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Through the Ashes (A Technological Apocalypse Tale) - OoC & Coordination


Jul 24, 2020
Northern Europe
The Apocalypse.jpg

Historians of today say about almost every great civilisation in human history that they themselves never knew they ended when they did. It is only in the rear view mirror we can determine when it happened. For all we know our modern civilisation could be determined by future historians to have ended years, perhaps even decades, ago.

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Well. You could perhaps put a character in one or both of the other two factions.

The Road Warriors have a leader, a mechanic and an enforcer already (the latter two basically just waiting for a chance to overthrow the leader). Not sure what else they might need at the time other than a few side characters.

Since we are still waiting for @DarkDreamer9110 to make a leader The Activists only really have a semi-neutral hacker with some as yet undisclosed skills in the art of sabotage and close quarters combat. She might also be packing a pistol.

Then again. The ECO faction could use a MacGyver type engineer.
I have posted a link to the main story thread in the top post. So far it is just the background for the story (same as in the interest thread) but I will write an actual starter and have it up some time today.

I will also add the link to the main story thread to both the character thread and the OoC thread.
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