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Mx Male The Prince's Ball (NSFW)


May 23, 2024
Austin, TX
I've recently been watching a lot of medieval-era dramas and with the permission of the original brainchild of this thread, have decided to open it here.

The premise is that a young crown prince is coming of age and is in desperate need of a wife - or at least his father, the King, thinks so. The law states that the Prince can't take his father's place on the throne unless he has a spouse, but the crown prince hasn't shown any interest in any of the women his father has introduced him to. At his wit's end, and with a great desire for grandchildren, the king celebrates his son's latest birthday by inviting princesses, noblewomen, and maidens from all over the Kingdom and neighboring provinces for a week-long celebration, ending with the crown prince choosing his new fiancee. There's only one problem: the crown prince prefers the company, and being intimate, with other men.

The prince strikes a deal with his father and agrees to the celebration, as long as other princes and knights are also in attendance. The crown prince convinces the father that he can't be the only eligible bachelor at his party, but the truth is the prince has many lovers all over the Kingdom and neighboring provinces. He figures that he should have something to look forward to. especially since he's being forced to meet every woman who's ever wanted to marry a crown prince, which is, unfortunately, all of them. For now, the prince is biding his time, trying to figure out a way to get through the ball and not end up engaged, yet at the same time, find a way to enjoy himself as much as can.

In this RP one of us would place the crown prince and other players would play princes of other kingdoms or royal knights. As the subject states this RP is meant to be sort of raunchy and even though this thread is meant to be more of a one-on-one, I can make it a small group thread if there's enough interest. All interested parties should send me a PM and we can brainstorm roles from there!

Hope to hear from one of you soon.
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