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Valorverse: Conqueror Arc

True Grave

Jun 30, 2010
Where The Fight Takes Me
One Year Later

Omega had recovered from the defeat at the hands of Firestar. His power had built back up significantly and was growing even now. It had been so difficult to wait. Every day that passed only increased his desire to smother the world of light. His patience was rewarded exactly one year after Rise's defeat. An unexpected new pawn had just appeared on the board.


Jukei was a member of VAWS, just as Valor was. Unlike his best friend, however, he had not been Soul Bonded to anyone yet. He was one of the many reserves that were kept in case Crusader ever fell. So far, that had not happened yet and Jukei was getting tired of waiting. He had originally wanted to fight alongside Valor, but his jealousy had warped his feelings. He now hated Valor and wanted to prove that he was better than him.

Unfortunately, he wasn't going to be doing that anytime soon. Kept in metallic storage boxes, the reserves had nothing to do but think. He had once been communicative with the other reserves, but he had stopped speaking to them long ago. All they ever talked about was how great Valor was. Jukei wanted his time to shine. He wanted it so badly that he could taste it.


Omega could not have been more ecstatic. The main weapon of the heroes of the light could now be used against them. The Old God briefly lamented that he could not use an Aspect to spring Jukei and use him himself. He would have to use another pawn that could move freely in the world of the light. Dulzak did not deserve a second chance and Blood Wolf was on ice. However, there was another perfect pawn among the Grymwar that he could use.


After Dulzak's defeat, Omega had stripped them of the Blood Magic that they had so venerated. Without that power, the High Priests were merely sharply dressed mortals. There was a revolution and the High Priests were overthrown and imprisoned. A new Chieftain, Vizharr, had taken the throne and was plotting the conquering of several planets. With only brute force, however, they would only get so far. Omega would unite Vizharr and Jukei in a Soul Bond that would give rise to Conqueror, his ultimate champion that would be capable of becoming a Destroyer, just like Crusader.
Omega reached out with tendrils of thought that began oozing their way into Vizharr's mind.

Vizharr, I want to offer you power.

I know who you are, Omega. The old fossil talked about you all the time. You hung him out to dry. Get lost.

Oh, don't be so quick to dismiss your one chance to have everything you've ever wanted.

Like Dulzak got to have everything he ever wanted? You gave him power and then took it away. I want nothing from you.

Not even godlike power? Not even a Soul Bonding?

Vizharr jumped.

A Soul Bonding? You expect me to believe that those Kashans would give power to a Grym?

They won't give it. You will take it by force.

The Chieftain was silent.

Getting interested now, huh?

I take it that you will perform the Soul Bonding?


What's the catch?

That you destroy the heroes of Earth.

The same guys Dulzak couldn't beat?

You will be more powerful than Dulzak ever was. You can become a Destroyer.

A god of destruction? Me?

Yes, you. Simply fuse with Jukei and I will transform you into one.

Vizharr grinned.

Maybe we can do business after all, Omega. An empire will be a cinch to build with godlike power.

Yes, it will. Now go to Kash-Volt and secure Jukei.

The Chieftain stood up and confidently strode out of his palace in the direction of the battleships.
Queen Enjela was meeting with her Cabinet to discuss affairs of state. The meeting consisted of planetary protection strategies, trade news, and zoning talks. The department heads had their projections on digital display monitors and everything looked healthy. The Kashans were doing well in both urban development and natural beautification. Domestic affairs were the main concerns, chiefly on the issue of travel across the country. They were chiefly invested in public transportation and were trying to figure out how to best use it on a global scale.

The meeting was suddenly interrupted by alarms blaring. A ship had breached the airspace of Kash-Volt without authorization. The military was already scrambling and Queen Enjela marched to the War Room in her palace. The monitors displayed monstrous airships opening fire on the city. They were instantly identified as Grymwar vessels. There was no time to waste.

"Put the ships in the air! Have the gunners open fire from the ground! Have the auxiliary evacuate the citizenry to the bunkers!"

