tremble.

She knew one thing: she was not going to cum from some weird monster eating her ass!
"Stop, you freak!" she hissed through clenched teeth, red eyes flashing. Every inch of the ninja spoke of violence, of those years of training in how to kill and overpower her enemies. Yet she hadn't anticipated this creature's thick skin, nor its drive. Her body still quivered from what its tongue had inflicted upon her, abdomen still flexing from the aftershocks of the pleasure it had wrought upon her. Yet she twisted, taking a moment while she had it. For just a breath, she thought she felt the creature's grip slip, saw frustration on that piggish face. But it simply shifted, moving from waist to grab either leg. It placed both to the side, centering itself between, spreading her awkwardly, almost frog-like. She twisted again, getting ready to escape, before the realization hit her:

It had moved her into a mating press, and that could mean only one thing...
"W-w-wait! Slow down!" the cute little mouse-kin begged, hands waving toward the absolute brute of a monster that loomed above her. He'd picked up her petite little body in one hand, angling her toward his cock like she was little more than a noisy fleshlight. While she might not have a wealth of sexual experience to draw on it, she could still pretty easily guess what he was doing. He'd already rubbed the thick head of his way too big cock against her tiny sex a few times. She could feel liquid seeping out of the panties that still clung to her body: the stupid brute hadn't even thought to remove them. Desperate, she looked up to him again, eyes begging. "C-c-come on! I'll---I'll you can use my mouth or I'll stroke it---" she felt him pushing her against the head, and shuddered as her tight body slid against him, their arousals smearing against her. "I'm just too small! You don't---aieyee!" she couldn't help but squeal as the ogre got just the right angle.

Those eyes went wide as she looked down, watching as her lower belly started to bulge, the ogre's impossibly thick cock punching up inside her, stretching her out and giving her sensations she'd never even dreamed of experiencing.

Mal's mouth dropped open as she felt the liquid heat jet up inside her. Thick arms kept a firm grip on her taut body, digging into the durable flesh. Her shredded uniform hung on her toned body in rags, not that she found herself caring much about that. Of far more interest to Mal was the burning sensation in her lower belly. A look down confirmed that the blazing snake tattoo that had slowly been forming while the Salamander fucked her raw flared. The speedster didn't know for certain what that meant, but given the lava-hot sensation in her lower belly, she could guess. Raw power coursed through her body in time, wrenching another all too powerful orgasm from the taut, toned, teen. She couldn't see the golden flare in her eyes, but she could feel the raw magical heat, the power searing its way through her, grabbing onto her quivering, aching body and amplifying the sensations, forcing her pussy to quiver and milk the thick cock within.

That cock had punched so deep as the Salamander orgasmed that Mal swore she could feel the space between her rib cage bulging... and she could feel the liquid hot seed filling, fulfilling the creature's promise of making her his little breeding pet.
The outfit itself made her flush with shame, let alone the position he'd forced her on. Here she was, the great heir to the best demon slaying clan, an untouchable beauty with milky skin, hair the darkest black, and red eyes to match that of the prey whose lives she took so easily. Yet here she lay, in this frilly affair barely counting as a garment, lain back on the bed like a trembling maiden. The sadistic orc demon who'd risen so quickly had a hand on either one of her legs, raising her up like she was some sort of frog on display. The renown slayer didn't even want to look at the creature, but his words reminded her of the situation, of what she needed to say. He bent her legs back toward her head, tightening the bikini pantie against her sex, outlining it perfectly.

The beauty looked back to him, red eyes meeting his: "I am Akane, heir to the Masamune Demon slaying clan, and I want you to pleasure my aching body until I cum like mad, so that you may then fuck me into submission like I deserve," eyes blazed with hate as she delivered the line, wishing she didn't feel the oh so slightest heat developing in her lower belly.
The most powerful fire mage in the realm knelt on all fours like a good little dog, her head bobbing up and down as she gobbled one satyr's cock, while another ran his thick member over her already drooling sex. She could feel her shame mixing with that ever burning arousal, the heat she'd been so desperately fighting since her entry. Her sex felt as if it were melting, as if her flaming magics had backfired and worked their will upon her body. Lust surged through her veins, lighting fires that her magic responded to in perfect kind. The hand through her short blonde hair, the words of praise heaped upon her oral performance, claiming it to be superior to her vaunted fire skills should have earned another cutting look, those green eyes flashing. Instead she felt herself moaning, body trembling. Her dripping pussy parted as the thick, satyr cock entered her from behind. Intense pressure spread as it worked a few inches into her, sawing back and forth at her entrance. The motions rocked the fire mage between the two goat-men, who let out bleats of appreciation.

The greatest fire mage in the realm felt a shivering orgasm roll through her as the two filthy, debauched satyrs spit-roasted her tight body upon their ever eager cocks.
The elf knew it was over as soon as the pressure began building. Her spells seemed to slide off the pig-man's thick skin, save for those first few that had angered and aroused it more than anything else. Likely it had discovered that its soon-to-be-mate had power along with beauty and all those years. Now all that meant nothing, as she felt the curling sensation, the near pop as the twisted, foul thing finally pushed based her delicate nether lips. Within breaths of its insertion, the creature proved every rumor the elf had ever heard, read, or studied about him true. She could feel that unique sensation, his corkscrew spiraling steadily upward, pushing against her inner walls as it worked steadily deeper. It almost felt as if it twisted, drilling as much as shoving forward. The elf's lips parted as the arousal rushed into her, an unstoppable wave. Gone were all her resistances, her training, her poise.

The elf let out a low, shivering moan as she came, feeling the pig-man dick skewering into not only her body, but her mind.
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