Mx Male High Fantasy Smut

Sep 13, 2020
-32 Years Old
-Replies at least once a day
-Loves OOC talk and making friends
-RPs via PMs, but can be persuaded to RP on threads on site
-Posts between 250-1000+ words

What I Want In An RP Partner
-Decent grammar
-Posts at least 250 words or 3 paragraphs
-Eager to world build with me

-Dirty Talk
-Hair Pulling
-Watersports [Optional]

-Characters Younger Than 21
-Daddy/little Dynamics
-Daddy kinks in general

The Empire
Nocturnastra is an Empire ruled by Umbral Elithri [shadow elf] brothers. Two siblings -- Nivahn and Caind'r -- rule the empire. The empire has Arcanomechanica, minor technology created with magic. The technology is very minor, think 1800s spyglass, but when you look into it, it has the strength of a telescope.

My Characters
Nivahn is the Emperor, the one who treats with other countries. He is an alchemist who is fascinated by different species and magics. He wants to create an Empire of peace. He knows of what his brother is doing in the shadows, but willfully turns a blind eye.

Caind'r is the Warlord. Caind'r's Umbral Inquisitors have free reign to capture, interrogate, and execute anyone in the Empire that Caind'r seems as a threat to the Empire.

Ix'l is a Shifera, a species that long ago isolated themselves from others. Shiferas are living shadows. Ix'l is the head Inquisitor of the Umbral Inquisitors. He is also Caind'r's personal assassin.

Crash Into My Arms
TW: drug use, blackmail
MC: Nivahn
YC: pirate, assassin, pretty much any type of seedy character
Nocturnastra's blackmarket contains many illegal substances. A couple such substance are Shadowroot Essence and Lunar Veil Powder. Despite the risks, every so often, Nivahn likes to go to the drug dens and partake in those two substances. YC recently arrived to Nocturnastra to engage in the infamous blackmarket and underground dens of debauchery. YC does not know Nivahn is the Emperor when they meet in one of those dens and a night of debauchery ensues. When YC realizes who he spent the night with, he begins to blackmail him -- gaining titles, lands, estates, and the Emperor's body. I would love for things to progress outside of blackmail once YC gets the titles and lands and everything.

They Can Never Know What We've Done
MC: Caind'r
YC: leader of the resistance
When the brothers rose to power, many who opposed them were threatened into silence after a purging of those outspoken at the hands of Caind'r and his Inquisitors. YC is the leader of the resistance. During a secret meeting, the Inquisitors launch a raid and YC is arrested. He is interrogated by Caind'r personally. YC makes the interrogation sexual and Caind'r lets him. YC can't stop thinking about that night with the Warlord, thinking he can be the one to make the emotionless Umbral Elithri feel something for someone. He soon begins a dangerous game -- he trades information for being in Caind'r's bed. But can Caind'r give YC what he wants? Or is he truly emotionless?

Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart
MC: Ix'l, Caind'r
YC: courtesan
The mysterious being known as Ix'l roams the streets of Nocturnastra to do his warlord's bidding. His mission is simple this time -- get involved in the guild war and assassinate the rival of the leader. YC is a male courtesan who finds himself caught in the crossfire of the guild war. Ix'l saves YC, nurses him back to health. YC repays Ix'l the only way he knows how -- his body. Ix'l is an extension of his Warlord -- nothing more than a tool to be used. But he gives into his need for once in his life. The two begin to see each other secretly. But there are no secrets being Caind'r's shadow. The Warlord hires YC. This can go many ways. Caind'r can force Ix'l to watch/participate as a way to remind both of them who Ix'l "belongs" to or Caind'r can blackmail YC to do what he wants or YC can convince them both that Ix'l can be both Caind'r's shadow and YC's lover.

Into The Darkness
MC: Ix'l
YC: chancellor
YC is one of the few who survived the purge of the old rulers when the siblings took over. He was appointed Nivahn's advisor. However, YC is not as willing to serve these Umbral Elithri as he seems. Conniving and manipulative, he sets his sights on Ix'l, planning to use their own weapon against them.

I'd Rather Feel Pain
MC: Nivahn
YC: war leader of a barbarian tribe
YC's tribe has been attacking citizens of the empire who have traveled over their lands for six months. Nivahn finally decides to see this war leader and work on a peace treaty with him. YC is a barbarian though and decides he wants to bed and emperor. For once, Nivahn can be himself, let his guard down. And YC enjoys the idea of having an emperor as a toy. This could go into some sort of agreement where they both agree to a peace treaty -- YC's tribe will let empire citizens into their lands peacefully in exchange for Nivahn being the war leader's plaything.
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