The Kashans fought back but the huge ships seemed indifferent to them. Those massive black ships headed for the palace.

"Raise the shields!" Queen Enjela ordered.

Green shields were projected from shield generators placed strategically around the palace. It formed a green dome around the entire complex. The objective now was to hold out while the Kashan air force and anti-aircraft weaponry fought the invaders. Unfortunately, Vizharr had come prepared. The ships began ascending until they were within the stratosphere. After that, they dropped a single massive EMP bomb.

Once it detonated, all electrical systems shorted out. Even back-up generators failed. Kasha was a modern city and so was completely crippled by it. With no means of resistance short of VAWS, they were well and truly defeated. Vizharr descended from his ship and walked alone into the palace. Queen Enjela came to meet him.

Despite the fact that Vizharr dwarfed her, the Queen set her jaw and was defiant in candor.

"Where are the souls?"

"Find them yourself."

"You will take me to them or I will start executing your people. I will make you watch them die."

With no choice, Enjela led him to the storage room.

Vizharr entered and found Jukei's box. After picking it up, he strolled out.

"How disciplined of you to just take one," Queen Enjela said sarcastically.

Vizharr grinned at her maliciously. It was the most horrible grin that Enjela had ever seen.

"One is all I need," he stated with satisfaction.
Once Vizharr and his ships left, Queen Enjela telepathically reached out to Firestar.

The Grymwar stole one of the VAWS souls. It was Valor's best friend, Jukei.

Understood. I'll get the team right on it.

We have to get Jukei back as soon as possible!


Onboard the flagship, Vizharr went into his quarters. Opening the box, he was amazed to see a white soul shining brightly within.

"You will be the ticket to my empire," Vizharr gloated.

The soul ascended, pulled upward by Omega's power.

Let me begin the Soul Bonding by energizing this Voltari Soul.

Hey, you don't need to do that to me, buddy!

I'm not your buddy. I'm going to imbue you with the power of a god. Once you have my full power, I will Soul Bond you to Vizharr.

Omega began pumping his dark power into Jukei. It was not a painless process. The telepathic screaming was horrific.


Firestar's team was shooting into space from Earth aboard The Firestar. Existence heard the screaming and cringed.

"We must hurry! Jukei is in pain."

No one was more worried for Jukei than Valor. This was an absolute nightmare.


Once Omega had poured all of his power into Jukei, he shoved it into Vizharr's body. The Soul Bond was not done gently, like normal, and the pain was agonizing for the Grymwar Chieftain. Every cell in his body was an inferno of pain. He writhed and screamed like a dying animal. The divine power was not meant to be absorbed this quickly. If Vizharr was not a Grymwar with a flawless constitution, he would be dead.


When the white hot pain ended, Vizharr was unconscious. Within his consciousness, he met Jukei.

So, you are the Voltari Soul Jukei?

Yes, and you must be the Grymwar Chieftain Vizharr. I once hated your kind, but now we are perfectly suited as partners.


Simple. We both hate the same people.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, huh?

That's about the size of it.

Vizharr nodded in satisfaction. With Destroyer power, they could both defeat Crusader and build a thriving Grym Empire.


Vizharr woke up and shakily got to his feet. After almost falling down, he steadied himself by putting his hand on the wall. Omega began speaking to him.

Activate Jukei's power to put on his armor. Don't unleash all of his power yet.


You're going to destroy Firestar's ship.

Vizharr nodded and clenched his fists. With focus, he willed the power to come forth. He was clad in white and silver armor. Looking at his hands, Vizharr grinned.

"Holy shit! It really worked."

It's too soon to be impressed, fool. You can now fly and breathe in space. Get out there and unleash hell, Conqueror!

Vizharr exited the ship through an airlock and hovered in the vacuum of space.

What should our first technique be called?

Vizharr curled his arm, clenched his fist, and grinned.


