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Fx Male Tinder's official search thread <3


It's not delusion, It's DiGiorno
Jan 31, 2021
Come one! Come all!
Hello and welcome! Take a look around, stay a while if you please. I'm Tinderbox, and I'll be your ring master tonight! Further down I'll get into a little about myself, My rules and expectations, an expanding list of available plot ideas as well as some simple pairings that I don't have an idea for, but I'd love to work on creating one with you out there.
. . .

To get things started, A little about myself -
You can call me Tinderbox, Or simply Tinder if you are so inclined. I'm what you might call an experienced role-player. I have nearly 20 years experience in role-play. I'm pretty flexible when it comes to plotting a good story. If I'm not 100% about something, I'm usually willing to at least consider and experiment with new ideas. If you see something you like below, but have a few ideas to add of your own, By all means please do. I love having a partner that is invested in making the story equally theirs.
My comfort zone for post length can vary from story to story. I can do anything from 1-3 paragraphs to 10+ if it suits the story. I usually try to at least match my partner. I do write exclusively in 3rd person, and expect the same. I despise 1st person with the white hot intensity of one thousand suns. 2nd person... I've never understood the appeal. It's 3rd person or nothing for me.

Rules -
Third person only.
Don't flirt with me in OOC. I'm not interested. It makes it all feel very gross. I'm here to Roleplay, not looking for hook-ups.

Effort. If the most you can muster up is a single line of dialogue and zero details, Please skip me. We aren't compatible. I don't care if you are the most literate writer, I just want to feel like I'm receiving the same effort I give. What are your characters thoughts, What do they see, feel, smell? I love it all. I want all the juicy details.

The part you actually came to see!!
First, I'll start with the fandoms -

BG3 -
Maybe a longshot, Maybe not. I've been mildly obsessed with this game since I bought it. I love the story and all the little ways it can change depending on what you do or don't do. The first play through I was a little devastated to find I could not have a proper harem with Gale, Astarion and Halsin, and I want Justice. So, Basically, What I'm looking for is a story where we follow the basic plot points in game, with my character romancing her favorite good boys. I understand this might be a big ask, But if there is anyone out there who is interested, hit me up.

D&D/fable/skyrim (Basically, any kind of fantasy adventure)
It has been an absolute AGE since I got into a proper adventure roleplay. This used to be my bread and butter. No definite direction. Just a couple ragtag characters with nothing in common but a common enemy traveling across their world and becoming the heroes that have ballads written about them. Will there be dragons? Most definitely. Horrible dangers around every bend? Most certainly. Villains that need overthrowing? You bet.
Very willing to borrow a story from a game, show or book, Or willing to work together and come up with a new story! The possibilities are endless.

Harry Potter/Hogwarts legacy -
I don't really have a set story in mind. Happy to follow along the basic pre set story with some custom characters, Or to not even acknowledge the main story and just play someone in the background trying to survive. There are a lot of options in this particular universe for everything from cutesy slice of life to depraved smutfest. I can easily play a character who is just looking to be the best witch she can be and finds a sweet romance along the way, Or a poor soul weirdly prone to stumbling into situations that gets them taken advantage of. (Maybe she likes that kind of thing.) Basically, I'm just open for anything in this world. Hit me up. Especially interested in alternate/monster romances. (Werewolf, Centaur, Animagus)

Pokemon -
A bit more of a specialized one not to everyone's tastes. Essentially, A trainer's (MC), goal is to travel the pokemon world and become the best pokemon breeder. There are a few different versions of this that I would like to do, but they all primarily focus around the same thing - Trainer x pokemon.
option 1 - I play the trainer, You play the mons.
option 2 - We both play trainers and each other's mons.
option 3 - A brother and sister duo version of option 2. (Added incest kink)
option 4 - Slightly different. It's a family that runs a secluded island breeding ranch where trainers can bring their pokemon to be bred.

Non fandom ideas -

Family business -
A family thrives off the money they make running their own adult film channel. I figure at least 4 members. Possible set ups include a father/mother/son/daughter or father/son/2 daughters. other set ups also available upon request. I'd like the story to start with the youngest member coming of age and joining the channel, to lose her virginity on screen. Open to including the family dog for those feeling a little more on the wild side.

Student/Teacher -
An older man takes a liking to a younger woman. She's terribly shy unsure of herself. He would love to teach her all about her body and the ways of pleasure. Not specifically a Student and a Teacher in profession. The actual pairing could be just about anything.
Looking for some specifics here - This one would be a bit slower. A lot of teasing and foreplay in the beginning. Training with toys, building up to bigger scenes down the road type of thing. Not a jam it in and go to town type story. Very slow, Very sensual build up. Ask if you want more details

The dark forest -
This plot bunny has 2 different path ways. Cutesy romantic or depraved smutfest. Make sure you tell me which version catches your interest.
Cute romance vibes - A poor young woman is fleeing from some terrible bandits and seeks refuge in the dark forest that everyone in her village is warned to avoid. There is a thick unnatural fog that surrounds the forest. Anyone who passes through it is presumed lost. Having no other means of escape, the poor dear takes her chances beyond the fog. There, she is rescued by a kind monster who takes her to his home to care for her and maybe even teach her to fend for herself.
Smutfest vibes - Same basic idea, But instead of a sweet monster with a big heart, She runs into many different beasts who all want a taste. This one would start off with a very dub/con theme and evolve into full con as she begins to enjoy the forest and all it has to offer, traveling from beast to beast and getting ravished by them all.

Kinks -
Vaginal sex, multiple penetration, Multiple partner (NOT cheating), fantasy, oral, large cocks, Excess cum, foreplay, toys, training, lactation/ breast play, bloating (From cum or cock size) alternate cocks, knotting, sentient beastiality, pregnancy/alternate pregnancy (Eggs), tentacles, age play, size play, incest

Vore, Anything related to the bathroom, Hard non con, Hard BDSM and Degradation/Humiliation

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