The Firestar was getting close to Kasha. On the bridge, Crusader saw Conqueror hovering in space.

"Dammit! We were too late!"

They knew that Conqueror would attack them, so Existence put up a shield. If it held, Crusader would launch the counterattack.


Conqueror flared up with a black aura. Omega's power had superceded their spiritual energy and so had determined the color. Its menacing appearance fully displayed the intense power that formed in his arm. Just powering up alone was unleashing shockwaves that buffeted The Firestar. Once it was at its zenith, Conqueror grinned maliciously behind his helmet.


A circular black shockwave radiated out from his fist. It struck the shield of Existence and erased it. The man himself was knocked to the ground. Crusader and Lithuel exited the ship through an airlock and shot toward Conqueror like bullets. While they did that, The Firestar headed for Kasha. Those who could not breathe in space could best help on the ground.
Crusader and Lithuel closed in on Conqueror. A flurry of blows followed from both sides but Conqueror was able to block all attacks with one arm each. Lithuel did not bother using his sword and threw both hands and barbs aplenty.

"Catch hands, you discount bitch!"

That got him a punch in the mouth that he ate with a smile. Conqueror's eyes widened as he realized the trap that he had just fallen into.

Crusader lit up the whole exposed side of his body with Million Punches of Valor. The last punch went right across his jaw and probably would have knocked him out if he wasn't armored. Worse still, Crusader and Lithuel immediately followed up with a simultaneous punch to the face with powered up fists. Conqueror went shooting back and his opponents split off to circle around for a pincer maneuver. The Destruction technique saved him from that by blowing both of them away. Once they had recovered, Conqueror still had the same problems.

Although he was just as powerful, Conqueror did not have the skill or fighting experience of his opponents. He had always gotten by on brute force and that simply wasn't going to work here. His armor was holding up, but it was unlikely that he could take another beating like that. Getting into a stance, he kept his eyes on his opponents.

This doesn't look good, Jukei.

Well, what did you expect?!

Conqueror's eyes widened as Lithuel summoned his sword before making it glow with holy energy. Crusader morphed his right arm into the Destroyer Fist and summoned the Sword of Valor.

Oh, holy shit. We are so fucking screwed, Jukei.

Omega's voice boomed into his mind.

Unleash the power!!!

Conqueror did as ordered and let loose the reins on Omega's power. His spiritual power soared and he achieved the Destroyer form. His armor changed in color to platinum and blue. While he was still admiring himself, he disappeared. The Divine Edicts had removed him from the mortal plane. It was a truly clever escape plan.

Crusader looked grim.

"A god of destruction was just born. This isn't going to be good."

"Can't you become a god of destruction, too?" Lithuel asked.

Scott nodded in response.

"I only hope that I can do so before it's too late."
Conqueror looked around and saw new surroundings. The planet he was on was covered in green foliage. The marks of civilization were few but comfortable. It was the most beautiful vision that the Grymwar Chieftain had ever seen.

"What is this place?"

It's sure not Kash-Volt.

Looking up, he saw an indistinct black humanoid shape descending from the sky. It landed and grinned at him.

"Hello, Conqueror. Welcome to the Universe of Gods."


"Yes, this is my Aspect."


"A physical form that represents my shapeless consciousness. I enjoy using a genderless human body the most."

"What is this place?"

"The Universe of the Gods. It is one plane of existence higher than the mortal plane."

"So it's true, then?" Conqueror asked.

Omega smiled suggestively and cocked his head, as if to say 'What's true?'

"I really became a god of destruction?"

"Of course. I told you that you would."

Conqueror was ecstatic, but then had a thought that put a damper on his excitement.

"Can I go back to the mortal plane?"

"Of course. You were born mortal, after all. All you have to do is power down, but don't do that yet."

"Why not?"

"I want you to see the Universe of Gods."

For hours, Omega showed Conqueror around. The planets of Heaven, Hell, and Firestar were just three of thousands of planets. Things existed that no mortal could even begin to comprehend. There was even a planet devoted entirely to warriors. It was to this planet that Omega took Conqueror at the end of the tour. It was on this planet that Conqueror would become a true god of destruction.
Six months later

Crusader had been training with Firestar for six months within his palace. His focus, combat ability, speed, and reflexes had all improved even more. His spiritual power had increased, but he was still nowhere near the god of destruction level. Conqueror had not left Combatia, so it was safe to assume that he had been training, as well. Sooner or later, Conqueror would begin building his empire. When he did, it was go time.


Existence had been training within an ashram in New Delhi. His focus and ability to center himself was improving. Originally started to rein in his telepathy, he now did it for inner peace and tranquility. For someone with his level of power, control in all forms was of vital importance. He had found himself unexpectedly tested, however. Siren had arrived and was making eyes at his handsome, youthful form!


Lithuel had been training in Hell. The brutal, blood-soaked combat was grisly and efficient. His sword and fists absolutely devastated his opponents. Control of his techniques and brutal nature was becoming easier. Mastery of his techniques would make him even stronger. With both steadily growing holy and unholy powers, Lithuel was no doubt getting close to being one of the strongest within Hell.


Spirit Rider had been training in the Wind Temple. His connection to his vessel was growing even stronger. His wind power was also increasing. It was becoming easier to tether himself to the winds passing through time and space. The opening of portals to other dimensions was becoming easier. Best of all, his wind blades could now cut down to the cellular level.


Lone Wolf was continuing to hone his martial arts, as he did everyday. His technique was as flawless as ever, but repetition helped ensure that. The Wolf Clan continued to foster strong relationships with their allies within the United Clans. Lone Wolf had few detractors, especially since he had helped save the world. However, some questioned his commitment to the clans due to his membership within Firestar's team. Thankfully, neither his allies nor the women sharing his bed had any doubt about his resolve.


Shell Shock had been doing his training at Shadowgreen. The combat practice and exercises with most of the Shadow Force were exhausting but worth it. His energy blasts were working great against alumni and instructors. His Muay Thai was even getting better. His unique fighting style was developing nicely. This was good, as he would need to be in great shape if he wanted Firestar to agree to train him.


In between training with Scott, Firestar bankrolled the restoration of Kasha's electrical system. Thanks to his money and the hard work of city engineers, they were able to get the city running like it was before Vizharr's invasion. Queen Enjela was worried about Jukei but Firestar told her that she was likely wasting her heart. He had become twisted by jealousy and no longer had any allegiance to Kash-Volt. Just like Omega and Vizharr, he would need to be stopped. The emotion that would stir in Valor was not about to make that fight any easier.


After half a year on Combatia, Conqueror was no longer reliant on brute force. He had learned multiple martial arts with names like 'Zazuke' and 'Gyxpao'. While some resembled human martial arts, others looked nothing like any of their styles. They were even distinctly different from the martial arts of Heaven and Hell. With his training complete, it was time for the Grymwar Chieftain to start building his empire. He was confident that no one was a match for him.


Conqueror powered down and returned to the mortal plane in his Voltari Armor. Using a technique he had learned on Combatia, he tore open a portal in space-time and went through it back to Grym. When he set foot on his home planet once again, the Chieftain felt at peace.

"Home sweet home," he said.

Exiting his throne room, he surprised some guards, who directed him to the war room. When he entered, his ministers greeted him as if he had never left.

"My liege, we have long awaited your return."

"Chief Minister Monzak, I want the entire fleet scrambled. We are going to occupy our entire star system today."

"But, my liege, that's a dozen planets. I'm not sure we can accomplish that in one day."

"I will be doing all of the fighting, Chief Minister."

The wizened Grymwar arched his eyebrows.

"You've become that strong, have you?"

"Stronger. The training on Combatia nearly killed me, but because of it, I now fear no one and nothing."

Chief Minister Monzak smiled with almost religious zeal.

"Then the glorious new age of the Grymwar is guaranteed!"
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Conqueror ripped opened a portal in space-time and traveled to the planet Fvala. It was an industrial planet roughly the same distance to Grym as Earth was to Mars. The Grymwar Chieftain grinned as he stood in one of its lush natural parks.

It's finally time to begin our conquest, Jukei.

I'm itching to get started

Conqueror curled his arm and flared up with a combination dark purple and lime green aura.

They focused incredible power into their Voltari Arm. They didn't even need a Destroyer Arm for this task. When enough spiritual power had been focused, they both grinned.

Anti-Personnel Destruction!!!

A shockwave of energy erupted from them, spreading out over the entire planet. With ruthless efficiency, it destroyed the bodies of all living things it touched so that not even a shadow was left behind.

Its most heartbreaking characteristic was that being inside did nothing to save anyone. The technique only destroyed living beings. Passing harmlessly through walls, it killed everyone and everything on the entire planet. The Fvala Defense Force had no chance to even know that they were in danger. A genocide took place but left the planet entirely untouched and ready to be replaced by a Grymwar population. It was an evil, heartless act.

(This is Conqueror's theme.)

This barbaric strategy was repeated eleven more times across the Plutarch Star System. No one had even had a chance to fight back. The Grymwar military was occupying each planet, with one General each living inside the palace of each conquered planet. Conqueror had returned to Grym and sat on his throne. He would await the heroes of Earth there. His dearest hope was that Crusader would become a god of destruction, as well.
The huge influx of mortal souls ascending to the godly plane did not escape the attention of Firestar. It was unusual to have so many come up at once. Linking to the Divine Records, the horrifying truth was revealed to him. Conqueror had both begun building his empire and committed genocide in the process of doing so. With this being the most dire of emergencies, Firestar called an emergency meeting at his home on Earth. They had to put a stop to this before even more lives were lost.

After the team was filled in, everyone needed some time to process the news. Although none of them had known anyone in the Plutarch Star System, it was still very grim news. Both innocent and righteous men, women, and children had died horrible deaths. That was always a tragedy, no matter if they were known or not. Crusader and Lithuel took the news particularly hard.

"If only I had been able to stop him six months ago," Crusader said, his eyes closed and tears silently rolling down his cheeks.

Although Lithuel was not a mortal being, it still infuriated him that so many had died so needlessly. He grit his teeth and his eyes burned with rage. Both of them knew what needed to be done. They only needed a few minutes to grieve and accept the consequences of their failure. Once they had done so, it was time to move forward. Conqueror and Omega would not get away with what they had done.

Firestar began projecting his thoughts through Existence.

The plan is that we will attack the Grymwar in six simultaneous solo raids. That will liberate half of the Plutarch System in one fell swoop.

"For an operation of this size, though, I think we should get some help," Crusader said.

Who did you have in mind?


Everyone else was surprised by Crusader's idea.

"The guy that probably hates us, you mean?" Spirit Rider asked.

"I don't believe he hates us at all. I think Rise will help if we explain the situation to him."

"The Divine Edicts forbid your idea," Existence said.

"But there is an appeals process," Crusader replied.

Crusader is right. I can meet with the Judges and petition for a temporary lifting of restrictions under the extenuating circumstances clause. If it's granted, we could do it for a set period of time.

"If the Judges grant the petition, only one of us should go to Rise's world," Lone Wolf said.

"Right," Existence replied, "I'll go."

"No, I will," Crusader said.

"But, Scott--" Existence began.

"Just hear me out, okay? I talked to Rise during the battle of last year. I think that the two of us could work something out. If he refuses and tries to fight me, I'll leave his world and we'll commence the counter-offensive without him."

Everyone thought that this seemed fair.

I'll speak to the Judges, then. The meeting is adjourned.

Despite this, no one moved to leave the room. The circumstances were unreal and everyone was in their own head about it. An entire star system was damn near dead due to the actions of a single man. They could never allow that to happen again.
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